Fundamentals of Aquatic Toxicology (Approximate)

Spring Semester 2008

Tom Waller

Room 310E EESAT

Office 940-565-2982.... lab phone number in case of emergency 940-565-4053

email ,Office hours 5-6 Tuesday, or by appointment

Lecture is in Room 190 EESAT

Laboratories meet in Room 181 EESAT

January 14Monday Laboratory

January 15Tuesday Night Lecture and Lab

January 21University Closed

January 22Laboratory versus Field

Vocabulary Quiz 1-20



January 28Monday Afternoon Laboratory

January 29Water Quality Criteria

Water Quality Standards

Vocabulary Quiz 21-40



February 4Monday Afternoon Laboratory

February 5Test Organisms Maintenance and Culture

Vocabulary Quiz 41-60



February 11Monday Afternoon Laboratory

February 12Acute Toxicity Tests

Vocabulary Quiz 61-80



February 18Monday Afternoon Laboratory

February 19Data Analysis and Interpretation

Vocabulary Quiz 81-100



February 25Monday Afternoon Laboratory

February 26Short-term Chronic Tests-Pimephales promelas

Vocabulary Quiz 101- 120



March 3Monday Afternoon Laboratory

March 4Data Analysis and Interpretation

NPDES Permits, Toxstat

Vocabulary Quiz 121-End



March 10Monday Afternoon Laboratory Exam

March 11Mid-Term Laboratory Exam

March 17Spring Break

March 18Spring Break

March 24 Monday Afternoon Laboratory

March 25Data Interpretation



March 31Monday Afternoon Laboratory

April 1Relationships Between Toxicity Test Results and Ecological Significance



April 7Monday Afternoon Laboratory

April 8Toxicity Reduction Evaluation/Toxicity Identification Evaluation



April 14Monday Afternoon Laboratory

April 15Toxicity Reduction Evaluation/Toxicity Identification Evaluation



April 21Monday Afternoon Laboratory

April 22TMDLs..Site specific modifications....Water quality ratios



April 28Monday Afternoon Laboratory - Practical

April 29Tuesday Night Laboratory - Practical

May 6Final Examination - Tuesday night regular class time

Each definition on the vocabulary quizzes is worth 2 points each.

The mid-term and the final will each be worth 100 points, the final will be comprehensive but will emphasize the material since the mid-term.

Your final grade will be based on the vocabulary quizzes, the mid-term examination, the final examination, and your participation in the discussions and laboratory exercises. The final grade will be calculated as follows: the total number of points in class is 560, distributed as follows mid-term and final 100 points each, vocabulary quizzes 260 points, and laboratory exams 100 points. The total points of the individual with highest number of points at the end of class will be raised to 560 and that number of points, regardless of the number of points, will be added to the scores of all the other students. The grades will then be assigned as 100-90% = A; 89-80% = B; 79-70% = C; 69-60% = D; and 59% and below = F.

Academic dishonesty - Cheating

The term `cheating' includes, but is not limited to:

  1. use of any unauthorized assistance in taking quizzes, tests, or examinations;
  2. dependence upon the aid of sources beyond those authorized by the instructor in writing papers, preparing reports, solving problems, or carrying out other assignments;
  3. the acquisition, without permission, of tests or other academic material belonging to a faculty or staff member of the university;
  4. dual submission of a paper or project, or resubmission of a paper or project to a different class without express permission from the instructor(s); or

e. any other act designed to give a student an unfair advantage.

Matters of academic dishonesty. The following procedures are recommended for adjudicating a case of academic dishonesty, however, a faculty member may refer a case at any time to the Judicial Officer. A faculty member who believes a student to be guilty of academic dishonesty shall provide the student with an opportunity for a hearing, after which, if still convinced that academic dishonesty has taken place, he or she may assign a sanction such as withdrawal from or failure in the course, reduction or changing of the grade, performance of additional work, etc. [In instances where a degree has been or is about to be awarded on work for which academic dishonesty is in question, the department and school/college may also deny or revoke the student’s degree using the same process as noted herein.] Acceptance of the faculty member’s sanction by the student shall make the penalties final and constitute a waiver of further administrative procedures. Once an academic sanction has been assigned, the faculty member [or the department/college/school] shall so inform the Judicial Officer.