Masses during the Week

Vigil 7.30pm - Clogher, James O’ Connor, Clogher (7th Anniv.)

Sun 10.00am - Ballymac, John Cotter (Anniv.) and the deceased family members,


11.30am - Clogher, Timothy (19th Anniv) and Margaret O’ Neill (21st Anniv.)


Mon. 7.30pm - Clogher, Annie O’ Connor, Dromavalla, Ballyseedy (25th Anniv.)

Tue. 10.00am - Clogher.

Wed. 10.00am - Ballymac, The living and deceased members of the Brosnan Family

the Spa.

Thurs 7.30pm - Clogher, Special Intention + Exposition and Benediction at 7.00pm.

First Fri. 10.00am - Ballymac,

7.30pm – Clogher, Vigil of The Immaculate Conception, John (5th Anniv.)

and Mary Broderick, Coolbeha, Listowel.

Sat. 10.00am - Ballymac, Michael (Gussie) O’ Brien, Arabella (Month’s Mind).

11.30am – Clogher, David Godley, Lissuleen, Kielduff. (5th Anniv)

Vigil 7.30pm - Clogher, Tom O’ Connor, Racecourse Road, Tralee, and formerly of

Gortagullane (1st Anniv.)

Sun. 10.00am - Ballymac, Donal (25th Anniv.) and Mary O Leary (18th Anniv.)


11.30am - Clogher, John Brosnan, Scart, Gortatlea (5th Anniv.)

Rota in Clogher & Ballymac Churches for 8th / 9th December 2012

Ministers of the Word : 7.30pm – Maurice O’ Reilly / 11.30am – Tom Reidy

Eucharistic Ministers : 7.30pm - Esther / 11.30am - Tim

Ballymac: 10.00am – Mary Moynihan / Dan

Altar Servers Rota: Vigil 7.30pm - Team C Tommy, Dáire, Dylan, and Daragh.

11.30am -Team D; Oonagh, Róisín, Laura & Niamh

Weekend Offertory Collection: Total = € 1,032.70

of which weekly Parish Envelopes = € 647.10

Diocesan Youth Service : The annual collection will be taken up at all Masses this weekend, 1st / 2nd December 2012. The Kerry Diocesan Youth Service has been working with young people in the Diocese of Kerry through its network of Youth Clubs since its foundation by Father Roger Kelleher in 1971. The KDYS works with 46 Youth Clubs across the Diocese aiding in the recruitment and training of volunteers who provide an invaluable service to young people in the local community running local events and providing space for young people to socialise safely. The proceeds of today’s collection will fund the on-going development and sustainability of Youth Clubs right across the Diocese. Please give generously.

Choir Practice : This will take place in Clogher Church on Tuesday, 4th December 2012, from 7.30 pm – 8.30pm for all Choir members both Clogher and Ballymac in preparation for Christmas. New members are always welcome to join us.

Actaive Retirerment Group: The Annual Christmas Mass and Party will take place at the Earl of Desmond Hotel, Tralee, on Thursday, 11th December 2012, at 1.30p.m.

St. John’s Parish Bazaar: This continues this Saturday night and Sunday afternoon from 2.00pm. at the K.D.Y.S Hall, Denny St., Tralee. Bingo will take place in Pembroke St., Tralee, on Sunday night beginning at 7.00pm.

A Message from Fr. Pat

As Parish Priest and Chairman of the Parish Bazaar Committee, I would like to thank all those people who helped to make the Bazaar, which took place last Sunday and Monday (25th /26th November 2012), such a wonderful event again this year. There was a great attendance and a really lovely atmosphere both nights and, above all, it turned out to be a great social event. Furthermore, it looks as if it will raise about €9,000 for Parish Funds again this year.

I would like to thank in particular the Bazaar Committee for the wonderful work which they did in the weeks coming up to the Bazaar and over the two days of the event itself. A special word of thanks to Bobby Fitzgerald, our most efficient secretary, who keeps us all in line, and to our two auctioneers, Tadhg Kerins and Fionnán Fitzgerald, who both did a great job each night. It was Fionnán’s first time in this role and he acquitted himself with great aplomb, helped in no small way by his lovely sense of humour! A big word of thanks to Mike O’ Donoghue who supervised the parking outside the hall and to Mary O’ Connell, Brenda Burke, Kathy Dunne, Anne Lynch, Regina Mansfield, Caroline O’ Connell and Mary Slattery, who sold the raffle tickets in the hall. I would also like to thank Kathleen Herlihy for the work which she did for the Bazaar and to thank her and the other people who look after St. Brendan’s Community Centre in Ballydwyer for making the hall available to us and we compliment them on having the hall looking so well again this year. I would also like to thank Sr. Bernardine, Florence Ahern, Mary Casey, Con Crowley, Neil Crowley, June Fitzgerald, Eileen Galvin, James Griffin, Joan Harrington, Maureen Harris, Eimear Herlihy, Eoin Keane, Mary Mc Carthy, Mary Mc Donnell, J.D. Mc Ellistrim, Eileen McLoughlin, Judy O’Connor, Siobhán O’ Connor, Nell O’ Connell, Pat O’ Connell, Tommy O’ Donnell, Danelle & Michaela O’ Donoghue, Roger O’ Halloran, Tony Riordan, Jerry Savage, Diana Scanlon, Seán Scanlon and Pat Slattery for their help and support both before and during the Bazaar. A special word of thanks to our Contact People and to all those other people who secured sponsorship and those who donated and collected the various goods and items that were auctioned, raffled or sold at the Bazaar and all those people who simply came to the Bazaar to support it. All such support is greatly appreciated!

Go mbeirimid go léir beo ag an am seo aris!

Parish Pastoral Council Ballot: As outlined in the newsletter over the last two weekends, the reduction in the number of priests in our pastoral area has resulted in the need for the parishes of Ballymacelligott , Brosna and Killeentierna to reduce the number of weekend Masses from three to two as and from 5th /6th January 2013. We will keep one Mass in each of our two churches. The Church of the Immaculate Conception, Ballymacelligott, will retain its 10.00am. Sunday Mass. One of the two Masses in St. Brendan’s Church, Clogher, will have to be dropped. Having got the views of various parishioners, the Parish Pastoral Council decided to hold a ballot over three weekends, this weekend being the last of the three. Members of the Pastoral Council will be at the doors of the church in Clogher after Mass again this weekend in order to allow parishioners to sign their name and address/townland indicating which Mass they wish to retain. Only our own parishioners may vote in this ballot and each parishioner can vote only once. A person may only sign their own name. In the highly unlikely event of a tie, the Pastoral Council will decide on the next move!

St. Vincent de Paul Collection: The annual collection for St. Vincent de Paul will take place at both Churches next weekend, 8th / 9th December 2012. Please support this worthy charity.

Christmas Concert: Clogher N.S. will hold its Biannual Christmas Concert on Thursday 13th December 2012, in St. Brendan’s Community Centre, Ballydwyer, at 7.30p.m.

Upcoming Station Masses:

Tuesday, 11th December 2012, at 8.00pm at the home of Derry and Maureen Fleming,

Scart, Gortatlea.

Friday, 14th December 2012, at 7.00pm at the home of Michael and Margaret Marshall,


Do This In Memory : The next Mass in the programme will be the 10.00am Mass on Sunday, 23rd December 2012, in the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Ballymacelligott.

Confirmation : The Sacrament of Confirmation will be administered in St. Brendan’s Church, Clogher, on Wednesday, 17th April 2013, at 3.30pm to the 6th Class pupils of the primary schools of our parish.

First Holy Communion Dates: Saturday 4th May 2013, at 11.00a.m. at the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Ballymacelligott: O’ Brennan N.S. and Flemby N.S.:

Saturday, 18th May 2013, at 11.00a.m. at St. Brendan’s Church, Clogher: Scoil Nuachabháil and Clogher N. S

S.V.P. shop at Friary Lane, Tralee: S.V.P. is dedicated to alleviate poverty and support

those who experience crises in their lives. They help in all cases of immediate need, on a ‘person to person’ basis They are dependant on peoples generosity so please support their shop which is now open on Saturdays from 12 to 4pm. Tel 7122706.

For assistance, don’t hesitate to contact them at 087-7848825 or Office 7128021-Tralee

CAVA, A free business advisory service now in Kerry! CAVA clinics are held on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month in Citizens Information Centre, 4 Bridge Lane, Tralee. Anyone wishing to contact CAVA for a consultation can do so in complete confidentiality by calling: Kerry MABS; Tel 0761 07 2190 or Tralee Citizens Information: Tel: 0761 07 7860

Used Postage Stamps : These can be handed in to Our Lady and St. Brendan’s Church, Tralee, in aid of the Missions.

Alcholics Anonymous : Are you worried about your drinking habits?

Do you think you may have a drink problem? Contact your local AA meeting or telephone 066-7127820 or 087-0522911 for information or advice.

Seats in the Porches: The seats in the porches of both churches were put there a couple of years ago by the Parish Pastoral Council to accommodate parents with children who might be noisy or a source of distraction for other Mass-goers. We would ask that those seats be reserved for such please.

Altar Servers Rota forClogher :.

Team A : Thérese, Claire and Eoghan and Alusin Jah.

Team B :. Ciara , Lisa, Maurice and Darren

Team C : Tommy, Dáire, Dylan, and Daragh.

Team D : Oonagh, Róisín, Laura & Niamh.

Ballymac: Rachel, Paul, Joseph, Áine, Cait & Cian.

Mount St. Joseph’s Abbey, Roscrea: The Cistercian Monks welcome people from very varied backgrounds to their Guesthouse, a place of peace and serenity. Some may just want a quiet time to reflect and rest, away from the stress of everyday life, while others may be seeking solace in distress or trying to discern the Lord’s will for them.

Whatever! Why not avail of the experience that the serenity of the place and the calm of the Guesthouse gives to nourish you during your stay and, hopefully, stay with you when

you leave and return to your everyday life. There are also many fine walks around the grounds, giving the visitor time and space to enjoy the peaceful landscape of this area. If interested

phone 050525600 or Email