“Disciple Now” Leader Application
Name: ________________________________________________ Date:_________________
E-mail:____________________________________ Phone: ____________________________
Mailing Address: _____________________________________________________________
Classification: __________________ Major:________________________________________
Church Membership: ______________________________________________
Church Involvement: Campus Involvement:
1. List how much, if any, Disciple Now participation and/or experience you have had.
2. Why do you want to lead Disciple Now?
3. Which do you prefer – to lead a group by yourself or to work with a partner? What is your preference: leading or co-leading a group?
4. Which age group (ex. 7th or 12th grade; jr. high or high school) do you work best with? What is you reason for your answer?
________ Jr. High (6th – 8th) _________ Sr. High (9th – 12th)
5. Do you have a preference: Single gender group? Co-ed group? Why?
6. Place an “X” on the continuum to describe your interest and availability:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
mildly interested eager
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
sort of available very available
7. Tell us a little about your relationship with God and how it is deepening and growing. (prayer life, journal, quiet time, fellowship, etc.)
8. Please share with us some people or experiences that have influenced you in your growth.
9. After you graduate, what do you hope to do?
10. How could God meet the need of youth using your gifts and experiences?
11. What do you think youth need today?
12. What are your strengths and weaknesses? What are your top three spiritual gifts? List and explain one weakness and one strength.