Directions:For each of the following statements, except where given alternative choices,
indicate on a Scantron whether you:
(A)strongly agree
(D)strongly disagree
(E)neutral / don’t know
- GavilanCollege is a positive and supportive educational environment.
- The College acknowledges and supports diversity (i.e., ethnicity, gender, disabilities, learning styles, etc.)
- The class schedule is well organized and readable.
- The course catalog is well organized and readable.
- Grading policies are clearly defined and fair.
- There are adequate resources for under-represented groups (i.e., disabled, limited English speaking/ Second Language Learners, re-entry students, senior citizens, etc.)
- Students are included in planning, evaluation, and research at the College.
- I am interested in electronic registration. (A) Yes (B) No
- Given a choice, when would you prefer to attend college classes? (A) mornings:8-12 (B) afternoons: 1 – 5 (C) evenings: 6 - 10
- Given a choice, which days would you prefer to attend college classes? (A) daily: M-F (B) 3 days a week: e.g. MWF (C) 2 days a week: e.g. MW or TTh (D) 1 day a week: e.g. M (E) weekends
- I have access to the Internet at home. (A) Yes (B) No
- What other courses would you like to take that are not presently offered?
a. ______b. ______c. ______d. ______e. ______f. ______
- There are adequate opportunities to participate in inter-collegiate sports.
- I am required to demonstrate writing skills, such as essay exam questions, papers or reports, in each of my general education classes.
- I am frequently required in my courses to interact with other students in group activities.
- It is easy to get an appointment with an advisor/academic counselor.
- My advisor/academic counselor has been able to adequately answer my questions.
- I have found the information and advice provided by my advisor/counselor to be reliable and accurate.
- How many hours a week do you work outside of school? (A) 0 (B) 1 – 10 (C) 11 – 20 (D) 21 – 30 (E) more than 30
- I am able to schedule both my classes and work to meet my academic and financial needs.
- I have found the information in the college catalog to be current and accurate.
- I have found the information in the class schedules to be current and accurate.
- Transfer from local high schools is smooth, with adequate counseling and preparation.
- The availability of student computing facilities (Library, MediaCenter, Computer Place, and other labs) meets my needs.
- The MediaCenter and Computer Place have sufficient staff to meet my needs.
- The Library has adequate staff to provide support in the use of resources and technology.
- The Library is open when I need it.
- The Library has adequate and up-to-date resources for my needs.
- I receive at least one assignment per semester that requires the use of the Library.
- I make regular use of the LearningResourceCenter.
- The services provided by the PlacementCenter meet my needs.
- The Admissions staff is helpful in assisting with applications, transcript requests, drop requests, etc.
- The services provided by the Financial Aid Office meet my needs.
- The services provided by Student Health Services meet my needs.
- If you have dropped any classes this year, what was your main reason?
(A) class was to easy or too hard (B) not enough tutoring available (C) problems with your job or taking too many classes (D) family and/or financial reasons (E) didn’t like the instructor
- The Book Store is helpful in finding the books and supplies that I need.
- The Cafeteria provides acceptable service.
- The Associated Student Body (ASB) provides adequate campus activities.
- I believe the Associated Student Body (ASB) is effective in representing students.
The following items about you are important for us to understand how each group of people have responded to the questions above. Mark your answers to the best of your knowledge.
- My gender: (A) female (B) male
- My ethnicity: (A) African American (B) American Indian (C) Asian/ Pacific Islander (D) Filipino
- (A) Hispanic/Latino (B) White, non-Hispanic (C) Mixed Race Parentage
- My age group: (A) under 20 (B) 20 – 25 (C) 26 – 30 (D) 31 – 40 (E) over 40
- How many units (credit hours) are you enrolled in this semester?
(A) 1 – 2 (B) 3 – 5 (C) 6 – 9 (D) 10 – 12 (E) over 12
- I attend classes mostly at the (A) main campus in Gilroy (B) Hollister site (C) Morgan Hill site (D) other
- My main purpose in attending Gavilan College is: (A) for personal enrichment (B) to acquire job skills but no degree or certificate (C) to earn a certificate or a license in a vocational field (D) to earn an Associate degree (E) to prepare for transfer to a 4-year college or university.
- In how many ESL (English as a Second Language) courses are you enrolled this semester? (A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 3 (E) more than 3
- How far do you commute one way to attend classes at Gavilan? (A) 0 – 5 miles (B) 6 – 15 miles
(C)16 – 25 miles (D) 26 – 50 miles (E) more than 50 miles.