Opportunities for Christian Service

Brown Bag Lunches for the Coalition for the Homeless

and Eggs & Bananas Collection

Dear SMM School Families:

This year our school is again providing brown bag lunches for the Coalition for the Homeless. We will pack lunches on one Tuesday of every month (the exact date will vary). The lunches will then be taken to the Coalition for the Homeless on the Second Monday and Wednesday evenings when our Parish Youth Ministry volunteers provide and serve dinner. Our goal is to pack 300-400 lunches every month.

Every student in our school will help with this Opportunity for Christian Service. Students will pack the lunches and prepare notes and Scripture cards to be included in each lunch. Two parent volunteers from each class will be needed to help (more needed for K and 1st). Please check the schedule and let your homeroom parent know if you are available to help when your child’s class is packing the lunches.

To help support this ministry, we ask families to send in the following items each month (you are also welcome to buy cases and send them in, we will happily store them):

Kindergarten & 1st Gradespackages of individually wrapped granola-type bars.

Grades 2 and 3six packs of individual serving size packaged raisins

Grades 4 and 5packages of peanut butter or cheese filled crackers.

Grades 6, 7 and 8juice boxes.

Each classroom has a basket to collect these items. The students will bring their baskets to the foyer of the school on the Tuesday morning when we pack lunches. We will put reminders in the Monday Memo, but would appreciate it if you just send in these items whenever you can each month.

On the first Wednesday of each month, we will also collect bananas and hard -boiled eggs at drop off. Baskets will be available in the parking lot for the students to place the bananas and eggs. These fresh items are also taken to the Coalition on Wednesday and distributed for the men to have for breakfast the next day.

This project is a real hands-on opportunity for our students. It is a great way for our children to develop a better understanding of the community at large and the need for Christian involvement. Thank you for supporting this important ministry! We welcome any comments, questions and ideas for the Opportunity for Christian Service ministry.


Laura Jones & Amazonas Lindauer – Homeless Lunches

Michele Brauman & Suzy Scarlatos – Eggs & Bananas