Briefing Note - 01.06.11

Sent on behalf of Howard Cooper, Interim Director of Adult Social Services: -


Dear Councillors and Colleagues,

Main developments

  • As stated in previous briefings, Wirral continues to do business with all care home providers who have had their tender submissions accepted, including those who have raised concerns about new price rates via the Fairer Fees Forum. The Council is of the firm view that it has entered into new legally binding contracts with all these care home providers and we make it clear that the Council expects them to honour their contractual obligations, including compliance with the new rates, in full. If any provider refuses to provide care services to any new user/resident then the Council writes to that provider and/or their legal representative setting out its position again and challenging the refusal. We continue to stress that the needs and welfare of the people who use our care services are paramount, and will continue to monitor the situation to ensure that they remain unaffected.

Encouragingly, over the last few weeks we have had a number of providers notifying the Department that they will be accepting care placements under the new Wirral contract and this number continues to grow. Most recently a large provider, which has six homes in Wirral providing over 400 beds, has accepted the revised contract.

  • Following recent site visits to Girtrell Court and Sylvandale, which are still offering short breaks (previously known as respite) to service users, refurbishment plans are being developed. We are keen to upgrade these short break and residential homes (I thought we didn’t have any residential homes any longer?) to a very high standard for our residents and then to look at what sort of accommodation might give long term residents more independence in their lives (what long term residents?). We will continue to keep people who use our services, their families, and our staff informed of any developments.
  • Six additional rehabilitation/ intermediate care beds have been brought into service at Grove and Park House as part of the rolling programme to re-provide these beds in the independent sector. This provision will be extended further, later in the year, through the use of Hoylake Cottage Hospital.
  • The STAR reablement service (which support people on discharge from hospital) has started to take referrals with the new service providers. 14 new service users have been taken on and the new providers have recruited 38 new enablers. These staff have received training from the Council which has been well received. A service user remarked this week that the service has been “wonderful, there is no other word for it, the staff have been helpful and friendly and have given me lots of encouragement since I returned home. I am feeling more confident by the day”.
  • The Council’s new accredited providers of Personal Support at Home have all been notified and the selection process for the re provision of supported living has been taking place over the past two weeks. This has been a phased approach. During the first phase, 17 accredited providers were selected to proceed to phase 2, which took place on 26 and 27 May. Panels of tenants and carers were self selected by each of the 4 areas, and interview questions were designed by tenants and carers. The successful providers will be notified in the week commencing 30 May which will give up to a month of transition between the existing service and the new service, for minimum disruption to the tenants and their families.
  • Our transitional support team continues to work with the people who use our services and their families on a case-by-case basis.We will continue to work closely with our care users to iron out any issues they may have and with the new providers to develop and improve services further. The Care Changes information area on continues to be updated and has been very popular. We continue to liaise with our staff and with NHS Wirral on the dissemination of key messages and information for NHS patients and staff through staff briefings, newsletters and information for hospitals and GPs surgeries.
  • The Birkenhead locality team moved to Rock Ferry during the week ending 27 May 2011 from Westminster House. The co-location to Old Market House for other DASS staff where NHS Wirral already has offices looks like being good news for partnership working with positive collaboration already underway. Our Learning Disabilities Team have already moved to Girtrell Court and planning is underway for more integrated working with health teams from Cheshire & Wirral Partnership Trust.
  • Council members and Officers were impressed by the value placed on the services offered at Fernleigh by service users and carers. The independent sector was not able to provide services at the range and quality that we need when we went to tender in January 2011. Our proposal to close Fernleigh was withdrawn rather than deferred at this time. The Leader of the Council, Councillor Steve Foulkes, has been pleased to confirm that the services provided by Fernleigh are under no threat; on the contrary, Officers are in active discussions with partner from NHS Wirral, advocates, carers and service users on how we can develop and improve our services to people with mental; Health difficulties. This work will be carried forward over the next 3 months and any proposals will be subject to full consultation with service users and carers.

Further information about individual facilities or services can be obtained from:

Head of Service Provision

Principal Manager, Care Services

Service Manager, Care Services

I hope you find this weekly briefing useful and would urge you to contact the people above for more specific information regarding facilities or services. I would also be happy to discuss any concerns.

Howard Cooper