Minutes of Board Meeting
of LLTNP Community Partnership
Held on 21 Jan 2016
Robert Grieve Suite, NP HQ Carrochan
Present:Celia Burn (Chair)
Kate Sankey (Vice Chair)
Elizabeth Bain (Treasurer)
Alan Smailes (Director)
Iain MacInnes (Director)
Sheila Winstone (Director)
Ronnie MacDonald (Director)
Dinah McDonald (BenmoreKilmun Community Development Trust)
Anne Sobey (CP Development Manager)
Marie Harvey (CP Support Officer)
Hannah Robinson (NP Sustainable Development Officer)
Susan Brooks (Associate Director)
Kelly Clapperton-Bates (Director)
Carol Hemfrey (Director)
Gordon Donaldson (Associate Director)
Celia Burn in the Chair. The meeting started at 1.35pm:
Agenda Item / Narrative- Introduction and Apologies
Celia commenced the meeting by welcoming everyoneandnewest electedDirector Dinah McDonald to the Board.Celia welcomed Anne Sobey to her first official Board meeting as the new CP Development Manager. Marie forwarded apologies for non-attendees. The Board discussed and considered changing the Board meetings to fall on a day that all Directors would be able to attend. The Board agreed to set the next meeting’sto be held on a Wednesday.
- Election of Office Bearers
As agreed at the Gathering 2015 CP Office Bearers would retire and be re-elected at the first Board meeting following the AGM. Chaired by Anne, Election of Office Bearers was as followed;
-Chairperson; Celia stepped down as Chairperson. Celia volunteered to remain in post until the AGM if no other Directors stepped forward. No volunteers for Chair received. Nominations for Celia to re-stand as Chair received as follows; First Ronnie, seconded by Sheila.
-Vice Chair – Kate stepped down. Kate advised that she would be happy to re-stand as Vice-Chair unless anyone else stepped forward. No volunteers came forward. Nominations for Kate to re-stand as Vice-Chair received; First Elizabeth, seconded by Iain.
-Treasurer – Elizabeth stepped down. Elizabeth advised that she would be happy to re-stand as Treasurer unless anyone else stepped forward. No volunteers came forward. Nominations for Elizabeth to re-stand as Treasurer received; First Celia, seconded by Ronnie.
2.2 Review of Sub-group membership
Celia advised the Board that all the Sub-groups except for the Communications Group, had met in Q3 and would be reporting back later in the meeting. Celia added that there would be opportunitiesfor Directors to change around sub-groups dependent on where Directors skills would be best suited. With vacanciesavailable Dinah volunteered to sit on the Finance/HR and Memberships sub-groups.
- Approval
ofBoard Meeting, 22nd Oct 15 / 3.1 Accuracy: Celia confirmed that the previous minutes had been circulated.
Anne advised the Board that she had recently attended a Scottish Power Energy Network (SPEN) event. Anne explained how once sites across Scotland have been identified SPEN proposeto financially invest in reducing the visual impact of pylons on the natural landscape.Anne added that they had not previously considered community consultation therefore Annesuggested the CP were best placed to act on their behalf as community agents for the NP area. Details for the next phase will follow in June. Kate advised promoting this on the CP website as the information was not readily available to our communities.
Action: The following amendments to the minutes were required;
Point 5.1: insert apostrophe in ‘Partnerships’ to read ‘Partnership’s’
Point 5.1: amend ‘Ariel’ to read ‘aerial’
The minutes were accepted and Proposed: Kate Seconded: Dinah
3.2 Matters arising from minutes. Updates were given on actions as follows:
3.2.1 Board agreed that the official date recorded for Directors should be the AGM when they are elected. Updated list circulated with board papers.
3.2.2CP Central Banking - Calculate staff/Directors time translate into costs.
3.2.3 CP Central Banking - Review Bank accounts available for charities once new Development Manager is in post.
3.2.4 Agenda item ‘to vote for office bearers’ to be added to next Board meeting after the AGM – this has occurred at item 2.1 of this meeting.
- Q3Report
Anne reported on the recent Gathering thankingeveryone for their support. Anne acknowledged lessons learnt to help influence this year’s programme. Locating a suitable venue for the next Gathering is underway details of which will be fed back to the Board at the next Board meeting.
Area Networks:
Cowal - Iain provided dates for the next CAN.The Board discussed the balance between Community Councils and Community Development Trusts attending and stressed the relevance of the agenda to appealto communities. Celia acknowledged Iain’s time and effort invested in speaking with and gathering communities together making this Area Network a success.
Trossachs - Anne advised the Board that positive connections had been developedin the Trossachs followingStrathard Initiativetalks and CAP discussions.Sheila advised that in Callandera resilience group had been set up as part of the new Landscape Partnership and advised that she felt Callander would only be involved in a Trossachs Area Network (TAN) subject to its relevance. Kate advised that the Community Partnership should remain flexible when responding to Callander and Aberfoyle separately, but at this time the CP should focus on delivering the Strathard Initiative.
Breadalbane - Alan reportedthis community have been working together with Stirling Council to pilotStrathfillanas a self-resilience area. Alan gave examples of how this could work but stressed there were risks, legislative issues to tackle and funds would be required.Anne commented that community empowerment was also about communities taking more control of their local budgets. The board discussed finding the right balance to properly manage the use of locally skilled volunteers to avoiddisplacement of local authority jobs and roles in the community. Celia suggested the CP should investigate what opportunities for community empowerment are available.
Training: Anne advised that a timetable of training was being developed in three separate topics addressing community’s needs. Dates and details in Q4 to follow.
Community Action Planning; The Board discussed the previous arrangements for Directors areas of responsibilities prior to the formation of the four sub-groups. Iain queried if the role of reporting CAP updates to the Board remained with the Treasurer as this was unclear. Anne advised that this routine had changed since the change-over of the twoprevious Development Manager’s, andsufficient detail provided in the live spend overview finance papers and quarterly report meant this responsibility no longerlied with the Treasurer.Anneadvised that a five year schedule had been developed forecasting what stage each community were at withCallanderwho were next and had expressed their interest. Kate suggested part of the CAP process to includecommunity empowerment. Anne advised that areview identifying what additional support and training post-CAP communities required. The results of which will assist the CP to refocus on what its members need and will fed back into the CAP process. Alan added that planning andclimate change such as excess water on roads remained an issue in the park.
NP Park Grant Scheme. Hannah advised the Board that applications had been received from communities and decision letters had been returned notifying each applicant individually. The Board discussed their concern for the future of the grant following the announcement of the NPA’s recent budget cuts for next year.
Dinah queried for health and safety reasons, this year’s challenging weather conditions and the short turnaround made it difficult for some communities to submit an application for the listed buildings grant. Dinah asked if more time could be given to communities next year. Sheila advised that the CP would be happy to support with any publicity. Action: Hannah advised that she would follow up on this.
Alan queried with Hannah what health and safety measures were in place and were going to be installed at the Falls of Falloch.
Action: Hannah advised that she would follow up on this.
The Q3 report was accepted and Anne advised the Board that all other points would be covered later in the meeting.
- Admin
The Accounts were presented to the Board. Elizabeth advised the Board that all papers presented had been tabled and agreed at the last Finance and HR Sub Group meeting.
The accounts were accepted by the Board. Proposed: Iain Seconded: Ronnie
5.2 Budget Monitoring
Anne presented thestaff costs finance papers. Marie advised that the ‘available balance’ box on the Live Spend Overview had been changed from red to blueso not to bemisinterpreted as a minus balance. Anne provided an overview of Q3’s cash flow with payment from the NP received for the Strathard Project to deliver communication and community engagement. Anne added that with a predicted underspend for the Skills Partnership budget that she will renegotiate with the funders how the surplus can be reinvested. Kate advised that historically, Apprenticeship scheme funds had always been carried forward suggesting these underspent funds be used towards a new funding application. Marie reassured the Board that the Apprenticeship scheme funds were not ring fenced.
Celia advised the Board that in accordance government guidelines as a charity the CP is required tohold 3 months funds to cover staff redundancy costs etc. Anne advised that when dealing with Leader it is normal practice toset up a SIS facility and to bear this in mind for the future. Anne asked the Board if they were happy with the level of financial information provided and the way that it was presented. Elizabeth added that the end of year accounts would be presented to the Board at the end of the financial year.
- Board Papers/
6.1 Staffing update
Anne advised that she had enquired into the Third Sector Pensions Trust which manages occupational pension funds for employees of charities. Anne advised that she would take this forward to the next Finance & HR Sub group. Celia advised that following a recent review the CP Protection of Vulnerable Groupspolicy and some other policies requiring attention are to be approved at the next Board Meeting.Anne advised that Fran was now engaged on the Strathard Project until the end of March, Marie would be allocated some extra time to also work on the project,whilst Fiona whose contract hadrecently ended is now working with the NPA’s community team. Anne advised that a review of the CP’s operations will enable staff to be more appropriately developed and managed in the future. Discussions are underway to develop opportunities with gateway communities, and a meetingis being planned with Tullochan Trust to discuss further youth engagement.
6.2 Strathard Ecosystem Project Anne provided an update over Q3 reporting on the progress, challenges and proposed community dates to begin in February, details of which will be on the CP website.
6.3 Skills Partnership/Young Start Q3 paper circulated with end of project update.
- Updates
- Management & Governance
In their absence, approval for the proposed changes has been given by: Carol, Kelly
Celia added that the M&G sub group had discussed changing its name from ‘Loch Lomond & The Trossachs Community Partnership’ to ‘The Community Partnership in Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park’ so that the CP is not exclusive to the National Park area. This proposal has been supported by the NPA. Celia advised with not all Board members present this could be approvedalong with thechanges to the Mem & Arts at the next Board meeting in April.The Board set the date for the EGM for 21 May. Action: Marie and Anne to find suitable venue.
- ii.Membership Services
- Sub group met on the 19th Jan. All points covered in other items of this meeting.
Sheila advised the group had not met in Q3 however have been productive in the previous quarter with the design and production of the partnership in your pocket booklets and CP pop up banners, as seen at the Gathering. A date is being set for the next meeting.
- Finance & Human Resources
7.2 Other
- Leader
Argyll & the Islands – Iain reported that interviews for two Development Officers and two Compliance Officers posts were going ahead to be in place by mid-March. Iain added that he was attending a Transport Meeting on the 29th Jan to discuss plans for the A83 and therefore could not attend the FVL launch.
NP Sub-Lag – Celia reported that bothLeader Lag’s had recently met with representatives from the NP including Gordon Watson; minutes from that meeting are to follow. Hannah added that following a delay to the Sub Lag by one year this had resulted in more funds available for this year. Hannah added that there would be a renewed agreement for the two areas to work together. Celia added that the sub Lag will eventually move to an electronic application process but would accept paper applications until the system was up and running. Alan requested clarification for applications submitted from within the NP area. Celia advised that whilst a NP wide application would trigger the Sub Lag to talk together, it would ultimately sit with the Lag for that area.
ii.Forestry Commission Scotland (FCS)
Upgrades to the West Highland Way now complete. HLF/FCS and NPA funded Work on upgrading BeinnA’an has begun. FCS are continuing their talks with Callander to find a solution to the access and harvesting around the Crags path. Work funded by the Commonwealth Games Legacy Fund to the Lodge House in Aberfoyle is hoped to be ready for the next season and will be used as an outreach centre. Ardgartan Visitor Centre now has planning approval for work to the building and will open again for business in 2016. As part of the joint Strathard Initiative the Duchray Ecosystem Services project on flood mitigation in the upper catchment is on-going, In Strathyre, work is underway to repair the damage caused by storm Frank. Timber prices remain depressed having an impact across a broad front of projects.
- National Park Authority (NPA)
With the Board meetings agreed now to be held on a Wednesday these new dates will be circulated.
- Date of next Board Meeting
Meeting closed at 1640.
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