(All information provided is Confidential)

Personal Information (please print all information )

Full Name: ______

Last First Middle

Address: ______City:______St:_____Zip:_____

Home Phone: ______Work Phone: ______Cell Phone: ______

Email: ______

Employer: ______Occupation: ______

Employer Address: ______City: ______St: ______

Drivers License#:______St:______Exp:______

Do you have Auto Insurance? ___Yes ___ No

Football Coach Information:

Circle Division(s) in which you wish to coach this year (estimate division you expect your child to be in):

Flag Mighty Mite Jr. PeeWee PeeWee Jr. Midget Midget

Child’s name whose team you wish to coach:

If not selected as a head coach, I am interested in serving as an assistant coach this year (check as appropriate)

[ ] In the same division [ ] In another division (list division and child’s name):

List the team that you are applying to be the Head Coach: ______

Reason why: ______

Can you attend all Practices, Games, Board Meetings and Clinics? ___Yes ___No

If not, who would act in your absence? ______

Have you ever been suspended or expelled as a Coach in any youth sport organization? ___Yes ___No

If yes, explain: ______


Football Background:

(Position) (Team) (League) (Year) (Record)




Give your reason for wanting to participate in Cave Creek/Carefree Football: ______



Experience working with other youth organizations: ______


Additional information:

Character References: [List two personal references (no relatives) for character verification]

Name: ______Phone:______

Name: ______Phone:______

Have you ever been convicted of a felony? ___Yes ___No

If yes, when and where? ______


Have you ever been convicted of any crimes against children? ___Yes ___No

If yes, when and where? ______


Other than the above, is there any fact or circumstance involving your background that would call into

question you being trusted with the supervision, guidance and care of young people? ____Yes ____No

If yes, explain: ______



I understand that:

A. The information that I have provided may be verified, if necessary, by obtaining a record check and/or

contacting persons or organizations that may have information concerning me. I hereby release and

agree to hold harmless any person organization that provides information. I also agree to hold harmless

Cave Creek / Carefree Youth Football Inc. and the officers and volunteers thereof and any person or

organization that provides information.

B. In signing this application, I affirm that the information I have given is true and correct.

Signature of Applicant: ______Date: ______

Board: Approval Disapproval Date: ______

Team Assigned: ______

Notes: ______

Cave Creek/Carefree Association of Youth Football and Cheer, Inc. does not limit participation in its activities on the basis of disability, race, color, national origin, gender or religious preference.