Meeting Notes
NMD 8.13.03
Nancy’s opening question –
Do I want to be the next director of assessment or the next cio?
d.t.’s answer – I can see myself doing either/or. I am conflicted. I think the former keeps me in planning and assessment work and connected to the faculty. The latter brings the greatest learning challenges and a closer tie to staff. The former is more research and academy oriented. The latter more cutting edge oriented. Truthfully, I answered the cio side but I probably fit better on the assessment side because it is more purely academic.
Sounds like nancy is moving toward creating two new positions, so which one do I want?
Furthermore, if I want to go for the cio side – she wants my input so she can craft the position opening accordingly. I.e. if I want to apply, she invites my input so she can frame the position with me in mind. I am the only internal candidate for the cio position.
If I go that route, she wants cmp to be the assessment chief. If I go for the assessment side, she wants to hire a cio externally. (don’t think c of c is an issue here.)
A third possibility is that I stay tied to both sides, at least for the short term. I believe that is what she wants for now, with a bit more emphasis on the assessment/planning side.
To Do List
Ask cmp to sit on ufac
Build an assessment baseline – i.e. assemble a summary of the current culture of assessment at Pepperdine – across all five schools
Meet with several people to discuss their view of the current state of assessment
i.e. what kind of assessment is going on now in their area and why are they doing it? What needs to be done with the results? What new kind of assessment needs to be done? Brainstorm and build baseline of the culture of assessment. What is the cycle of assessment they are on and what cycle would they like to be on? In particular, meet with all 5 deans, mark davis, ann kratz, darryl tippens. Thereby build the Pepperdine University culture of assessment baseline for akb and nmd and upc.
Understand the accreditation pressures and expectations at gsbm (aacsb), gsep (apa, ctc, ncate), and sol (aba)
Build program review scheme and schedule across the university – have that be a part of the discussion with the deans etc.
Work on external funding to support assessment
Ask this question – how is your school “preparing students for lives of purpose, service, and leadership”? i.e. role the mission in and ask how we prove that this is happening.
Meet ftf with Beverly in akb’s office about doing ad hoc use of visitor’s office.
Meet with kr to find out where she needs help – in the planning way – with i.t. sp??
Make a site visit to santa clara to meet with Ron Danielson – their cio – who is a computer scientist – to discuss their peoplesoft implementation and their $80M library remodel (where is the funding???) – 408.554.6813
Write up idea on senior interview mechanism as assessment method
- Tie assessment to rtp and to incentive for stakeholders
Have ufac make critiques and recommendations on their program review analyses
Meet with henry and norm asap to strategize
Read nancy’s article on “dealing with the future NOW” by alan guskin and mary marcy
My guess is that nmd wants me to head up planning & assessment and help with technology and that the distribution should be 70/30 or so.
More ideas, later that day – d.t.: time to think like a higher educator. Time to think large and long term. Time to do what you were born to do. Time to apply your skills to the university as laboratory. University as patient. Move from individual issues to systemic ones. If the u. is the patient, who are the physicians? The parts of the u? since when did the arm or leg or eye become the physician for the whole. A kind of christlike
Meet with matt midura asap regarding wms needs/vision