Western Australian School Library Association /

Report: Editoric3

November 2012

No / Item
1 / WASLA professional journal, ic3
  • We produced three issues in 2012, on schedule.
  • Continuing to use local printer EC Print (Rockingham). Other option costs will be compared in 2013 to ensure value for money.
  • The journal page count has standardised at between 28 and 32 full colour pages per issue. We have tweaked internal layout to be more consistent with good results.
  • Content is becoming easier to source, as more members submit articles and reports on local library events (thank you!).
  • The feedback from stakeholders continues to be positive – members are impressed by content, design and production values.
  • Quality content is of top priority, with the editor and WASLA committee always alert for relevant articles and reports for the journal.
  • Paid sponsorship and advertising for the journal are a high priority – we seek to secure a major sponsor for the journal, and other advertisers to support the publication. A lot of interest in 2012, but only one firm commitment for a smaller advertising spot. This continues to be high priority in 2013.
  • Goals for 2013 include:
* increasing the circulation via subscription to readers outside the WASLA membership.
* possible themed issues focussing on particular interest areas for school library staff.
* increasing the number of peer-reviewed professional articles included.
2. / WASLA Reviews
We began a new section of the WASLA website this year, WASLA Reviews, to start to fill the gap left by Fiction Focus and support library staff in collection development. With a small but dedicated team of reviewers, we’ve dedicated the site to Australian and New Zealand content, and are receiving great support from local publishers. We anticipate this project will continue to grow over the year ahead.

We welcome people interested in reviewing for the site (we include a selection of reviews in each issue of ic3 as well).
3. / Final comments
It’s been another busy but fulfilling year in the role of editor of the WASLA journal. The generosity of time given by the WASLA committee to support the publication cannot be underestimated. I would like to extend my thanks to all the committee, who have all been so active this year, and to the many people out there in WATLnet land who have supported my role in 2012. I look forward another challenging, exciting year in 2013!
Tehani Wessely, ic3 editor
28 November 2012