August 1, 2017

Dear Parents/Guardians:

I would like to welcome your child to 7th grade Life Science! I am excited about the opportunity to get to know you and your child, and I am looking forward to a happy and productive school year. Below is a very basic but important layout for my class. Please review this syllabus with your child and sign it. Another copy will be given to your child for your reference.

This year we will focus on the following Life Science curriculum areas:

❖  Scientific Method / ❖  Cells
❖  Metric System / ❖  Body Systems
❖  Lab Safety & Equipment / ❖  Kingdoms of Life & Classification
❖  Ecology (Food Webs, Symbiosis, & Biomes) / ❖  Genetics & Heredity
❖  Cycles of Life (Carbon/Oxygen, Nitrogen, etc) / ❖  Natural Selection & Evolution

*Note that for every unit taught this year, your child will be given a syllabus that will further describe what they will be learning, pages to refer to in their textbook, their vocabulary words, and if that unit will contain a performance task. If the unit has a performance task a detailed description and rubric will be sent home closer to the time when the project is assigned.*

Please have your child bring the following supplies to school on or before August 1, 2017, and daily thereafter:


❖  1-1 ½ inch three ring binder / ❖  1 pack of notebook paper
❖  1 pack of dividers (Need to have at least 5 dividers in the pack) / ❖  Pencils
❖  Color Pencils or Crayons (used for labeling organelles, homologous structures, etc) / ❖  Pens (Blue or Black ink only)
❖  Folder with prongs (used for homework so it can be turned in neatly) / ❖  Book Sock (To protect textbooks as they are getting very worn)


❖  Flash Drive / ❖  Index Cards
❖  Highlighters / ❖  1 container of Play-Doh (3rd Nine Weeks for fossils)
❖  A Box of Tissue (for classroom) / ❖  Hand Sanitizer (for classroom)


Homework will be given three to four days a week to reinforce the skills taught in class. Homework for the week will be written on the board Monday. All students are responsible for copying and turning in their homework assignments by the specified due date, in the designated area (each class has a marked paper tray or box for folders). Students will receive a homework grade. I grade homework on accuracy. Most assignments are due on Friday (unless stated otherwise at the beginning of the week) so they have plenty of time to ask questions throughout the week.


If your child is absent, it is up to him/her to ask the teacher what they missed and turn in any work that was due. All makeup work must be completed and turned in within 5 days of their return to school. If they miss a quiz or a test, I will do my best to have them take it the day that they return to school.

Grade Sheets

I will send grade sheets home halfway before progress reports and halfway before report cards. These must be signed and returned, but they will let you know any work that your child may be missing and how they are doing in my class. Any missing assignments will be highlighted and due by the specified date and will not be accepted after that date.

Extra Credit:

I only have four forms of extra credit for students throughout the year. All study guides are worth 5 extra credit points for that specific test or quiz. They must be completed the day before the test or quiz so that we can review them in class. If they are not turned in completed at the beginning of class, I cannot check them and issue the extra credit. Study guides will show up in my grade book online (parent portal) as collected if your child completed them and turned them in on time. Study guides will not count against a student’s grade. The second form of extra credit is test corrections. When students receive a unit test back, they can correct missed questions for half credit back. To receive the half credit they must write the whole question, all four answer choices, circle the answer they would like to change their answer to, and staple their signed test grade sheet to their corrections. They may use their book, notes, etc to correct their tests. This may sound like a lot of work but I do this so they can see what they missed and if they need me to review it with them I will. Also, I keep the corrections and return them to them before GMAS testing so they have a bank of test questions to look over before the test that they know they have had trouble with in the past. Weekly vocabulary quizzes and vocabulary tests can also be corrected. To correct vocabulary quizzes and tests students must write out the whole definition that was missed and write the correct word that goes with that definition and attach the corrections to their test or quiz. Also, participation in the BCMS Science Fair is worth extra credit. I will need to know by the second week of school if your child is interested in participating. If they are interested I will give them a packet that details when all parts are due throughout the year.

Extra Help/ Staying After School:

If your child needs to make up missing assignments or needs extra help, I am available most Wednesdays and Fridays after school. Please make sure to schedule with me ahead of time so I know to stay after school and that I do not have an away game or a meeting. You will need to arrange for your child to be picked up no later than 4:15 each day that they stay after school if they are not in the 21st Century program or in an afterschool sport and ride the activity bus home.

Life Science Grading Weights:

Formative = 45% Homework = 10%

Summative = 35% Nine Weeks Exam= 10%

Class Rules:

1.  Show RESPECT to your teacher and classmates at ALL times.
2.  Come to class prepared with all materials daily.
3.  No bullying, teasing, cursing, eating or grooming in class.
4.  Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
5.  Follow all procedures that we go over the beginning of the year.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact me by e-mail or by phone at 706-554-3532.

Also, please visit my website to stay informed of weekly activities, homework, projects, extra copies of handouts, review materials, etc.

Let’s work together to make this a GREAT year!!!


Courtney Mohone

Life Science Teacher

Please Sign and Return:

Student Signature: ______

Parent Signature: ______