Council Minutes

September 3, 2014– 7 p.m.

Roll Call:Pr. Joe Johnson, Pr. Siri Strommen Campbell,John Miller, Joy McSparron, Lynn Schultz, Mia Kozojed, Jill Hebl, Vicki Dahlstrom, Janelle Quam, Jason Lovasand Dave Nelson.

  1. Call to Order:Dave Nelson called the meeting to order at 7:08p.m.
  1. Devotions: PastorJoe
  1. Confirmation of Agenda– Jason Lovasmade a motion to approve the agenda. Motion seconded byJoy McSparron.All in favor, motion carried.
  1. Old Business–
  2. Bell tower speaker/parsonage roof – insurance claim – Follow-up to be done.
  3. Chapel wall unit air conditioner; slider door – In process.
  4. Project update – Updates provided on drinking fountain, windows, sanctuary wall crack, ladders in bell tower, other.
  5. Rally Sunday – Duties assigned.
  6. Coffee hour – Richard and Barb Prestegord will be recognized for years of service at the 9:30 a.m. coffee hour on September 14. Council is responsible for September coffee hours.
  1. New Business –
  1. Pastor Joe’s Report–Preparations are being finalized for Rally Sunday and the fall schedule. This week (September 7) we will return to two worship services on Sunday morning at 8:30 & 10:30 a.m. We will add a Word & Sacrament worship service from 6:00-6:30 p.m. on Wednesday evenings as a component of confirmation and other Wednesday night programming. Pastor Siri and I will both be attending the Eastern North Dakota Fall Leadership conference at Fair Hills September 8-10. We begin Wednesday night programing September 10. I will be leading the middle school “Castaway” retreat September 19-21. On September 21, OSLC will be hosting the “Authentic Mexican Food” fundraiser following the 10:30 worship service. As noted earlier, I will be on vacation and unavailable September 26-October 3.
  1. Pastor Siri’s Report– Adult Education and Christian Education Teams have been working hard to get ready for the fall. Sunday school teachers are ready to go. Here are highlights of our upcoming programming:
  2. Sundays: We are getting ready for our new curriculum, a new Sunday morning schedule, and Milestone Events throughout the year for each grade.
  3. Bibles: will be given to kindergartners, Third graders, and 7thgraders in confirmation.
  4. Wednesday Night Programming begins September 10.
  • Adult’s study “Making Sense of Scripture,” a DVD series by Professor David Lose
  • Confirmation gathers
  • 3-6th graders act out the Bible
  • K-2 Godly Play- experiencing the Bible through play
  • Nursery
  • Monthly Book Group begins in October with ‘The Story of God and All of Us,” which is the novel based off the Mini-series “The Bible.”
  • Adult Confirmation begins Monday, September 22 at the church. We study the “Enneagram,” which is a spiritual look at personalities in a 4-week series.
  • Quarterly “Speaking of Faith” Series in November, March, and later spring date.
  1. Treasurer’s Report–Jason Lovas distributed and discussed the statement of income and expense by account, and dedicated accounts. He reported that expenses exceeded income by $11,948.63 (year to date). The balance of the media fund is $1,881.69 (year to date).Joy McSparron made a motion to approve the report as presented. Lynn Schultz seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried.
  1. Deacons Report –
  1. Trustees Report –
  2. Front of church – recommendations by February – Trustees to seek landscape architecture options to present to full council.
  1. Committee Reports–
  2. Adult Education
  3. Board of Christian Education
  4. Endowment
  5. Media
  6. New Member
  7. Nominating
  8. Parish Nurse
  9. Personnel
  10. Update on process for hiring new custodial staff
  11. Property
  12. Stewardship
  13. World Missions
  14. Worship
  15. Youth and Family
  16. WELCA
  1. Secretary’s Report
  2. Read correspondence
  3. Approval of minutes. Jason Lovasmade a motion to approve the minutes. Vicki Dahlstrom seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried.
  1. Announcements/Upcoming events:
  2. September 7 – Rally Sunday
  3. September 14 – Celebration coffee hour honoring Richard and Barb Prestegord
  4. September 19-21 – Middle school Castaway retreat
  5. September 21 – Authentic Mexican Food fundraiser following the 10:30 a.m. worship service.
  6. October 5 – Meatball dinner
  7. October 6 – Executive board meeting at 5:45 p.m.
  8. October 7 – Council meeting at 7 p.m.
  9. October 12 – Mayville conference
  10. October 19 – World Food Sunday
  11. October 26 – Reformation/Confirmation Sunday
  12. November 2 – All Saints Sunday
  13. November 16 – Stewardship Sunday
  14. December 3 – Advent Service
  15. December 10 – Advent Service
  16. December 17 – Advent Service
  1. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:56p.m.