2016 DFCM Call for Applications – Application Form
Clinician Scientist/Clinician Investigator/Research Scientist/New Investigator/Graduate Research Studies
Complete and return this form by January 2, 2017 along with an up-to-date annotated CV, letter of support from a Chief/Division Director/Director responsible for the matched funding, and 3 letters of reference to: Dr. Paul Krueger ()
Name:Current academic appointment date of appointment:
Award applied for:
Proportion of protected time for research:
Current Research degrees:
List Career Awards:
Keywords/phrases to describe your research:
Please attach a 5 page description of your research plan for the next 5 years which includes: a detailed description of your research objectives and questions (max 3 pages); a 2 page description of how your research aligns with the University of Toronto Practice-Based Research Network (UTOPIAN); and a description of your research setting and proposed collaborators (max 1 page). In the space below, please provide a point form overview in 250 words or less.
Number, Type and Total Amounts of GRANTS:
Type of Grant / Currently Held / Held Last 5 Years (2012-2016)Number / Amount / Number / Amount
Peer Reviewed Grants:
As Principal Investigator
As Co-Principal Investigator
As Co-Investigator
Other Grants:
As Principal Investigator
As Co-Principal Investigator
As Co-Investigator
Number and Type of PUBLICATIONS:
Type of Publication / Number of Publications(including those in press)
Last 5 years (2012-2016) / Number Under Review
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles:
As Principal Author
As Senior Responsible Author
As Co-Author
Peer Reviewed Abstracts:
As Principal Author
As Senior Responsible Author
As Co-Author
Other Publications: (specify type and role)
Number and Type of PRESENTATIONS:
Type of Presentation / Number of Presentations and Role (PI or Co-I)Last 5 years (2012-2016) / Accepted for 2016/2017
Peer Reviewed Presentations
Peer Reviewed Workshops
Peer Reviewed Posters
Non Peer Reviewed Presentations
(specify type and role e.g. invited, keynote)
International, National and Provincial Research Committees (last 5 years e.g. CIHR Review Committee):
Name of Committee / RoleOther Awards and Recognitions (last 5 years e.g. salary/training awards):
Type of Award / Describe Award(s)Related to Research (specify)
Other Award (specify)
Other Activities (last 5 years)
Activities / NumberFormal Mentorship:
Faculty members
Masters students
PhD students
Others (specify)
Committee Membership (specify University, DFCM, Local Department)
Other (specify):
Chief / Division Director (Print Name) Signature Date
Applicant (Print Name) Signature Date