1 blank line between title and author names
A.B. Author,*1 C.D. Other 2 (bold, centred)
1 blank line between authors' names and affiliations
1 Institute/Company, Address, Zip / Postcode, Country
2 Institute/Company, Address, Zip / Postcode, Country
2 blank lines between affiliations and text
Your article must be written in English and shall contain 2 to 4 pages (including figures).
1. Introduction
The paper format is A4, with the top, bottom, left and right marginsat 0.8. The font is Times New Roman 12 point, with single spacing.
The main text shall include Introduction, Experimental Work, Results and Discussion parts as well as a Conclusion. 12pt TimesNewRoman Bold should be used for the main sections (Introduction, Experimental…).
1.1. Sub-heading:If sub-sections are included in the paper, please leave a blank single line between paragraphs, without using indents in the beginning of paragraphs.
2. Experimental Work
SI units should be used. In the text and illustrations only standard symbols and abbreviations should be used.
3. Results and Discussion
Figures should be embedded into the text at appropriate places. They should be accompanied by a caption and referred to in the text. A caption in TimesNewRoman 10 pt (centre alignment) must be provided below each figure (please leave 1line space before caption). Example is given below:
Figure 1.ASEAN Council of Physical Education and Sport
Similarly, tables are cited in the text as “Table”, e.g. “Table 1”. A caption in TimesNewRoman 10 pt must be provided above each table. Example is given below:
Table 1. Table title.
Title / TitleTable item 1 / Table item 4
Table item 2 / Table item 5
Table item 3 / Table item 6
4. Conclusions
Equation citations in the text may be abbreviated to Eq. with the relevant number, e.g. “Eq.1” or “Eq.1-3” for a group (numbered sequentially at the right-hand side in parentheses (TimesNewRoman 12 pt)). Equations should be typewritten accompanied by the meaning of all symbols. Equations themselves will be preceded and followed by a blank single line.
References should be numbered consecutively throughout the text and should be collected together in a reference list at the end of the text as shown below. Each number should correspond to a single reference, i.e. multiple references are not acceptable. In the reference list, periodicals [1] and books [2] should be cited in accordance with the following examples:
[1]AuthorA, OtherBC.Title of the article. J Sci Commun 2000; vol: xx-x.
[2]AuthorA, OtherBC.Title of the Chapter. In: EditorC, EditorDE,editors. Book title, New York: Elsevier; 2000, p. xx-xx.