Choose a game to evaluate from the GoodGames2005 folder provided
1. ANALYSIS (60 marks this section)
design concepts
§ Analysis of design principles (25 marks)
§ Suggestions for improvement of design (15 marks)
File type: MUST be editable or GMD (same thing):
Game file size:
Provide a link to the site where others can download the game:
Design concepts 10*5 = 50 marks
Game objective / Describe existing game / Imagine variation or improvement(you are expected to show critical and creative thought in this section)
Game Information and / or tutorial
How helpful / extensive is the initial information about how to play the game?
Can the player configure the game to suit themselves – such as alter the backgrounds, music, difficulty, character?
Is there a choice between single player and multiplayer? Explain.
Goals or Mission:
What is the main goal and describe any subgoals?
Emotions, mood, immersion:
What emotions does the game produce? (eg. happiness, fear, joy, satisfaction, frustration, anger)
How are these emotions evoked?
Do the emotions change at different points in the game?
If the emotions change then how is that achieved?
Do you just need reflex skills to be successful or do you have to think as well?
If you have to think as well then describe the idea(s) that the designer has used to make you think
Control, Balance, Game Play:
Is there a good balance between the players strengths and either the enemies strengths or the decision making required by the game?
Is there any AI? If so describe it.
How are you punished for making mistakes?
Are you punished too much / not enough / about right for making mistakes? Explain.
The best reward is more knowledge about the game. Describe the rewards in this game and do they meet the criteria in the first sentence for best reward?
Are the decisions trivial or interesting? Are there interesting decisions that make a real difference to how the game turns out? (eg. like a choice of weapon might make a real difference)
Are there any special features of the game that deserve a mention?
production techniques
§ Flowboard and Gameplay modes (15 marks)
Do a flow board and gameplay modes to provide a big picture overview of the game
The flowboard should show the branching tree structure of the game, a series of boxes with written descriptions inside. Add connecting arrows (may be single or double headed) with annotations showing the when and the why of transition from one game state to the next game state
Gameplay mode consists of
§ perspective (camera point of view, side on, overhead, etc.)
StreetRace is overhead, Mario is side on
§ interactive mode (avatar or omnipresent)
Clickball is omnipresent, Mario is avatar
§ challenges and actions (add annotations to diagrams or screenshots to illustrate this)
Challenges would be the goal of that phase of the game, eg. to score points
Actions would be how to achieve that goal, eg. to click on the balls
Game Play mode can alter during a game
For example, in a car game you may have one game play mode for making adjustments to the car and another for racing the car
§ Ability to identify well written code (5 marks)
Code should be written for machines to read and for humans to understand
Is text code indented, clearly laid out and easy to read?
Check the code for these features:
§ indentation
§ curly brackets for code blocks and indentation of curly brackets
§ semi colons at end of each line
Does the code have comments? (applies to both drag and drop and text code)
Don’t just answer yes or no, say something about how extensive and helpful the comments are, do they actually help you to understand the code
Provide a section of code to illustrate your answer, if it has comments then highlight them in some way
2) EVALUATION (20 marks this section)
discuss the issues of violence and addiction in video games (10 marks)
The teacher will show you a video, give you some articles to read and organize some class discussion on the issues of violence and addiction in games
You are expected to do the reading, to discuss the issues in class, to provide a written reference section of your readings and discussions and to argue a logical position about these issues based on evidence. You may present your position either in writing or orally to the class. In either case you are expected to refer and quote from the readings and to be able to distinguish between evidence and personal opinion.
(suitable for WBLA)
“Computer games are addictive, violent and sexist. They should be banned.”
Write a 250 word personal response to this statement. You may agree, disagree or partly agree / disagree. State and explain where you stand clearly. You are expected to refer to the readings, to your own experiences and beliefs about computer games or anything else that helps you argue your case.
present a summation about the game design in which you show understanding of the consumers’ needs: (10 marks)
Write a review / overview of the game for a game magazine which
a) summarises the best features of the game from your analysis above
b) states clearly who the game would appeal to and the reasons why
c) Rating: use a 5 star system, the reasons for your rating should be clear
3) COMMUNICATION (20 marks this section)
How effectively is technical language used?
· to what extent has the student incorporated and / or extended the descriptive vocabulary that has been introduced to them (5)
How effectively does the student use and document information and ideas from a number of sources?
· A detailed reference section exists in the students report which provides links or documentation of other opinions about this game and the issue under consideration (5)
· relevant quotations from other documents are used and attributed (5)
How effectively are information, ideas, and opinions communicated? (5)
· ability to either write or talk and express oneself clearly and convincingly
· ability to edit work and avoid spelling and grammar errors
Bill Kerr, March 2005