ObjectivesTemplate for Health Sciences Staff on Confirmation Path

The aim is to set 2-5 standard objectives in each area of Teaching, Research, Professional Practice and Service and a small number of factors would be used to demonstrate competence. The factors should not try to cover all competencies and should focus on whether the person will or will not be confirmed if the particular factor is not demonstrated. In other words there should be enough objectives to find out if the person, by the end of the confirmation period, is a competent teacher, is an independent researcher and engages in service and/or professional activities. Using this approach, the objectives for a Lecturer or a Senior Lecturer might read as set out below.

For Associate Professors/Professors: the objectives should be individually tailored to specific situations facing the new appointee and the standards required should be still higher.

The Objectives below are the minimum requirements to achieve Confirmation in the Division of Health Sciences. Heads of Departments should discuss with each confirmation path staff member other objectives and aspirations which are considered important but which are not included in the confirmation objectives.

By the end of the confirmation period, to demonstrate sustained competence in Teaching, Assessment and Curriculum Development

Sustained competence will be demonstrated by:

  • Maintaining a good standard of teaching or showing improved teaching, as demonstrated by assessments by students and/or peer analyses done by suitable departmental colleagues.
  • Convening and managing effectively one or more papers, as assessed by the Head of Department.
  • Contributing actively and effectively to curriculum, course, paper and assessment development, as assessed by the Head of Department.

By the end of the confirmation period, to demonstrate sustained competence in Research

Sustained competence will be demonstrated by:

  • Developing personal areas of research expertise which are compatible with the strategic direction of the Department/School and/or wider University, as assessed by the Head of Department.
  • Having published or accepted in final form during the confirmation period a minimum of the equivalent of x quality-assured publications appropriate to the discipline. The majority of research reported in each of these publications should arise from work undertaken since appointment to the confirmation path position. (One of these publications could be a patent.) The quality of the publications will be assessed by theHead of Department and/or Dean.
  • Submitting applications for, and making every effort to gain, appropriate research funding both from within and outside the University – as assessed by the Head of Department. (Consideration should be given to industrial/commercial funding sources.)
  • Presenting x research papers at national and/or international symposia.
  • Recruiting postgraduate students (Master by thesis and PhD – amend as appropriate) and providing good supervision, as assessed by the Head of Department.New supervisors are required to satisfactorily complete induction regarding the key processes and practice of supervision, as assessed by the Head of Department. This may be demonstrated by attending one or more relevant professional development course(s) by HEDC or another appropriate provider.

By the end of the confirmation period, to demonstrate sustained competence in Professional Practice

Sustained competence will be demonstrated by:

  • Contributing to the development of professional practice based on evidence of a scholarly contribution within the profession or discipline, as assessed by the Head of Department.
  • (Amend or delete as appropriate) Maintaining a high professional standard in clinical practice as assessed by the Head of Department (in consultation with relevant clinical leaders).

By the end of the confirmation period, to demonstrate sustained competence in Service

Sustained competence will be demonstrated by:

  • Undertaking departmental administrative tasks willingly and effectively at an appropriate level as assessed by the Head of Department.
  • Being proactive in representing the Department or School in wider University activities as assessed by the Head of Department.
  • Contributing to professional and/or community bodies, societies and organisations at an appropriate level as assessed by the Head of Department.


Approved by DVC (A) 4/11/11

Updated October 2016