P369 Demo Abstract[NH1]
web site
BBC News (2008) Factory Gloom worst since 1980 [Online]. Available from: [Accessed: 21 October 2008]
Follow the reference with 3-5 sentences about how this web page (online article, video, sound clip, etc.) influenced your work...
Holt, DH 1997, Management principles and practices, Prentice-Hall, Sydney.
Follow the reference with 3-5 sentences about how this book influenced your work...
Aronofsky, D. (2000). Requiem for a Dream. [DVD]. UK: Momentum Pictures.
Follow the reference with 3-5 sentences about how this book influenced your work...
Library Sound Citations[NH3]
African Elephant
Wood Duck
SFX Details[NH4]
The eigentone was crucial to this project because it set the scene: a farm at dusk. It had to convey a sense of fatigue after (presumably) a long day of manual labor. Human an animal sounds all needed to be there, but in a way that suggests less activity.
I created the eigentone by driving to a rural part of Bloomington in the evening and recording the sounds of several small farms. There was no way to get everything in a single location, but one place had a good vantage for capturing distant traffic on a small, rural road. Another had noisy/hungry livestock. And two other locations allowed me to capture subtle wind and human sounds (doors opening/closing; unrecognizable conversation) that created the distinct impression of being on a small farm.
Mixing these sounds was a big challenge! No single sound worked alone—I had to layer these in order to create the sort of environment that was right for this project. It was necessary to EQ each in order to lend a sense of depth. A lo-pass filter was used at 465 Hz, 800Hz, and 1134 Hz respectively to create back-, mid-, and foreground layers. Once the final eigentone was mixed, I bussed the individual tracks to an Aux track and was able to use it alone to set the overall volume levels and add a tiny bit of reverb to help everything blend together.
[NH1]The project/assignment name serves as your title.
[NH2]The external sources that guided you and how. Your abstract requires a minimum of three references, one of which one must be something you researched on your own. The other references can draw from the materials listed on the class schedule (assigned readings; links) or any other sources you find independently.
[NH3]These references are only required if you use sounds from third-party SFX libraries. If all sounds are original, you can simply note that in this section.
[NH4]This is an example of ONE detail description. Your final abstract requires THREE of these.