Relics of WWII (A13)
For students, we aimto:
- stimulate the interest for promotion of localhistory at nationaland European level
- increase the motivationtostudyhistory, encourage the creativity, exchange the best practices
- offer to the students the opportunity todiscover a "different history" (non-formal/in-formal), byusing different methods of Historicalinvestigationandresearches
- develop the digital skills, bycreatinganelectronicbooksandusingsocialnetworks
- develop the communication skills in English and the abilitytocooperatewithstudentsfromothercountries; bysupportingconversations on common themes, studentswillimprovetheirabilitytospeak English
- create a betterunderstanding of the concernedperiod; itwillimprovetheir research andpresentation skills
- allowthemtoseeHistorythroughtheirowneyes, andalso the way in peoplefrom different countriescopedwithdifficultperiodsfromtheir past
- improvetheirsocial skills, their awareness of European citizenship
- enlargetheirnetwork of peoplecanbe of aidwhenfinding a future job abroad
- The nationalgroups in Romania and the Netherlands willconductresearches in different areastodiscoverrelics/testimonials of the Second World War (memorials, survivors, letters, publications, photographs, videos).
- Studentswill interview veteranstocompile a collection of "OralHistory" whichwillbepublished on the YouTubechannel.
- The nationalgroups in Romania and the Netherlands willinvestigatevarious sources of information about World War II. After the criticalinterpretation of sources, studentswillexpresstheir opinion about the war bywritingarticlesthatwillbepublished in local media.
- Studentswill collect different materials WWII (photos, letters, medals, etc.) toorganizeanexhibition.
- The Transnationalgroupswillcommunicate via email, eTwinningandclosedFacebookgroup.
- Studentswill share ideasandmaterialsused in lessons (historicaldocuments, images, personalities sheets, movies).
- Studentswillexamine the Second World War in historyalternativetextbooks, willdiscoverandexplain the similarities / differencesbyapproachingthis issue.
- Studentswill share ideasabout the consequences of the Second World War in the context of actual life (how the war influenced the historyandevolution of your country and of Europe).
- Teachers will exchange theirworkandlessonplans.
- Studentsandteacherswillcreateanelectronicbookthatwillcontainallmaterials, ideasforlessons, research methodsentitled “Relicsandtestimonials of the Second World War in yourownregion”. Thismaterialwillbeposted on the project website for the use of otherRomanianand Dutch colleagues.
The outcomes:
- Studentswill search forrelics of WW2 in theirownregion, virtual as well as existingrelics. Theywill document them,videoandphotographthemanddescribethem in theirportfolios. Theywill present these relics in video presentationsand exchange of ideas on the relics found in students' direct environment.
- Theywillalsocreatemovies, recordings, e-booksandextensiveportfolios.
- During the mobilitiesstudentsandteacherswill have a tour of the relics of WW2, in Holland by bike and in Romania byother means of transport, in order tosee the relics, studythemand exchange theirpresentations, videosandportfolios.
- Because of this exchange of ideas, thisexperience of seeing the relicswiththeirowneyesand the mutualpresentation of their studies, studentswillcreate a betterunderstanding of the periodconcerned, willimprovetheir research andpresentation skills. Moreover, theywillcertainlyimprovetheircommand of the English language.
- In additiontheywillseewiththeirowneyeshowpeople in different countriescopewithdifficultperiodsfromtheir past.
- All these experienceswillimprovetheirsocial skills, their awareness of European citizenshipandtheywillenlargetheirnetwork of peoplewhocanbe of aidwhenfinding a future job abroad.