All projects proposed for funding by BP Social Investment (SI) Initiative should be filled in this template. The total volume of the proposal should not exceed 10,000 words. All proposals should be submitted in English.BP is not responsible for the costs taken upon by the applicant for preparation and submission of this project proposal.
Table of Contents
- List of Acronyms
- Applicant Information
- Project Passport
- Executive Summary
- Background and Justification
- Objectives
- Project Implementation and Management Plan
- Project Monitoring and Evaluation
- Budget
- List of Acronyms
- Applicant Information
- Name, tax ID of the applicant organization
- List of partner organizations
- Contact information (phone, e-mail, website, address)
- Background information on organization’s experience in relevant field and in working with BP/BTC/SCP, or any experience working in the regions of Azerbaijan.
- Project Passport
- Project title
- Name of implementing partner (s)
- Geographic focus
- Proposed starting date
- Project duration
- Implementing Partner inputs
- Other donor inputs
- Project beneficiaries
- Executive summary
- What will change as a result of the intervention?
- Summary of project activities expected resultsobjectivesgoals
- The amount of funding requested from BP
- Background and Justification
- The problem or critical issue which the proposal seeks to resolve
- How the proposal relates to other relevant national development strategies and policies
- Whether there are other programmes and activities of other organizations/donors which will complement the projectdescribed in the proposal
- How the need for the project was determined – describe that need
- How target groups were involved in project identification and planning
- What kind of assistance the relevant governmental authorities will provide
- What kind of resources the Implementing Partner and other non-governmental organizations will provide.
- Objectives
- What is the overall goal (expected impact/ desired change) of the project? What will be changed in the society as a result of the project in general terms?
- What purposes or objectives (outcomes) will the project achieve in order to fulfil the goal?
- What expected results (outputs) will the project produce to achieve the objectives?
- Develop a matrix of logical framework of operations(LogFrame/ See Section X) for coherent expression of projects goals, objectives, and expected results.
- Project Implementation and Management Plan
- What activities (inputs) are planned to reach the expected results (outputs)?
- Work plan – implementation schedule;
- Roles and responsibilities;
- Project risks at outcome and goal levels (Should be linked with the assumptions session of the Logical Framework matrix in section X)
- Internal and external
- Health, Safety, Environmental
- Proposed risk mitigation measures
- Community participation
- Gender Mainstreaming
- Number of women and children amongst direct beneficiaries
- Gender sensitive content
- Environmental impact
- Impact of projects activities on environment
- Does the project consider environmentally conscious activities?
- Project Monitoring and Evaluation
- Proposal of Key Performance Indicators (Milestones) for the assessment of projects progress and results;
- Describe how you plan to monitor progress;
- Describe how you plan to control quality of the deliverables and the process;
- Describe output and outcome monitoring mechanisms reflected on the LogFrame matrix;
- Describe reporting standards and mechanism;
- Describe impact evaluation mechanism.
- Budget
- Narrative
For the Budget Narrative,describe each line of the submitted budget with a clear justification and method of calculation. Indicate separate budget for co-matched sections, if applicable (financial and/or in kind).
- Budget
Provide detailed cost estimation in a table. Provide each budget line an identification label (can be a number or a letter, or a combination of the two) for easing reference. Please, note that all numbers given in a budget narrative and table should be identical.
- Logical Framework of Operations
Logical framework is the core document for projects implementation and monitoring. It is an essential part of the project proposal. Please, fill the columns in a coherent and complete manner.
Definition / Progress Indicators / Sources of Verifications / AssumptionsGoal/
Expected Results/
*Please, see the additional attachment providing further information for the development of a good Logical Framework
Privacy and protection of intellectual property
Proposals submitted to BP Social Investment may be subject to review, assessment and analysis by the project staff or external experts for verification or evaluation purposes. BP reserves the right to study the form and content of the proposals and derive lessons learned from them to further improve implementation of the projects in general. BP will only share project proposals with third party external experts under the terms of confidentiality for the purpose of assessment and evaluation of the proposed project.
Should you have further questions regarding the use of the content of the materials submitted to BP, please, contact Social Investment Officers.