2017 Junior Golf Camp
Premier Golf Training Academy
July 17 – July 23
Premier Golf Training Academy and Homestead Golf Course will be offering a beginners and intermediate summer golf camp for children ages 8 – 14 years old.
Young kids being introduced to golf must be shown that golf is a fun game. Children will then be able to enjoy golf the rest of their lives. Premier Golf Training Academy is set up to ensure children are coached/developed with a very high level of enthusiasm and excitement. In Junior Golf Camp, daily curriculum will be on all the basics of golf, building a child’s self esteem, ensuring sportsmanship and golf etiquette.
Junior golfers will be divided into 5 different groups to guarantee the student/instructor ratio is never more then 10 -1. Junior golfers will be shown five different functions of the game that they will be evaluated on throughout the week. Each golfer will earn an achievement pin for all five functions that they will wear proudly on their visor (visors will be provided).
Camp itinerary:
Monday – Friday 8:30am – 12:00pm - Camp
Saturday 8:30am – 12:00pm - Make up day / Driving Range will be open for practice
Sunday 4:30pm - ? - 5 hole tournament
Sunday tournament will consist of a 5 hole tournament (holes will be set up by US Kids Golf standard). Junior golfers will be required to have a caddy (father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, sister, brother). Maximum stroke on a hole will be 8. All junior golfers will receive a participant medal. Junior golfers are encouraged to bring their families to the tournament to help promote the game of golf.Premier Golf Training Academy and Homestead Golf Course will have an awards ceremony after the tournament for all golfers and their families (light refreshments will be provided).
Camp Fees
Sibling discount: / $195
Register Now! Class will be restricted to the first 50 junior golfers registered with payment.
Group with friends!
We encourage campers to sign up with siblings and friends because it's fun! To group your child with a friend, simply provide the friend's name at the time you enroll.
Enrollment: Enrollment forms are available at Forms will be mailed on request by calling Premier Golf Training Academy at (937) 470-7238 or emailing .
2017 Junior Golf CampEnrollment Form
Please complete form and send with payment to:
Premier Golf Training Academy PO Box 22 Tipp City, Ohio 45371
(Make checks payable to Premier Golf Training Academy)
NOTE: You are not officially registered and space cannot be reserved until payment has been received.
Family Information
Parent's Name: ______Address: ______
City: ______
Zip: ______
Home Phone: ______
Cell Phone: ______
Email: ______
Emergency Contact: ______
Participant(s)' Information
Name of Camper (s):______Age: ______Gender: ( ) Male ( ) Female
Date of Birth: ______
Shirt Size: ( ) YM ( ) YL ( ) AS ( ) AM ( ) AL ( ) AXL
Conditions of Enrollment
1. I hereby authorize the directors of the Premier Golf Training Academy Golf Camp to act for me according to their best judgment in any emergency requiring medical attention. I have no knowledge of any physical impairment that would be affected by the above named camper in participation in the camp program. And I hereby waive and release the Premier Golf Training Academy Golf Camp from any and all liability for any injuries while at camp.
2. The undersigned parent or guardian consents to the use of any pictures of the camper to be used in advertising or promotion.
3. Premier Golf Training Academy Golf Camp reserves the right to dismiss any player whose conduct is unsatisfactory. There are certain inherent risks associated with golf. A child will be dismissed from a program for compromising the safety of others. Premier Golf Training Academy Golf Camp is for well adjusted individuals who treat others with respect and value each player's right to a positive camp experience.
Signature ______Date ______
• Please give careful consideration prior to enrolling in camp. Camp fees are not refundable. If you cancel on or prior to June15th your camp fees may be applied to a future Premier Golf Training AcademyJunior Golf Camp during the 2018 or 2019 golf season. The camp credit is transferable to family members or friends. Cash refunds will not be offered.
• If you need to cancel, please call (937)470-7238 and leave a detailed message.