
Of the Norwich BIA

April 1st, 2008

Present: Marinus Byl, Gwen Smart, Lisa Koppert, Lynne DePlancke, Mark Cassidy, Holly Dayman, Adrian Ten Hove, Suzanne Crosby and Marie Davis

Regrets: Glenna Kunkel and Corina Vanerweerd


Minutes from March 4th, 2007: motion was made by Maria to approve the minutes and second by Lynne.

Treasure’s Report: Account Balance – $7389.43

Motion to accept: Adrian Second: Maria

Business Arising from the Minutes:

Customer Appreciation Day Signs: Holly will deliver the signs with a letter explaining to the businesses that the signs actually cost $30 each and the BIA was hoping that the businesses would help pay for the signs in the amount of $20. The BIA will cover the balance. If not the BIA will cover the cost. She is going to explain to them that the signs can be used for many years. Customer Appreciation Days are April 3-5.

Mother’s Day – no ideas were presented.

New Business:

1)  BIA Meeting Procedures: Guest requests must be handed in at least one week prior to meeting. A guest will be allowed to speak for 10 minutes and must leave before the general meeting starts. All subjects that need to be on the agenda should be called in or emailed to Gwen one week in advance so the agenda can be sent out to the members.

2)  Budget: Adrian had the budget available. Motion was made by Adrian to accept and second by Holly. Mark had a sample of Ingersoll’s BIA Budget for us to look over. They have offered to help us with ideas. Mark can make arrangements for us when we are ready.

3)  Downtown Revitalization – The Township’s grant application for Community Investment Support Program (CISP) Category 2 funding have been approved by the Federal Government for the amount of $19,833. Support will be provided for the following initiatives: Economic Development Strategic Planning, Marketing and Communication Plan (Downtown Norwich, etc.) and Branding and Logo Development. The Project term is from April 1 to December 31. A consultant will be hired to work on this project.

4)  Parking Lot - working on getting the North side of town parking lot paved. Maria, Ron Smith, Bob McLean, Mark and Gwen have had a meeting to discuss the lot. Discussion on marking, lights and paving this would be connected with Downtown Revitalization. Adrian asked about Front Street being paved. He was hoping the Township would get in contact with the businesses when they pave the street as some might be interested in having the back of their stores paved at the same time. (Might cost a little less if enough are interested)

5)  Nostalgia Days: Mary Lou had asked Mark to ask about adding a farmers market near the Legion. Lisa told Mark that more information would be needed such as where and what would be in the market. It was mentioned that when ideas are started they need to be followed through, that sometimes they are started and left hanging. Mark told us that when we are working on our Downtown Revitalization we need to make sure that we mention about Nostalgia Days.

Holly will get in touch with Don Longthorne to see about putting up the signs on the Norwich signs at each entrance to town. It would be nice to start advertising now.

Suzanne had a few questions about the vendors. Last year there were 17 and she was wondering if we wanted more. Lisa thought that we could handle at least 25 so maybe we should put an ad in the paper to see if we could get a few more.

Also, there was a discussion how long of days there should be. It was decided that we should start at 9 AM and close down at 5 PM on both days. This seems to be a long enough day.

Since, we do not have a co-ordinate Lisa said she would get hold of all the groups and make a date for a meeting with everyone. Gwen told Lisa she wouldn’t mind helping her to learn what all needs to be done.

6)  Planters: Adrian will speak with Marius about the planters, as Euro Gardens is no longer in business.

7)  Grants: Municipal Tourism Grant (Ont) was rejected. RBC Grant has not been heard from yet. Should hear from them with in the next month.

8)  Flags/Banners: Lisa reported that Corina will have Adams put the flags and banners up by April 30th.

9)  Christmas Decorations: Maria has Mr. Overeem from NDHS checking out the old Christmas wreaths etc. A committee was formed to take care of the replacing of new decorations. (Maria, Gwen and Lynne)

10) Boundaries: A motion was made for Mark to prepare a report on Expanding the boundaries of the BIA by Holly and second by Lisa.