Miss Oatman’s First Grade Homework
October 2nd – October 6th
____ Read 15 minutes per day using Raz-Kids, books or magazines. Please fill out the Reading Log on this page. Practice your first grade sight word lists.
____ Math: Topic 3 fluency practice page and Topic 3 homework practice pages for your child’s math practice. This is optional math work for your child.
____ NO ORAL PRESENTATIONS NEXT WEEK due to our Apple Pumpkin Day on Friday.
This Week’s Language Arts Focus: The “l blend” will be the phonics focus for this week with our spelling words black, class, clock, flat, glad, plan, plums, put, slip, what. We are working on Unit 2, week 3 (essential question: “How do we learn about characters?”) and the comprehension skills are finding text evidence, compare and contrast, and listen and retell. The grammar focus is articles (a, an, the) and demonstratives (that, this, these, those), and singular and plural nouns with matching verbs. High frequency focus words are what, put, want, this, saw.
This Week’s Math Focus: We are continuing to work on Topic 3 (addition facts to 20: use strategies). We will continue to work on counting on, doubles, near doubles, and open number line. These strategies are to help your child memorize math facts to 20, an expectation in first grade.
**Apple and Pumpkin Day on October 6th!**
**Fall Festival on Friday, October 13th from 5:00 to 7:00! (We need Parent help for the Fall Festival! Please see me to volunteer!)**
Weekly Reading Log
(complete and sign each week)