Learning Resource Center, CSUCI2760 Broome Library, (805) 437-8409
Tutor Recommendation Form
Recommendation for:
To the Recommender: The above student has applied for a position as a Learning Resource Center (LRC) tutor and has given your name as a reference. LRC tutors work with CSUCI students to develop their skills in math and math-related topics. Please take a few minutes to evaluate the qualifications of this applicant for the job. Please return the completed recommendation form to the address listed above, via email, or return it to the applicant in a sealed envelope.To check a box, double-click on it, and choose "checked" as the defaultvalue for the second option.If you have any questions about the Center or this form please contact Carissa Romero, Coordinator of Tutoring Services,LRC at x8921 or . Thank you for your help in this process.
What course or courses has this student taken with you?
How would you rate this student’s ability to interact with others?
Excellent Good Average Poor Don’t know
How would you rate this student’s overall ability in mathematics?
Excellent Good Average Poor Don’t know
How would you rate this student’s knowledge of basic math skills: arithmetic, algebra, critical thinking, problem solving, etc?
Excellent Good Average Poor Don’t know
How would you rate this student as a peer leader and positive academic example for other students?
Excellent Good Average Poor Don’t know
How strongly would you recommend this student for a tutoring position?
Very strongly recommend Strongly recommend Recommend
Recommend with reservations Don’t recommendDon’t know
If the student is applying to tutor courses outside of standard mathematics curriculum (science-based statistics, economics, physics, accounting, physical sciences, etc.), please respond to the following questions as well.
How would you rate this student’s overall ability in the subjects that they wish to tutor?
Excellent Good Average Poor Don’t know
In your opinion, would the students in courses related to this subject benefit from having a tutor available at the LRC?
Yes, very much Yes, somewhat Probably not No, not at all Don’t know
Signature (not necessary if sent via email): ______Date:
Position: Phone:
Form adapted from and used with the permission of the CSULAWritingCenter. 11/8/2018