Sample Event Outline

DATE:Afternoon Luncheon

11:30-1:00 pm

LOCATION:Hospital, Radiation Oncology Center, Local Community Facility, etc.

ATTENDEES:First 25 SAVI Patients

Radiation Oncologists


Staff Members


Hospital VIPs


Updates on Brachytherapy Program

BUDGET:Invitations and Mailing



Goody Bags/Door Prizes


PROMOTION:Press Release


Internal Hospital Newsletter

Social Media Channels


Sample Event Agenda

11:30 amGuest Arrival

Lunch Available

12:15 pm Formal Welcome by Facility Representative

12:20 pmUpdates on Brachytherapy Program by Facility Representative

12:30 pmSAVI Sisters Presentation by Facility Representative

12:45 pmPatient/Facility Remarks

1:00 pmAward Door Prizes/Centerpieces/Goody Bags, etc.



Sample Event Invitation

SAVI Sisters Luncheon

You are cordially invited to a luncheon celebrating the launch of SAVI Sisters and honoring the survivorship of the women who have already benefited from advanced breast cancer treatment with the SAVI applicator.

Date: [TBD]

Time: [TBD]

Location: [TBD]

Please RSVP by calling [PHONE] by [DATE].

Lunch will be provided.

We look forward to seeing you!

[Facility Name and Logo]


Sample Event Script

12: 15 pm Formal Welcome by Facility Representative

Good afternoon, my name is [NAME] and on behalf of [FACILITY], I welcome you all to the SAVI Sisterhood luncheon – an afternoon of celebration. As we gather together in this room we celebrate life, achievement, and friendships. We recognize the physicians, nurses, technician staff and patients.

At [FACILITY], cancer care is comprehensive and state-of-the-art. They serve as the leading cancer care provider in the community, with a long history of treating all types of patients and cancers. [INSERT MORE ON CANCER PROGRAM]

As an integral part of this program, [FACILITY] offers SAVI®, a breast brachytherapy applicator that is the latest advance in the delivery of radiation therapy for early-stage breast cancer. SAVI uses multiple catheters to precisely target radiation where it is needed most, while minimizing exposure to healthy areas, like the skin or chest wall. SAVI reduces treatment time from 6 weeks to 5 days.

And now it is my pleasure to introduce [NAME OF NEXT SPEAKER].

12: 20 pm Updates on RadiationOncologyCenter by Facility Representative



12: 30 pmSAVI Sisters Presentation by Facility Representative

SAVI Sisters….

If you are newly diagnosed with breast cancer or a breast cancer survivor….You are a SAVI Sister.

If you have supported a loved one through their journey with breast cancer…… You are a SAVI Sister.

If you are a physician or healthcare provider who offers compassionate, personalized care to women with breast cancer… You are a SAVI Sister.

If you are passionate about women’s health and educating women about breast cancer treatment choices…you are a SAVI Sister.

SAVI Sisters are committed to spreading the word about breast cancer treatment choices and sharing experiences to help other woman.

“SAVI Sisters” is a community. A community of people who will connect across the country and encourage each other to spread the word about advanced breast cancer treatment options through various discussions, updates, and more.

Today we invite you all to become SAVI Sisters.At your place you will find a pin. Please wear it and when people ask you what it is, spread the word. So how do you spread the word?

Designed as a social community network went live in 2010. We invite you to send the link to all your friends and family.

-If you are on Facebook, become a fan of SAVI Sisters at (and don't forget to recommend it to your friends, too!).

-If you are on Twitter, you can follow SAVI Sisters at

-We are always looking for more patients to highlight in the SAVI Sisters Stories and you can share a story by clicking on the link in the website.

12:45 pmAnd now I would invite all the SAVI women who have been treated here at [FACILITY] to stand and be recognized.

It is my honor to introduce [SAVI PATIENT NAME] to say a few words.


1:00 pm Closing comments and adjourn

On behalf of [FACILITY], I thank you all for coming this afternoon and celebrating with us. I encourage all you SAVI Sisters to leave here and spread the word about breast cancer treatment options. Have a wonderful afternoon.


Template Press Release


Contact: [Breast Center Name]

[Center staff person contact]

[Tel. #]


Local Facility to Celebrate Breast Cancer Survivors

[CITY] -- [FACILITY] will be holding a luncheon to celebrate the women who have been treated with the SAVI® breast brachytherapy applicator, an advanced form of treatment for early-stage breast cancer. The event will also mark the launch of the facility’s SAVI Sisters program, which is designed to give women a place to find others who share common experiences and create a community of people dedicated to spreading the word about breast cancer treatment options.

The event will take place on [DATE] from [TIME] to [TIME] at [LOCATION], and will honor the first [NUMBER] women to receive treatment with the SAVI applicator at [FACILITY]. provides information about the SAVI applicator and accelerated partial breast irradiation (APBI). In addition, the site includes SAVI Sister Stories, which feature women who share their own personal treatment experiences to serve as resources for others who want to know more about radiation therapy with SAVI.

The SAVI applicator delivers a form of radiation therapy known as breast brachytherapy. This approach, which targets the tumor site from inside the breast, is becoming a more widely used alternative to traditional radiation.

Breast brachytherapy typically involves two treatments per day for only 5 days. This shorter timeframe makes brachytherapy far more convenient than traditional, external-beam radiation. The latter is delivered five times a week and takes six or seven weeks.

In addition to shortening the therapy time, breast brachytherapy with SAVI minimizes radiation exposure of healthy tissue, which reduces damage to critical structures such as the skin, heart, lungs and ribs.

The multi-catheter SAVI applicator treats the tissue surrounding the lumpectomy cavity from the inside out. The device is inserted into the lumpectomy cavity through a small incision. The physician then gently expands the bundle of catheters so the radiation dose will conform to the size and shape of the area to be treated.

“[First sentence of patient quote],” said [patient’s name here]. “[Remainder of patient quote. NOTE: Quote should focus on how the patient most benefited. Typical statements from SAVI patients focus on convenience, minimal side effects, ability to quickly resume normal activities, short time span for therapy, etc.].”

The SAVI technology was developed by Cianna Medical, Inc., (Aliso Viejo, Calif.) a women's health company dedicated to the early treatment of breast cancer.

About [name of radiation oncologist’s facility here]

[Boilerplate text about facility – one moderate-length paragraph]