- How many in-school and out of school youth were serviced during the last 3 years (please provide numbers for each year and geographical demographics).
Below are approximate numbers of in-school and out-of-school youth served for the past three years:
PY15 -33
PY14 - 105
PY13- 124
- Are supportive services such as transportation funded by the $460K or is there additional incentives for such?
Supportive services and incentives must be provided using the $460,150. There are not separate funds for them.
- How many employees supported the in-school program in 2015?
In 2015 the in-school youth program was supported by approximately six staff.
- How many employees supported the out-of-school program in 2015?
In 2015, the out-of-school youth program was supported by three staff persons.
- The amount of funds available under this RFP for the selected Service Provider to implement the in-school youth program and the out-of-school youth programs is $460,150.What period does this cover?
The funds in the current youth RFP covers the beginning of the contract up to June 30, 2017.
- The $460,150 available funds in the RFP are comprised of the 2015-2016 youth program allocation and the 2016-2017 allocation. The proposer is advised that the July 1, 2017 funding allocation is unknown to us at this time.Will more funding be granted at this time? If so, for what period?
The $460,150 in the current youth RFP will not be available after June 30, 2017. We will receive a new allocation for the period of July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018 and it will probably be much less.
- Of the total amount of available funds in this RFP, a minimum of $320,237 must be expended on out-of-school youth services; there is no minimum expenditure requirement for in-school youth services.The 320K isthe amount that should be deducted from the 460K for out of school youth services? Correct?
Yes, the $320,000 is included in the $460,150 or must be subtracted from the $460,150. Refer to page 7 of the RFP.
- Are there any other questions and answers that were compiled from the questions and answers pre-proposal meeting? If so, please share.
Yes, there are questions and answers from the pre-proposal meeting that will be posted on the website. We are working on transcribing them and expect to begin posting them tomorrow.
- During the Pre-Proposal meeting, you mentioned that your case managers would be available to support the vendor. What type of support were you referring to?(e.g. VOS training, etc.)
Once the selected youth services provider begins operation, the two Youth Career Services Representatives that are providing out-of-school youth services now will no longer be employed. At the pre-proposal meeting, I stated that I hoped they will be considered for the case manager-type positions the selected service provider proposes. My statement does not bind proposers to interview or hire them and will not be considered in the selection of a youth services provider. Proposers have the right to hire any staff they deem qualified.
The type of support I was referring to includes: Virginia Workforce Connection (VaWC) training, applicable WIOA staff development training, access to our One-Stop Center partner services, the inclusion of eligible youth in adult and dislocated worker occupational skills training classes, etc.
- Does CRWDG/LTE provide any type of insurance for the participants? (Please note, we will have our business insurance.)
No, we do not provide insurance beyond that which is required for a business to have.
- What is the name of the GED prep organization that is located in the Union Street office?
Southside Programs for Adult and Continuing Education (SPACE)
- In the POWER RFP, it says that the contract period ends 6/30/2017. Are funds for the follow-up period allowed to be utilized past that date? If so, does CDWG have a percentage of funds in mind that can be spent on the follow-up period?
Yes, funds for the follow-up period are allowed to be utilized past 06.30.2017 if the youth service provider’s contract is renewed. If the contract is renewed, a new line-item budget will be negotiated for the upcoming program year which will include follow-up services costs for applicable previous and current participants. If the contract is not renewed, the service provider may be asked to provide follow-up services and a follow-up budget will be negotiated or the service provider will be asked to provide the services based on the last contract’s allocation for that line item.
CRWDG does not have a suggestion regarding the percentage of funds that should be spent on follow-up; but Follow-up is a youth program Element.
- If not, how does CRWDG envision the follow-up period being funded.
Refer to the response above.
- Also please provide geographical demographics.
Geographical demographics can be found through the VEC’s labor market information website. There are too many possible demographic patterns for me to send them to you