Westbury High School
Science Department Lesson Plan
A merger of Madeline Hunter’s Lesson Cycle and the 5-E Method of Instruction
Teacher: Malbrue / Subject: ChemistryDate: 9/29/14 – 10/03/14 / Lesson: Matter
Defining Success / LESSON OBJECTIVE: What will your students be able to do by the end of the class?
The students will differentiate between physical and chemical changes and properties. Students will define and distinguish between intensive and extensive properties. The students will classify matter as pure substances or mixtures and perform investigations to further classify substances. Students will distinguish between elements, compounds, homogeneous mixtures, and heterogeneous mixtures.
STANDARDS ADDRESSED: STAAR and ELPs / MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION Marzano’s Strategies, key concepts or questions
CHEM.1A Demonstrate safe practices during laboratory and filed investigations, including the appropriate use of safety showers, eyewash fountains, safety goggles, and fire extinguishers.
CHEM.2E Plan and implement investigative procedures including asking questions, formulating testable hypotheses, and selecting equipment and technology. CHEM.2F Collect data and make measurements with accuracy and precision.
CHEM.2H Organize, analyze, evaluate, make inferences, and predict trends from data.
CHEM.2I Communicate valid conclusions supported by the data through methods such as lab reports, labeled drawings, graphs, journals, summaries, oral reports, and technology-based reports.
CHEM.4A Differentiate between physical and chemical changes and properties.
CHEM.4B Identify extensive and intensive properties.
CHEM.4D Classify matter as pure substances or mixtures through investigation of their properties
ELPS C.1.f Use accessible language and learn new and essential language in the process.
ELPS C.3.f Ask and give information ranging from using a very limited bank of high-frequency, high-need, concrete vocabulary, including key words and expressions needed for basic communication in academic and social contexts, to using abstract and content-based vocabulary during extended speaking assignments.
ELPS C.4.g Demonstrate comprehension of increasingly complex English by participating in shared reading, retelling, or summarizing material, responding to questions, and taking notes commensurate with content area and grade level needs. / · Comparison and Contrast
· Summarization
· Graphic Organizers
· Whiteboards
· Classroom Discussion
· Small Groups Activity
· Think Pair share
Lesson Cycle / ANTICIPATORY SET: (ENGAGE): A “hook” to get the students interest and attention. (A question, picture, 2-3 minute long video clip, a demonstration). /
M/T: Warm-Up / Mini Lesson – connected to content covered in previous classes (Matter- Intensive & Extensive Properties): Continue Physical Properties – Intensive & ExtensiveW: Warm-Up / Mini Lesson – connected to content covered in previous classes- Review for DLA Snapshot
R/F: Warm-Up / Mini Lesson – connected to content covered in previous classes (Elements, Compounds, Mixtures) Review for DLA Snapshot / Composition notebooks
Spiral notebooks
Graduated cylinder(s)
Rice U. Materials
Conductivity Tester
TEACHING/INSTRUCTIONAL PROCESS: (EXPLORE/EXPLAIN): Provide students with a common experience (Labs, hands on activities). Debrief activity, teach concept.
M/T:: Explore and Explain ––Rice U: Observe: Sulfur & Iron – Collaborative and Small Group Activity
W: Explore and Explain – Continue Matter & Its Changes Lesson 1 Activity – Literacy: Practice justification of answers – Reading strategies
R/F: Explore and Explain –Rice U: Mission-Separation (Pure Substances vs. Mixtures) – Collaborative and Small Group Activity
Friday was Fall Holiday so work will be done on Monday!
GUIDED PRACTICE AND MONITORING: (EXPLAIN). Interactive discussions between teacher and students. Guide/help students as they solve problems and/or answer questions. Clarify misconceptions and check for understanding.
M/T: Explain – Discuss Observations from Sulfur & Iron. Notes: Clear up any misconceptions on physical vs. chemical properties. Define intensive and extensive properties.– Think Pair Share
W: Explain – Discuss and define Density – Review and discuss application or clear up misconceptions from the Investigating Density Lab. Notes on Density & Classification of Matter – Collaborative and Think Pair Share
R/F: Explain – Discuss Classification of Matter Notes and Continue or discuss Mission: Separation Lab – Collaborative and Think Pair Share
Friday was Fall Holiday so work will be done on Monday!
INDEPENDENT PRACTICE: (ELABORATE) Students apply the information learned in the Explain to answer questions or solve problems.
M/T: Elaborate and extend learning experiences for student to apply their knowledge – Rice U – Matter & Its Changes Lesson – Investigating Density LabW: Elaborate and extend learning experiences for student to apply their knowledge – Continue & Complete Investigating Density Lab
R/F: Elaborate and extend learning experiences for student to apply their knowledge – Classification of Matter POGIL Activity
Friday was Fall Holiday so work will be done on Monday!
EVALUATE: Assess student mastery. (Quizzes, Lab Reports, Unit tests)
M/T: Assess student mastery with H.O.T. Questions Exit Ticket, Use Literacy strategies to assess mastery of content. Grade lab activities
W: DLA Snapshot: Matter - Assess student mastery with H.O.T. Questions Exit Ticket, Use Literacy strategies to assess mastery of content. Grade lab activities
R/F: DLA Snapshot: Matter - Assess student mastery with H.O.T. Questions Exit Ticket, Use Literacy strategies to assess mastery of content. Grade lab activities
Friday was Fall Holiday so work will be done on Monday!
SpEd/ ELL Modifications: Simplified instructions, notes written on the board, oral and written instructions will be given. Modified assignments and quick guide notes. Pictures and charts will be shown as demonstrations.
7E Lesson Plan Template 2010