This Resource Sharing Agreement (“RSA”) (Attachment 1 to the Memorandum of Understanding) provides the shared funding arrangements entered into by the Partners in the ______One-Stop Delivery System serving employers, job seekers and those seeking career advancement in the ______Workforce Investment Area. Through this Agreement, which is appended to the respective Memorandum of Understanding between the Partners and the ______Workforce Investment Board (“WIB”), the Partners have identified the shared costs related to the One-Stop delivery system and the mechanisms for payment of such costs. This Agreement contains the following sections:
I.Parties to the Agreement
II.Identification of Shared Costs
III.Cost Allocation Plan
IV.Resource Sharing Plan
V.Payment and Compensation
VI.Terms of Agreement
VII.Modification Process
VIII.Dispute Resolution
IX.Contract Officers
X.Authority and Signatures
- Parties to the Agreement
The following partner organizations have agreed to provide services through the ______One-Stop Delivery System and to share costs that are of mutual benefit.
A.Workforce Investment Act Title I Programs {insert name of Partner}
2. Dislocated Workers
3. Youth
4. Job Corp
5.Native Americans
6.Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers
B.Wagner-Peyser Programs {insert name of Partner}
C.Adult Educational and Literacy {insert name of Partner}
D.Rehabilitation Act {insert name of Partner}
E.Senior Community Service Employment Activities {insert name of Partner}
F.Carl D. Perkins Act, Post Secondary Voc Ed {insert name of Partner}
G.Trade Act {insert name of Partner}
H.Veterans {insert name of Partner}
I.Community Services Block Grant {insert name of Partner}
J.Housing and Urban Development {insert name of Partner}
K.Unemployment Compensation {insert name of Partner}
- Identification of Shared Costs
The costs identified as shared costs are reflected in the budget document shown as Attachment I to this RSA. The costs are incurred by partners in the provision of customer services through the One-Stop Delivery system.
- Facilities
3.Fax Machine
C.Staff Services
1.One-Stop Manager (50%)
- Cost Allocation Plan
The shared costs as contained in the budget document have been pooled for the purpose of cost allocation. Partners may choose any number of methods to allocate costs as long as they are consistent with the OMB Circulars. The total proportionate share attributable to each partner and the methodology used to distribute the costs is contained in the Cost Allocation Spreadsheet, Attachment II to this RSA.
Facilities Cost Pool The cost of the rent, utilities, janitorial services, maintenance, and security comprise the facilities cost pool. The costs are distributed based on the square footage each agency occupies in One-StopCenter.
Subject to the continuing availability of State, Federal, or partner agency funding, the WIA and the Partners agree to the following: the cost of the ____ square feet of net usable space located at ______, MD, 00000, will be divided based on the square footage each agency occupies in the facility,common space excluded. {Specify if only select partners have agreed to share facility costs.}
The lease on the above referenced facility is held by ______and rent payments total $ ______per annum. The following services are included in the annual rent: heat, air conditioning, maintenance, snow removal, janitorial services (twice weekly) and electric utility costs and repair services. The current lease agreement expires on ______.
The individual agency costs will be adjusted on an annual basis based on changes in the square footage each agency occupies at the end of the preceeding twelve months. Various areas of the facility will be used jointly and considered common space. They include the conference room, reception area, restrooms, waiting rooms, computer labs and the break room.
The Partners’ proportionate share of the One-Stop rent shall be based on the total space of all agencies sharing the premises.
PartnerSquare FootagePCT Share$ Share
WIA Adult & DW2,40032.00%$38,400
WIA Youth 250 3.33%$ 4,000
Job Corps 150 2.00%$ 2,400
Native Americans 100 1.33%$ 1,600
Migrant & Seasonal 100 1.33%$ 1,600
Wagner-Peyser2,500 33.33%$40,000
Adult Education 250 3.33%$ 4,000
Rehabilitation Services 400 5.33%$ 6,400
SCSEP 300 4.00%$ 4,800
Carl D. Perkins 150 2.00%$ 2,400
Trade 150 2.00%$ 2,400
Veterans 500 6.67%$ 8,000
Community Services 0 0%$ 0
Housing Authority 0 0%$ 0
Unemployment 250 3.33%$ 4,000
The WIA and the Partners retain the unilateral right to change the use of the space, and agreement so long as the changes are within the general scope of the MOU and the Resource Sharing Agreement.
ResourceCenter Cost Pool The costs of fax and copier paper, printer supplies, computers, software, the fax machine, and the copier comprise the resource center pool. The costs are distributed based on the number of participants attributable to each partner.
Staff Services Cost Pool The cost of the One-Stop Manager and the receptionist comprise the staff services pool. The costs are distributed based on the number of participants attributable to each partner.
- Resource Sharing Plan
Each Partner agency hereby agrees to provide the resources necessary to fund their proportionate share of the costs as contained in the Cost Allocation spreadsheet. The manner in which these resources will be provided are contained in Attachment III to this RSA- the Resource Sharing Spreadsheet
Other than the items specified in this Agreement, each partner agency agrees to use their authorized funds to provide the services which are appropriate to this agreement, as specified, and are compatible with their mission and the use and constraints of their funding.
V.Payment and Compensation
The WIB (or DLLR as appropriate) shall bill the Partners for their appropriate dollar share of the facilities, as outlined in the Resource Sharing Agreement.
Method of Payment: the Partners shall pay the WIB (or DLLR as appropriate) no later than thirty (30) days after the Partners receive a proper monthly invoice from the WIB (or DLLR). Such invoice will include the WIB's Federal Tax ID Number and will be itemized in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
VI.Term of Agreement
The RSA shall become effective on ______, 2005 and continue until all parties agree or one party gives sixty (60) days written notice to the other party to terminate the agreement, but in any case no later than ______.
VII.Modification Process
This RSA may be modified at any time by written agreement of all parties to this RSA. As authorized by the ______Workforce Development Board, the LWIA Administrator shall have final approval of the format and timing of modifications. Modifications to the MOU will be cause for a modification to the RSA, and shall occur when partner organizations join or leave the ______One-Stop System.
VIII.Resolution Process
The parties to the RSA shall first attempt to resolve all disputes by way of the One- Stop Partners meeting. Any party may call for a meeting of the Partners to discuss and resolve disputes. Disputes may be resolved by a 2/3 majority of the Partners.
Should these resolution efforts fail, the Partners shall refer the dispute to the Chair of the ______WIB within 15 days of failure to resolve the dispute. The decision of the WIB will be final and binding unless such decision is in contradiction of applicable state and Federal laws or regulations governing the partner agencies.
IX.Contract Officers
All communications regarding this RSA shall be conducted through the following Partner contact persons:
Jane SmithWIB
John PotterDORS
Jennifer JonesJob Corps
Joseph CottonWagner-Peyser
James F. CooperVeterans
Judith DavidsonAdult Education
X.Authority and Signatures
The individuals signing this agreement have the authority to commit the party they represent to the terms of this RSA, and do so by signing below.
In Witness Thereof, the undersigned have executed this Agreement on or before the date set forth herein:
Witness:[Insert WIB Name] ______:
Witness:[Insert Partner Name] ______:
Witness:[Insert Partner Name] ______:
Witness:[Insert Partner Name] ______:
Witness:[Insert Partner Name] ______:
Witness:[Insert Partner Name] ______:
This agreement has been reviewed for legal sufficiency by: