Holbrook News

Holbrook Lane, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, BA14 0PS

Telephone (01225) 753708 Fax 01225 350034


25th Jan 2018

Block 2, Week 8

From the Headteacher

Parents and Carers we need you! Next week we are holding another set of Wake Up, Shake Up routines at the start of each day. We would like to see how close we can get to our target of 50 parents and carers joining in over the course of the week. It would be inspirational and motivational for our pupils to have adults participating.

Coffee Morning: Our next coffee morning is next Wednesday when I hope parents and carers can join us in the library. I shall be at a meeting of Trowbridge Headteachers but members of the senior leadership team will be present.

SEN: We are looking at our provision for pupils with SEND as part of a review of our work and we sent out survey forms to parents and carers of pupils with identified needs. Coincidentally, we were informed yesterday by Wiltshire Council that Ofsted are conducting their own county wide review so a second letter was sent out to the same parents. The timing is coincidental and Ofsted’s work is not connected to our internal review.

Y4 Residential: Following the meeting yesterday, I hope parents and carers of pupils in Kandinsky Class, as well as the children themselves, have all the information they need for the upcoming residential trip to the Brecon Beacons. It promises to be a very good trip and a wonderful experience. For many of the children, it will be the first time away from home!

Y4 Artists: Three of our pupils took part in a Trowbridge schools art workshop last week. They worked alongside pupils from other schools and were excellent representatives of Holbrook. They will receive Holbrook Blues as a result. Well done to Thomas, Lucy and Aimee.

Sporting Champions: The next Sporting Champion cup will be awarded at the end of this term or the beginning of next. We know a lot about pupils’ sporting skills in school but do not always know about participation in sporting clubs outside school. If you think your child deserves recognition for their skill, attitude or effort in sports, please let their class teacher know.

Roger Whitewick

Future Holbrook TD Days

·  25th May 2018
·  4th June 2018

Dates for your Diary

2nd Feb / Redgrave and Kingsley- prince and princess dress up day and parent open afternoon – 2:00 – 2:45pm (Please note date change)
5th Feb / Kandinsky Parent Open Afternoon – 2:00 – 2:45pm
7th Feb / Somerville Parent Open Afternoon – 2:00 – 2:45pm
9th Feb / Darwin and Nightingale Parent Open Afternoon! Celebrating the end of our topic 'Bounce!' 13;45pm – 14;45pm in the school hall.

Coffee Morning

Come and have a cuppa and a chat after Wake Up, Shake Up! on Wednesday 31st January at 9.00am. Have a drink, a biscuit and a chance to chat to members of the Senior Leadership Team. We would particularly like your comments on anti-bullying at Holbrook.

Mr Percy

Celebration Certificates

Congratulations to all our pupils who received Celebration Certificates in last Friday’s assembly.

Kingsley / Aaran / George
Darwin / Igor / Ophelia
Somerville / Katie / Eleanor
Kandinsky / Keaton / Thomas
Zephaniah / Trinity / Madison
Brunel / Lexie / Lily
Nightingale / Jack / Rhylan
Redgrave / Freya / Oliver
