The componentsfor determining the total funding allocations for each school can be summarised as follows:

Primary and Secondary School Funding Formula


Early Years Single Funding Formula


Place Funding for SEN Special Units


Top Up Funding for High Needs Pupils


Post 16 Funding determined by the Education Funding Agency

In addition,some schools may receive funding for planned growth in pupil numbers.


The Primary and Secondary Schools Funding Formula covers all pupils in maintained schools in National Curriculum Year Groups R-11 aged 4 or above, but does not include those pupils in SEN units or resourced provision; these are covered through place and top up funding. Any pupils recorded as Year R but who are less than 4 years old will be funded through the Early Years Single Funding Formula. All pupils in the in Year Groups R -11 aged 4 and above will be counted as 1 FTE regardless of part-time/full-time status on the October census.

The following formula factors and allocation criteria are used in the Milton KeynesPrimary and Secondary Schools Funding Formula:

-Basis Entitlement Age Weighted Pupil Unit (AWPU)

-Deprivation (FSM and IDACI)

-Prior Attainment

-English as an Additional Language


-Lump Sum

-Split site



The data used to drive the funding formula has been supplied by the Department for Education. The source of the data for the factors used in the Milton Keynes funding Formula is set out in the table below:

Formula Factor / Data / Data source
AWPU / Numbers of pupils on roll excluding pupils in special units / Autumn 2013 Census
Deprivation -FSM / Number of pupils eligible for free school meals / Autumn 2013 Census
Deprivation - IDACI
(Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index) / Based on the home post code for each pupil and the probability that that pupil comes from an income deprived home:
Band 1-20% to 25% probability
Band 2-25% to 30% probability
Band 3 -30% to 40% probability
Band 4 -40% to 50% probability
Band 5 -50% to 60% probability
Band 6 -above 60% probability / Postcodes mapped from Autumn 2013 Census
PriorAttainment - Primary sector / Year 1 who did not achieve a good level of development.
Years 2-5 who scored below 78 points on EYFSP. / EYFSP Total score mapped to the Autumn 2013 Census for pupils in Years 1,2,3,4,5
Mapping on UPN only
Prior Attainment -Secondary sector / Level 3 or below in either English or maths at KS2 / KS2_Eng_Lev and KS2_Mat_Lev mapped to the Autumn 2013 Census for pupils in Years 7-11
Mapping on UPN only
Primary sector / EAL2: 1st or 2nd year a child, whose first language is not English is in the state education system / Autumn 2013 Census for Language Group, Autumn 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Censuses
Mapping on UPN only for on roll records.
EAL - Secondary sector / EAL 3: 1st, 2nd or 3rd year a child, whose first language is not English is in the state education system / Autumn 2013 Census for Language Group, Autumn 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Censuses
Mapping on UPN for on roll records.
Mobility / Pupils with a start date in last three academic years at a non-standard entry time / Autumn 2013 Census
Lump Sum / Amount per school
Split Site / Paid to schools operating on a split site of more than 500 metres apart.
Rates / Based on actual NNDR bill for 2013/14+3.2%

For each factor, the DfE have provided for each school, the percentage of pupils who match the criteria as set out above. This percentage is then applied to the numbers of pupils on roll to determine the numbers of units funded for each factor.


The unit rate applies to each pupil on roll at the October 2013 census. Part time children in year R count as if they were full time. Pupils assigned a place in a Special Unit are excluded from the pupil count. In Milton Keynes it was decided not to differentiate between the unit rates for KS3 and KS4. This has been reflected as follows:

Sector / Basic Entitlement Rate 2014/15
Primary / £2,863.91
Secondary / £4,190.98


Funding for deprivation is allocated to schools using a combination of FSM Eligibility and IDACI data for each school. The unit rate for FSM funding is made up of two elements; one to cover the cost of providing the meals for eligible pupils and the second to meet some of the additional educational needs of pupils from deprived backgrounds.

FSM Element / Primary / Secondary
FSM Eligibility / £436.52 / £330.21
Deprivation AER / £389.94 / £467.82
TOTAL FSM Unit Rate / £826.14 / £798.03

The funding through IDACI is designed to meet the additional education needs of children from deprived back grounds.The DfE have determined that if Local Authorities use IDACI in their funding formula they must use 6 bands as set out in the table below. The Bands are configured on the probability that a pupil comes from a deprived back ground based on the postcode of the home of the pupil using IDCAI criteria. The rates for these differ between Primary and Secondary sectors, but the method of allocation is the same.

Band / Lower
Limit / Upper
Limit / Primary / Secondary
1 / 0.2 / 0.25 / £133.12 / £230.56
2 / 0.25 / 0.3 / £199.68 / £345.84
3 / 0.3 / 0.4 / £266.24 / £461.13
4 / 0.4 / 0.5 / £399.36 / £691.69
5 / 0.5 / 0.6 / £532.48 / £922.25
6 / 0.6 / 1.0 / £532.48 / £922.25


This funding is based on prior attainment of pupils and is allocated to fund the low level special educational needs of children and contribute to the first £6,000 of need of pupils with higher needs.

Primary sector

For primary schools, funding is targeted at pupils in Years 2 to 5 who achieve fewer than 78 points on the current EYFSP.For pupils in Year 1, a factor of 35% is applied to the number of pupils who did not achieve a good level of development, so as not to skew the overall number of pupils eligible for funding. EYFSP results are mapped to the Autumn 2013 Census from the DfE’scentral record of attainment. Pupils in Year 6 in the Autumn 2013 Census were not assessed using the current EYFSP and are excluded from the calculations. The percentage applicable to each school is calculated on the results of those pupils for which there is an EYSFP score. The same principles apply for Infant, Junior and all through Primary schools.

The unit rate for 2014/15 is £813.53.

Secondary sector

In the Secondary Sector, it is based on the pupils who achieve a Level 3 or below (pupils scored as 2, 3, B or N) in eitherEnglish orMathematics at KS2, as a percentage of those pupils with KS2 results. The unit rate for 2014/15 is £991.43.


This funding is based on pupils with English as an additional language and is intended to support up to their first three years in the compulsory education system.

Pupils attract EAL funding if they are grouped as “2_OTH” from the Language Code on the Autumn 2013 Census and can be shown to have been in the school system for less than three years. Pupils grouped as “3_UNK” are excluded.Eligible pupils are identified by deriving a pupil level “Years in System” count based on the pupil’s presence in the Autumn 2011, Autumn 2012and Autumn 2013Censuses. Because language does not have to be declared in the Census for pupils aged less than 5, the first year in which a pupil may be eligible for funding is in Year 1. For this reason it was decided in Milton Keynesthat the EAL2 data (pupils in their first two years in the system) would be used in the formula to direct the funding to KS1 pupils. The unit rate for 2014/15 is set at £679.30 in the Primary sector.

In the Secondary Sector EAL 3 is used to provide maximum coverage of eligible pupilsand the unit rate is £687.82.


Pupils eligible for funding are those whose entry date (start at current school) is within the previous 3 academic years and whose start month was not in August or September. If the pupil started in Reception then start months August, September or January will not be counted.

The funded units used are the proportion of pupils classed as mobile in each school. Mobility of less than 10% does not attract funding. For schools with mobility of greater than 10% only that part above 10% is funded. The unit rate for 2014/15 is set at £401.79 in the Primary sector and £528.12 in the Secondary sector.


A fixed sum of £140,000 per school is payable in 2014/15. The lump sum is to cover the unavoidable fixed costs of running small schools and applies to all schools whatever their size and sector.


This is an allocation for schools operating on a split site of more than 500 metres apartand is set at a rate of £107,391 in 2014/15.


The 2014/15 rates allocation for each school is based on the 2013/14 liability plus 3.2% for inflation. Any changes during the year (e.g. for changes to rateable value or charitable relief) will result in an amendment to the formula allocation.


The Minimum Funding Guarantee prevents a reduction in formula funding of more than 1.5% per pupil.The allocations for rates (NNDR) are excluded from the calculation for each respective year and the lump sum for 2014/15 is excluded from the calculation of theper-pupil funding both 2013/14 and 2014/15. Where schools are subject to a reduction in the amount of funding per pupil this reduction is limited to -1.5%.


The authority is required to calculate notional SEN budgets for mainstream schools and academies. The notional SEN budget is to cover the first £6,000 of SEN needs of all pupils, both Low Costs High Incidence and High Cost Low Incidence. The notional SEN budget is calculated as follows:

  • 4% of Basic Per Pupil Entitlement
  • 25% of FSM in Primary Sector, 30% in the Secondary Sector
  • 50% of IDACI Deprivation Funding
  • 100% of Prior Attainment Funding
  • £5,000 of the Lump Sum allocation


Where,due to the number of high needs pupils in a school, the cost of meeting the first £6,000 for those pupils exceeds 40% of the school’s notional SEN budget, the difference in cost between the two will be allocated to the school. The count of high need pupils will be made in May 2014.


Central Contingencies and Budgets for Maintained Schools

The majority of funding has been delegated to schools in the first instance. However, via a vote at the Schools Forum in October 2013 a few prescribed contingencies and budgets will be de-delegated.

No further funding will be held centrally by the authority. These contingencies and budgets are only to be accessed by the maintained sector that de-delegated them.

The de-delegated sums are removed from the budget share delegated to the school.

Maintained Primary Sector:

It was agreed to de-delegate £922,000 to create the following contingencies and budgets:

The contingencies de-delegated in the primary sector are for:

  • exceptional unforeseen circumstances
  • schools in financial difficulties
  • amalgamations

The central budgets de-delegated in the primary sector are for:

  • administration of FSM eligibility
  • licences and subscriptions
  • facilities time
  • Primary Behaviour Support Service
  • support for ethnic minority pupils.

Maintained Secondary Sector:

It was agreed to de-delegate £25,000 to create central budgets in the secondary sector for:

  • administration of FSM eligibility
  • licences and subscriptions.


See separate explanation.


Schools will receive the following funding outside of their school budget share allocations:

  • Place Funding for Special Units

Schools with Special Units will be funded at £10k per annum for each place commissioned by the Local Authority.

  • Top Up Funding for pupils with needs of more than £10k in special units

The Local Authority will agree with each school a top up rate which will be provided for each Milton Keynespupil in the special unit. The top up rates will take account of the fact that pupils in special units are excluded from the main funding formula.

  • Top Up Funding for pupils with needs of more than £6k in mainstream provision

The Local Authority will allocate top up funding where the special educational needs of a pupil are in excess of £6,000. Typically this will involve a calculation based on the hours of need of a pupil in their statement of SEN multiplied by the hourly rate of £453.03 allocating funding in excess of £6,000.

  • Growth Fund

The Local Authority has established a growth fund to enable the funding of new schools until all year groups have been opened and all planned places have been released for admission and to fund pupil growth in expanding schools or a temporary bulge in numbers on the additional places commissioned by the Local Authority for the September. The criteria set out below were agreed at the Schools Forum on 10th January 2013.

Change / Numbers funded / Set Up Allowance / Initial New School Allowance
New School / The difference between the number of pupils funded in the October count and the maximum number of places commissioned in each available year group until all year groups have been opened and all planned places have been released for admission (April and September). / The unit of funding for the school applicable for MFG
a sum of £277.26 per primary pupil or £532.62 per secondary pupil to represent the revenue set up costs (paid over the first 3 years 60%, 20%, 20%) / Initial school set up two terms prior to opening.
Set up allowance based on agreed final size of school.
Formal Expansion of a School / The additional places are funded for up to the first two years for each year group, the first year, on the additional places commissioned by the Local Authority for the September.
Year on year for the number of year groups in the school to represent the new PAN.
Adjustment to reach the PAN in the second year only. / The unit of funding for the school applicable for MFG
a sum of £277.26 per primary pupil or £532.62 per secondary pupil to represent the revenue set up costs (paid over the first 3 years 60%, 20%, 20%) / None.
Temporary planned increase in pupil numbers “Bulge Classes” / The additional places are funded for up to the first two years for each year that it happens, the first year, on the additional places commissioned by the Local Authority for the September, the second year, on the difference between the number of additional places commissioned and the actual number of additional pupils from the October count in that year group, except where the October census broadly covers the total number of pupils in the school (e.g. repeat “bulge” years). / The unit of funding for the school applicable for MFG.
a sum of £277.26 per primary pupil or £532.62 per secondary pupil to represent the revenue set up costs (paid over the first 3 years 60%, 20%, 20%) / None.
School Expanding onto a second campus / The difference between the number of pupils funded in the October count and the maximum number of places commissioned in each available year group until all year groups have been opened and all planned places have been released for admission (April and September). / The unit of funding for the school applicable for MFG.
a sum of £277.26 per primary pupil or £532.62 per secondary pupil to represent the revenue set up costs (paid over the first 3 years 60%, 20%, 20%) / Initial new campus set up allowance, two terms prior to opening.
Set up allowance based on agreed final size of new campus.
  • Amalgamation Funding

Local Authority maintained schools which have gone through the amalgamation process will receive some funding for two years following the amalgamation. It will be based on the budget shares the predecessor schools would have received if the amalgamation had not taken place.

  • Post 16 Funding

There is a national funding formula that the Education Funding Agency uses to allocate post 16 funding to fund the programme costs and the first £6,000 of SEN need for pupils with needs up to £6,000. Place funding is provided to cover the first £6,000 of need for those pupils with needs in excess of £6,000 either in mainstream provision or SEN units.

Students with SEN needs of greater than £6,000 are funded on a top-up basis by the local authority. The top-up will be calculated on an individual basis according to the level of need of the student.

  • Pupil Premium

‘Ever FSM 6’ Eligibility

The Pupil Premium for 2014/15 will include pupils on the January 2014 School Census known to have been eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) in any of the previous six years and will be paid at £1,300 per primary pupil and £935 per secondary pupil.

Service Children

In the 2014/15 financial year, the service child premium will be set at £300 per pupil and will also cover pupils previously attracting the service child premium since its introduction in April 2011 whose parents are no longer in the armed forces or where parents have divorced. Funding will also continue in respect of children of parents who were killed in action. In addition those children eligible for the Service Premium in 2012/13 and/or in 2013/14 who would otherwise no longer be covered by the Service Premium will retain their eligibility in 2014/15.