Discouragement:Ex.15,2 Kings13…next message:Mt.11
“Dealing with Discouragement”-Neh.4:6-10
a building project….rebuilding the walls that crumbled around
Jerusalem…God’s work had fallen into disrepair,disrepute,and
decay… God had a man…told Nehemiah to rebuild the wall……
we are all to be wall builders…walls in our lives…protection,
seperation,and identification….protect your family,your faith,
and your future….walls of defense…doctrine…decency…duty….
rise up to build and the devil will try to stop you….discourage-
ment…***so low you can sit on the curb and dangle your feet**
way to defeat discouragement….a way to get up when you are
I-The Causes for Discouragement
A-fatigue (v.10)
a-tired of carrying a load
b-Jesus got tired….the well,went to sleep in the back of a ship
c-become physically tired and get discouraged
a-(v.6)..job half done*****half way up the mtn….new car*******
b-they were worn out!!!!!
B-frustration (“rubbish”)
1-dig thru the rubbish to reach the old stones!!!!
2-remove the rubbish to rebuild!!!
a-the task was not glamorous
b-worn out and weighted down
1-***organizational rubbish..moral..theological..traditional…
emotional…***sort thru all of it to build
2-***”Just can’t be done”*****
C-fear (v.11)
1-threats****John 15:17-21------
D-failure (v.12)
1-***giving a drink of water to a drowning man****
II-The Remedy for Discouragement
A-renew your strength (v.21-22) “fatigue”
1-some rest while others work
2- - - - -I Kings 19:4-8 - - --
a-***pity party…”die”..Jezebel…unanswered prayer***
b-never make a major decision when you are fatigued or
c-take care of the temple of God!!!***you heap big Indian,
me heap big preacher…”me heap big Indian;you just big
B-renew your strategy (v.13-14) “frustration”
1-trying to do the right thing in the wrong way!
2-need some think time!
3-didn’t give up the goal…just refocused
C-revive your spirit (v.14) “fear”
1-remember God’s goodness in the past
a-***psychologists tell us that gratefulness is one of the
healthiest emotions that you can have
b-hard to be grateful and discouraged
2-remember God’s closeness in the present
3-remember God’s faithfulness in the future
a-***fear is simply forgetting God!!! “For God hath not
given us the spirit of fear.” - - -Ps. 27:1-4_------
D-resolve your success (v.14-15) “failure”
1-“I will by the grace of God succeed.”
2-***”It’s always to soon to quit.”***
a-v.14a:”Remember the Lord”
b-v.14b:”remember what is at stake”
close:May our theme song be;”I’LL never let go!”
Freedom:12-02-01 s.n.