an affiliate of the National Association for
Parents of Children with Visual Impairments (NAPVI)
Board of Directors
Gwen Botting, (989) 855-2430
Sheila Wing-Proctor
Vice President
Amy Shepherd
Alissa Williams
John Brink
Teresa Teets
Charis Austin
Professional member-at-Large
Transition Coordinator
Renee’ Baird
Area Representatives
Ann Arbor
Amy Shepherd
Buckley (Traverse City)
Kelle & Sam Tyson
Detroit Area
Jessica Edgar
Flint Area
Cindi Dail
Grand Rapids
Marianne Dunn
Jennifer Diel
Jim Botting
Rob Wing-Proctor
Mt. Pleasant Area
Robin Decker
Representatives to Various State Committees and Organizations
Alissa Williams
Cindi Dail
Teresa Teets
Renee Baird
Marianne Dunn
Gwen Botting
MPVI has federal 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
president’s message, May 2009
From My Heart . . . . .
A cookie party, Sports Day, Braille-a-Thon on the lawn of the capitol in Lansing, Parapro training, Camp T, Bear Lake, White Cane Camping, the MPVI fall retreat……
So many great events – so little time! Check out what’s inside this newsletter for cool stuff to do now that the weather is thinking about getting warmer!
Last month I bragged about the fact that MPVI has reached a point where we don’t have to beg people to serve on our board, and how many people are willing to help us help families with children who are visually impaired. I got an interesting e-mail from our NAPVI rep asking me how we did that! Now is YOUR chance to prove that I wasn’t just bragging!
At least two of our board members have children who are close to graduating, and would like to step down from their posts. Alissa Williams has been our treasurer for a number of years and has valiantly managed the dramatic changes MPVI had seen financially in the last few years, but she feels her time to resign has come. I have relied on her to keep us straight and she has been a HUGE asset to our team. So we know that we will need someone who is good at keeping our accounts organized, and we urge you to “put your name in the hat” if you think you can help us with this. Sheila Wing-Proctor has served as Vice President for several years, and our friendship goes back many years before that. Sheila is facing some serious health issues and feels this time to let her board membership go. THANK YOU ALISSAAND SHEILA! Other board members may choose to resign, but we also anticipate approving new by-laws that will allow for 15 or more voting board members. This means that there will likely be many open seats available to those who wish to participate in MPVI at a deeper level. Please let Gwen or Sheila Wing-Proctor know that you are interested in a possible seat on our board. You do not have to be a parent to be eligible. We welcome teachers, mentors (adult blind persons), students, grandparents, anyone interested in helping us develop our future path. Elections will be held in September at our annual retreat.
Our annual retreat? It’s called “Homemade Fun”! We have rented a camp near Traverse City for the weekend of September 11-13. More information inside!
Hope to see you at one of the events we list here!
Calendar of Events
MPVI Events
Braille-a-Thon sponsored by the Comprehensive Design Team for Students who are Blind or Visually Impaired and MPVI – June 23 11AM – 3 PM – South Lawn of the Michigan Capitol Building, Lansing - lots of fun for everyone!
Homemade Fun! Annual MPVI Fall Retreat – September 11-13, Twin Lakes Camp, near Traverse City. Mark your calendars!
Challenge Mountain 2010 – January 29-31, 2010, our annual ski event!
Events Organized by Industrious MPVI Parents!
Cookies for Mom – Saturday, May 9, 1:30 – 4 PM, Southgate (Detroit area) – organized by Angel McKibben
White Cane Camping – August 7-9, 2009, near Rochester (Oakland County) - organized by Sherry Dittmar
Events Sponsored by other Organizations
Oakland County Parks and Recreation – Goal Ball clinics – May 29, June 26, 6:30 – 8 PM, Southfield (Detroit area)
VI Sports Day – May 30, 8:30 AM – 2 PMsponsored by Spectrum Health and Dr. Pat Droste. For more information see the flyer on the next page or contact Mike Kazmierski at .
Kayak for Light – Saturday, July 11, 10 AM – 4 PM, Ramona Park, Portage (Kalamazoo area)
Events at Camp Tuhsmeheta
Sponsored by Opportunities Unlimited for the Blind
Activities at Camp Tuhsmeheta are not endorsed or supported by the Michigan Department of Education. MDE does not assume any liability or responsibility for events at CampTuhsmeheta
Camp Tuhsmeheta is a camp for children and youth who are blind and visually impaired. The camp is located on almost 300 wooded acres near Greenville, MI. Opportunities Unlimited for the Blind is entering their 7th year of being the provider of activities for our kids at the camp. For more information on any Camp T events, check out the OUB website at
Bear Lake Camp – You can find out more about this camp near Flint at or email at .
Braille Beats – Music, Art, Movement, Independent Living Skills – August 8-16 at Bear Lake Camp. See for more information.
Michigan School for the Deaf and Blind
Parprofessional Workshop – May 29, Kalamazoo KRESA
For more information see the MSDB website at
MSB-LIO has been adding programs and services to their year-long calendar. Please check the website listed above for details.
Cookies for Mom – Deadline this week!
Angel McKibben has organized a cookie baking and decorating party for Saturday, May 9, 2009 from 1:30 – 4 PM. It will be held at the New Heights Community Campus (a church), 11501 Allen Road, Southgate 48195, near I-75 and Allen road between Northline and Goddard. Please RSVP to Angel by May 6 at 313-299-0912 (home) or 313-574-7980 (cell). Angel is hoping a lot of children who are visually impaired, their parents and siblings will come join in the fun!
Homemade Fun – MPVI Annual Fall Retreat September 11-13, 2009 Twin Lakes Camp, Traverse City
MPVI will hold its annual fall retreat September 11-13, 2009 at Twin Lakes Camp west of Traverse City. Twin Lakes is a very nice county - owned park with a large wood-beamed lodge with kitchen and fireplace, dormitories that sleep 8 to a room (bunk beds) and lots of greenspace, woods and trails, and places for fun activities. We will do everything “homemade”, from cooking all of our own meals, to crafts, games, and explorations, all without high tech, although we may allow GPS units for hiking. The camp has a small lake that is very deep and cold, and we expect that it will be too cold to swim, but you may bring small non-motorized watercraft, such as rafts and canoes if you like. Geri Taeckens has volunteered to lead parents in cooking our first meal blindfolded, and all of our kids and parents will be split into cooking teams for the weekend. Tandem bikes will also be welcomed. Details will follow later this summer. Be ready for a GREAT TIME! This is also when MPVI holds it’s annual meeting, so it’s important that as many people attend as possible. Also, please note, this is when we give away gift certificates for technology, and you have to be there to win! We also give two awards, to a Volunteer of the Year, and a Professional of the Year, so get your nominations in!
The First Annual Braille-a-Thon is sponsored by the Comprehensive Design Team for Quality Education for Students who are Blind or Visually Impaired (CDT) and MPVI
Are you learning to read and write Braille? Are you an experienced Braille user? Do you love to play games, sing, dance, eat, and buy things? Well then, sign up to attend the first annual Braille-A-Thon.
When? June 23, 2009
Where? At the State Capitol in Lansing, on the South Lawn and East Steps
What time? 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
What’s happening? Activities include:
1.Braille contests for tactile readers of all ages and levels.
2.Games, including a scavenger hunt, Braille Bingo, Braille Feud, and Limbo under the white cane.
3.Entertainment: Anyone can sign up to sing, dance, tell jokes (clean ones, please!) or give testimonies.
4.Vendors: food, informational, and blind-created or related products.
How do you sign up? Fill out the attached pre-registration form and return it to:
Geri Taeckens,
1131 E. Spruce St.
Sault Ste Marie, MI 49783
By May 29, 2009
Or fax it to: 906-635-1125
Questions: Call or write Geri Taeckens at
Phone: 906-635-3439
Please note…
1. It is not necessary to pre-register; however, it will help ensure you will be able to participate in the activity of your choice.
2. Financial aid is available. If you will need a scholarship for transportation or lodging, you must pre-register by May 29.
Braille-a-thon Vendor Opportunity
If you have products that would be useful for children and students who are blind or visually impaired, you are invited to show your wares at the Braille-a-thon.
White Cane Camping
Sherry Dittmar is organizing the second annual White Cane Camping event in Oakland County. Several families attended last year and had a great time! It’s a terrific way to get to know other families and their children. Please call Sherry at 734-949-5978 or go to her myspace page at You can get the registration form from her.
Michigan Braille Teacher Certification Michigan teachers who wish to become certified to teach Braille in Michigan will have an opportunity to take the National Certification in Literary Braille test in Detroit at the Detroit Marriott Renaissance Center, Saturday and Sunday, July 4 and 5 from 1-5 PM. Certification tests are also being offered in Austin. Texas; Orangeburg, New York; and Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Kayak for Light This event will be held Saturday, July 11, 2009, from 10 am to 4 pm, at Ramona Park, Portage, Michigan. This is a one-day event for blind or sight-impaired people who wish to spend the day learning to kayak, socializing at a beach, having lunch together, etc. Ramona Park is a lovely area with big shade trees, a grassy park area, and a clean, pleasant beach on Long Lake. For information, email or call Bill or Anne Keith at , or phone 231-779-4349, Kenneth Nesbitt at or phone 269-330-1040, or Jim Ellickson, at .
Recommended Resource
Amy Shepherd recommends The Exceptional Teaching, Inc. Catalog, which has a large selection of Braille and Large print books and educational toys. They also have a lot of the Mangold products. Many items have been recently adapted for VI students. It is a great resource. 800-549-6999
Braille-A-Thon Pre-Registration Form
Please return to:
Geri Taeckens
1131 E. Spruce St.
Sault Ste Marie, MI 49783
by May 29, 2009. There is no charge for attending this event.
Name of participant: ______
Birthdate: ______Age: ______
Parents/Guardian Name: ______
Phone: ______
Address: ______
E-mail Address: ______
Attending School: ______
Grade: ______
VI Teacher’s Name: ______
VI Teacher’s School Phone: ______
School Address: ______
Braille reading skill level:
Pre-reader _____ Beginning ______Moderate ______Advanced ______
Number of people attending the Braille-A-Thon with you: ______
Note: Transportation-lodging scholarships will be made available to those in need. You will need to purchase your own food. Please check the following boxes if they apply to you and your family.
Need a ride: ___Yes ___NoNeed gas money: ___Yes ___No
Need Lodging: ___Yes _____No
Please indicate the contest you wish to participate in by checking the space beside the contest or game number-letter. Note: Prizes will be awarded to the top contenders and game winners.
I. Braille Contests
The following contests are divided by skill level. Age is not a factor; however, please do not sign up for a skill level that is below your capability.
____1-B. Tactile recognition contest, identifying tactile shapes in graduated sizes.
Level: Pre-Braille readers, time: ____11:00 to 11:15, ____1:00 to 1:15
____2-B. Reading and writing Braille Letter-number contest:
Level: Beginning reader, time: ____11:30 to 11:45 ____1:30 to 1:45
____3-B. Reading and writing Braille letters, numbers, letter-words, and frequently used contractions,
Level: Moderate, Time: ____11:00 to 11:30, ____1:00 to 1:30
____4-B. Reading and writing grade 2 Braille contest
Level: Advanced, Time: ____11:30 to 12:15, ____1:30 to 2
____5-B. Slate-A-Thon contest, writing with slate and stylus.
Level: ____Beginner, fill in the Braille cells of the slate,
Level: ____Moderate, write with grade 1 Braille and some contractions,
Level: ____Advanced, write with grade 2 Braille.
Time: ____2:15 to 2:45
II. Games
____1-G. Scavenger Hunt
Time: Ongoing
____2-G. Braille Bingo: Blind, visually impaired, and sighted participants are all welcomed
Time: Ongoing from 12:00 to 1:00
____3-G. Braille Feud!
Time: ____11:15 to 11:45; ____2:15 to 2:45.
____4-G. Limbo under the White Cane, in front of the East steps
Time: 1:00 to 2:00
III. Entertainment:
If you would like to entertain on the East Steps of the Capital building, please check the boxes below. Please note that the East Steps will be closed down from noon to 1 p.m., as the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing Band will be playing on the North lawn during that time. All other Braille-A-Thon activities will continue on the South lawn.
____sing, ____dance, ____tell a clean joke, ____read a poem,
____give a testimony about your experience as a blind or visually impaired person,
____Other, please explain.
How long will you need to perform? ____
Will you be bringing a CD to sing with? ____Yes ____No
Will you need to utilize the sound equipment other than a microphone? ____Yes ____No
If yes, please explain. ______
Other needs, please specify: ______
Oakland County Parks Goal Ball
Oakland County Parks announces a new program for individuals with visual impairments. Goal Ball Clinics are scheduled on Fridays, April 24, May 29 and June 26 from 6:30 – 8 p.m. at John Grace Community Center in Southfield. To play, participants are blindfolded. Teams compete by throwing a ball with a bell into the opponent’s goal, then listening for the bell sound to judge the ball’s location. Clinics are open to players ages 6 years and older, with or without visual impairments. Clinic includes 30 minutes of instruction plus one hour competitive play. Cost: $3/week, payable at the clinic. For information or registration, call (248) 858-7596.
For event listings, discount offers and more, visit.
Special thanks to Mary Beth Cullen for networking to make this opportunity happen.
Note: This is open to all--not just students in Oakland County.
Parapro Workshop
Great Expectations, Part 1:
A Practical Workshop for Paraprofessionals Working with
Students Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired
Hosted by Michigan Department of Education, Low Incidence Outreach
Presenter: Mary Nelle McLennan, MA; American Printing House for the Blind
May 29, 2009 at the Kalamazoo RESA, Kalamazoo, Michigan
Cost is only $40.00
This two-part workshop focuses on the concepts, skills, and resources essential for effective practice by paraprofessionals who work with students who are blind and visually impaired.
Part 1 will be held on May 29, 2009. Part 2 will be held in August 2009; dates to be determined.
Who are our students?Unique Needs Created by Vision Loss
Reality Checks: What are your expectations?
Great Expectations
The Essential Role of Assessment
The Expanded Core Curriculum
Psychosocial Aspects of Blindness
Orientation and Mobility
Accessible Educational Materials – Factors, Elements ,and Preparation
Reality Check: Next Steps and Planning for Part 2
Report on Challenge Mountain
What a great weekend! We had 131 people crammed into nearly every available space in Boyne Valley Lodge, with beautiful weather for skiing and the outdoor pool at the lodge. In addition to skiing, several families visited the nearby Raven Hill Discovery Center, a kind of kid -friendly museum where you can actually touch stuff, including live animals.
Our Challenge Mountain weekend is always such a terrific event – it gives families a chance to get to know one another, it gives kids who are visually impaired a chance to try to learn a new “sighted kids” skill, and gives sighted siblings the opportunity to not only learn to ski themselves, but to better understand their sibling who is blind or visually impaired and that they CAN do things for themselves and have to be allowed to learn those skills. Put Challenge Mountain 2010, January 29-31, on your list of things to do next year!
Submit your Nominations for MPVI’s Annual Awards
MPVI gives two awards annually to two deserving people in our midst. MPVI’sExcellence in EducationAward is for a teaching professional – a teacher, paraprofessional or other person in the educational system - who has done a superlative job in the past year or last several years in service to children who are blind or visually impaired, and the Volunteer of the Year Awardfor a person who has donated many quality hours of dedicated service to improving the lives of children who are blind or visually impaired. Both awards are for people in the state of Michigan. We feel the time has come to recognize the people who help make our lives and our children’s lives richer and full of promise. Nominations may be made by students, parents, teachers or friends of MPVI.
If you would like to nominate someone you know for either of these awards, please send the following information to: Gwen Botting, 4175 Westbrook Road, Ionia, MI 48846
1) Nominee’s name and position and school district if applicable, or the group a person has worked with in a volunteer capacity.
2) A brief paragraph or two stating why you believe this person deserves this award.
3) Contact information for the person nominated
4) Name, address and contact information (phone and/or e-mail) for a second person who wishes to support your nomination, if available.
Deadline for nominations is August 10, 2009. Awards will be presented at the MPVI Annual Family Retreat in Traverse City. If you know of a corporate sponsor who might be interested in underwriting these awards, please call Gwen at the number above.