The purpose of the new independent organisation was to provide a forum for discussion and debate on matters to do with writing, authorship and publication. The scope was wide, including poetry, drama and prose, and was not just limited to academic fields such as research.
Within a year over one hundred members had signed up. The first general meeting was held to stimulate authorship and foster high standards of writing. Since then two conferences have been held every year in different parts of the United Kingdom and Ireland, a policy of peripatetic meetings being followed to enable ease of access by members wherever they lived.
More recently membership has been opened up to all healthcare professionals: nurses, midwives, physiotherapists, radiographers and registered medical practitioners from all branches of medicine, whether in hospital or community practice. / The wider membership was marked in 2002 by a name change to The Society of Medical Writers(SOMW).
Although based in Britain, the Society is international,with members in Australia, France, Malta, the United States of America, Canada and elsewhere.
Our JournalThe Writer is published twice a year with a wide variety of contributions from members, editorials, and news items of significance to medical writers, providing a diverse and entertaining mix of content.
Book reviewsare a regular feature and academic, polemic and medico-political writing are being re-emphasised, together with the categoryAt the coalface for those wanting to write about the current delivery of healthcare.
The society also has a website, which isfull of information on forthcoming events. /
Please send me further details of the Association and of the next conference.
Name(Surname & forenames)
Preferred title style
(Prof; Dr; Mr; Mrs; Ms; Miss etc) …………………………………..
…………………………… Postcode: …………………….
Current post:
Published work (if any)
Tel: (Home)……………………………………..…….………….
Tel: (mobile) …………………………………..……….………
e-mail: ……………………………………………………. / b
With effect from Jan 1st2015Standard Membership: £50.00
Dual Membership: £60.00
Retired Member: £45.00
Dual Retired Members: £50.00
Ancillary Professions: £30.00
Student Member: £15.00
Overseas: Additional charge for
Journal postage £7.50
Subscriptions may be paid by BACs; Direct Debit; Standing Order; or by cheque payable to SOMW. (It minimises administration costs considerably if a BACs transfer, Direct Debit or Standing Order is made.)
Please complete & return this form to:
Dr Julian Randall,
Finance Officer,
Society of Medical Writers,
Acre Rise Cottage,
Upper Ludstone,
WOLVERHAMPTON WV5 7DH / The Society is managed by an elected committee, which meets four times a year.
The present officers of the Society are:
Chairman:Dr John Lockley
Finance/membership: Dr JulianRandall
Editor: Dr Neil Wilson
Correspondence may be addressed to the Chairman or any members of the Committee.
The Society has several categories of membership, ranging from Member and Associate to Fellow and Life Member.
It also runs a variety of competitions through the year. In addition, the Wilfred Hopkins Award is made to members whose contributions to the Society and to writing itself have been outstanding.
Potential new members are welcome to join / discuss admission to the Society with any of the officers or by completing the attached application form. /
Baroness Julia Neuberger DBE
Prof Brian W McGuinness
/ b
Somw / publications / info flyer update 10 12 /