IMPORTANT: The Green Build-out Mini-Model and the Green Build-out Model Results Display Tool are spreadsheet-based tools created in Microsoft Excel. To create the user-interface, macros are utilized in both tools. To use these tools, you must have Microsoft Excel software (part of the Microsoft Office suite) installed on your computer and must ensure that the software’s built-in security settings are set to enable macros. To enable macros, open Excel (before opening either tool) and navigate to the Security Level dialog box (select Macro and then Security… under the Tools menu in Excel). Set the security settings to “Medium” or “Low.” You can now open and freely use either tool. If prompted at any time to “Enable Macros” or “Disable Macros,” choose “Enable Macros.”
IMPORTANT: The Green Build-out Mini-Model and the Green Build-out Model Results Display Tool both temporarily alter the display settings in Microsoft Excel to maximize the user-interface. To ensure that your settings revert to normal after closing either tool, make sure that you exit each tool by clicking on the EXIT button on the Main Menu.
Green Build-out Model Results Display Tool
The Display Tool is a spreadsheet-based utility used to present the stormwater runoff reduction results from the Moderate and Intensive Greening Scenarios, which were modeled during the project. The Display Tool presents the runoff reduction volumes on a sewershed basis. You can view the runoff reduction volumes by sewershed for a particular neighborhood from the Main Menu by choosing a neighborhood of interest from the drop-down list on the bottom left. You are then taken to a page where the model results and a map of the neighborhood are presented. From here, you can view results individually for trees, green roofs, or increased tree boxes or for all three combined.
Green-Build-out Mini-Model
The Mini-Model is a tool that can be used to make changes to tree and green roof coverage assumptions from those scenarios applied in the Green Build-out Model grant modeling and to view the associated impacts on stormwater runoff volume. To do this, the Mini-Model uses unit-area reduction factors derived from the Green Build-out Model scenarios. The average difference between the results generated by the Mini-Model and the Green Build-out Model on a sewershed level is less than 2%. However, in some sewersheds, the difference between the Green Build-Out Model and the Mini-Model can be higher. Because there is a certain degree of variability in the results produced by the Mini-Model, it should only be used for planning purposes and to guide decision making and is not meant to replace the detailed model results that are provided by the Green Build-out Model. For more information about the Green Build-out Model results and documentation, visit the Casey Trees website (
There are two separate Mini-Model Editor screens (one for trees and one for green roofs) that enable the user to modify coverage assumptions and view results District-wide. Both of these screens are set up the same. The table on the left-side shows the Existing Conditions for each roof-size category (green roofs) or land cover category (trees). The center table is the Model Scenario Builder where coverage assumptions can be modified for each of the categories on the left using the interactive slider-bars. The percent coverage for the Moderate and Intensive Greening Scenarios from the Green Build-out Model runs are included on these slider-bars for reference purposes. The District-wide Model Results are presented in the tables on the right-side of the screen. Results are presented in terms of annual reduction of stormwater runoff volume in millions of gallons (MG). A report of your selected scenario and associated results can be viewed and printed by clicking the button "View Data Report."
The Mini-Model Editor screens that enable you to modify coverage assumptions and view results for particular District neighborhoods are set up similarly to the District-wide screens. The table on the left-side shows the Existing Conditions, the center table is the Model Scenario Builder where coverage assumptions can be modified using the interactive slider-bars, and the results are presented on the right. Any one of 36 neighborhoods in the District can be selected using the drop-down menu at the top of the screen. These neighborhoods are the same as those defined in the Green Build-out Model Results Display Tool.