advanced algebra
Course Description, Goals, and Objectives
Advanced Algebra is the third course in a sequence of courses designed to provide students with a rigorous program of study in mathematics. This course is based upon the Common Core Georgia Performance Standards for High School Mathematics, which are designed to expose students to problem-solving, conceptual understanding, and rote skills in a balanced manner. Students will learn through discoverybased activities as well as direct instruction and skillsfocused classwork and homework. See for more detailed information. (Prerequisite: Successful completion of Analytic Geometry.)
This course requires students to:
advanced algebra
- Make sense of problems & persevere in solving them
- Attend to precision
- Construct viable arguments & critique others’ reasoning
- Model with Mathematics
- Use appropriate tools strategically
- Reason abstractly & quantitatively
advanced algebra
advanced algebra
CCGPS Advanced Algebra Units
Unit 1: Inferences and Conclusions
Unit 2: Polynomial Functions
Unit 3: Rational and Radical Relationships
Unit 4: Exponential and Logarithms
Unit 5: Trigonometric Functions
Unit 6: Mathematical Modeling
advanced algebra
A calculator is required for this course. We strongly encourage that you purchase a TI-36X PRO. This calculator will improve your overall grade and greatly improve your performance on all assessments. These calculators can be purchased online or at most office supply stores.Wal-Mart does not carry the calculators in the store, but they are available for Site to Store purchase.Alternatively, you may bring $20 to Mrs. Cabe and we can order the calculator for you. Please make any checks out to Heard County High School. Feel free to purchase these calculators wherever you can find them. If you know another student who has one and is not currently taking Math, maybe you can borrow one.
Methods of Instruction
Students will be given an opportunity daily to participate in class activities to learn algebra, geometry, and statistics concepts by practice.It is the student’s responsibility to come to class prepared to learn and to be a positive addition to the classroom each day. Be in class on time, ready to work, in your seat when the bell rings. Respect OUR instruction time.
- Class lecture/discussion/demonstration
- Guided practice
- Question/answer
- Performance/learning tasks
Grading Policy
Grades will be calculated on a point system for assessment items that include (but are not limited to) classwork, homework, performance tasks, quizzes, tests, and exams. The student score on the Advanced Algebra final exam will represent 20% of the final course grade, as required by the state.
Grading: The HCHS math department gives grades each 9 weeks based on the following percentages.
Daily Work / Homework / 35%Quizzes / Daily Quizzes / 25%
Tests / Performance Tasks / 40%
Final GRADE: (at the end of the semester)
Semester Average / 80%Final Exam / 20%
Quiz/Test Policy
Formal quizzes and tests are announced at the beginning of the unit and will be listed on the assignment board. All quizzes and tests will be timed. Additionally, we will have daily quizzes to strengthen retention of mathematical concepts and review for the final exam.
Make-up Policy
All makeup work is given per the student handbook and attendance rules. Absences the day before a test (except excused extended absences) will not excuse a student from taking a test. Missed quizzes and tests will be taken the day that the student returns. Any work assigned before the absence will be due the day the student returns. It’s the student’s responsibility to make-up assignments. Students are responsible for all announcements and material covered in class when absent. Continuous absences / tardiness to class have proven to be a factor for poor performance in this course.
Extra Help
Please seek help as soon as possible if you are having difficulty, do not wait until the day of a quiz/test. I will be available for extra help; please let me know in advance if you are coming for help, as I may have other obligations. Please note that homework may be graded for completeness and/or accuracy, or as a quiz!! Math tutoring is available before and after school.
General Information
- Participation
- Mathematics is not a spectator sport! A large portion of what we will do in this class will take place in the classroom and you will be expected to participate.
- Respect
- The overriding expectation in the class is respect: respect for you, respect for other students, respect for the teacher, respect for the school, and respect for any guests we may have in our class.
- Prepared
- Everyone should be in his/her seat and ready to work when the class starts. This means getting materials, using the restroom, sharpening pencils, and socializing should be completed before class begins. You will not be permitted to retrieve forgotten materials during class time.
- Cell Phones
- A cell phone caddy will be provided so students will not be distracted with phone usage. Any attempted use of cell phone while in class will be turned over to administration per the student handbook.
- NO FOOD OR DRINKS ALLOWED students may have a water in a bottle that can close
- Keep the noise level down when working in groups. As a general rule, speak so that only those in your group can hear.
- NO WORK = NO CREDIT on homework, quizzes, and tests! Unless otherwise noted by teacher
- All graded assignments are to be completed in pencil or points will be deducted
- Homework: Parents/guardians be aware that students WILL have homework most every night, however the amount of work assigned will be minimal.
- Cell phones (or any other instant messaging system) are not to be used in this class as per the student handbook
Materials:Materials you need to have to be prepared for class daily
advanced algebra
Lined Notebook paper
3 ring binder
Calculator – TI-36X Pro
One pair of earbuds/headphones
Pencils and erasers – lead for mechanical pencils; if not mechanical, a self-contained pencil sharpener
Tissues/hand sanitizer for personal use
advanced algebra
I have read the syllabus for Advanced Algebra and agree to help encourage my child to work to the best of his/her ability.
Student SignatureParent/Guardian Signature Date
Student Name______
Parent/Guardian Name______
Phone Number/ E-mail Address ______