PSEA Executive Meeting

Nov. 4, 2003 at 7:00 p.m.

*The following officers were present:

President Jackie Hudgins

Vice-President Lauren Krulik

Treasurer Alison Lawrence

Secretary Want Chyi

Outreach Katie Muehlhausen

*The “shadowers” and their hoped-for positions:

Amber Coleman (treasurer, vice-president)

Sherman Moody (vice-president, publicity)

Rachel Gibson (secretary)

Kim Morrison (publicity, secretary, outreach)

Megan Murray (publicity, secretary, outreach)

Topics of Discussion:

With regard to offering a PSEA scholarship, all officers agreed to suggest to the new officers for the next term, to set aside free memberships to three deserving underclassmen, and one scholarship for a graduating senior, with applicants considered primarily on an essay.

For senior letters of recommendation and certificates of participation, Want will e-mail the updated attendance to Lauren, and Lauren will e-mail Jill so that she can write the letters of recommendation. The criteria has been solidified to three meetings for a certificate, with an additional community service activity for the letter of recommendation.

Sherman offered to bring packets from the CCO to the next all-member meeting, so members will have the benefit of that career preparation information.

For officer elections in December, Lauren will provide nomination forms that will be due Nov. 17 at 5:00 p.m. in Jill’s office—Katie will publicize this via the listserv. Then Jill, Lauren, and Jackie will meet afterward to provide slated election sheets for the December meeting. All of the “shadowers,” as well as Katie, (who is running for publicity), and Alison, (who is running for president), will be on those sheets. All officers also agreed that the office of Outreach will be split with Publicity, whose job description will also include the making of the PSEA newsletter.

A notebook including all Fall Conference information, as well as for Read Across America Day, will be prepared for next year’s officers.

Dean Hynd will be the guest speaker for the Nov. 12 all-member meeting.

****The next PSEA meeting will be: (Next) Wednesday, Nov. 12, 2003, BRNG 1245 @ 7 p.m.

****The next executive meeting will be: Sunday, Dec. 7, 2003 at Bruno’s @ 6 p.m., for the passing of the binders to the new officers. *Spring meeting dates will be set at this meeting, and later submitted to EOB. A new constitution will also be discussed at this meeting.