Lead Training and Awareness: JCI Account Training Instructions
This training can be completed in small or large group. Completion target of the training is ASAP, no later than July 1. All Office Staff, Drivers, Technicians, and Warehouse Personnel are required to go through this training. Training documentation is very important.
For the training you will need the following:
· Projector
· Slide presentation
· Training Tracking Sheet (J-31). Under Topics Covered, you must list the following: Training on Lead including Lead Standard Appendix A, Lead Standard Appendix B, Lead Acid Battery SDS.
· Enough copies to distribute to all attending the following:
o Appendix A
o Appendix B
o JCI Lead Battery SDS
o Test
o Lead Document Acknowledgement Form
1. Distribute the training tracking sheet (J-31)—ensure everyone in attendance signs the sheet and it can be read legibly (both Printed Name and Signature). Be sure to collect and retain this sheet in your Training File at the terminal.
2. Hand out the Appendix A and B, JCI lead battery SDS to each participant.
3. Present the PowerPoint presentation.
4. Answer any questions.
5. Distribute the test. Collect and correct the test. Be sure to mark the score on the test in the upper right corner. File the test in the driver file (TenStreet) with the rest of the training documents.
6. Collect the last page of the Appendix A and B. Be sure you have received the signed copy from all participants. Double check again to make sure you have them all.
7. Collect the acknowledgement form for the JCI Lead Battery SDS. Be sure you have received the signed copy from all participants. Double check again to make sure you have them all.
8. Collect the Lead Document Acknowledgement Form. Be sure you have received the signed copy from all participants. Double check again to make sure you have them all. This should be uploaded with the Appendix A and B signed acknowledgements into Tenstreet.
9. Upload the Appendix A and B, and the Lead Document Acknowledgement Form into TenStreet.
10. File the Training Tracking Form in your training file at the terminal. This must be retained—it is critical.