Name ______
ES 330 Electronics IIHomework #1
(Fall 2016 – Due Wednesday, August31, 2016)
Problem 1(20 points)
We know that a pn junction diode has an exponential I-V behavior when forward biased. The diode equation relating current IDand voltage VD is given by (see Section 4.2 of Sedra & Smith, pp. 184-188)
ID = IS (e(qVD/kT) – 1)
where IS is the saturation current of the diode, VD is the applied voltage across the pn junction, and kT/q (= VT) is the thermal voltage (kT/q which we will take to equal 26 mV at so-called “room temperature”).
(a) Using the above expression for ID, find the incremental (i.e., small-signal) resistance rd under forward bias. You should remember that resistance rd is the derivative (dVD/dID).
rd =
(b) What is the small-signal diode resistance rd at a forward current of ID = 1 milliampere?
rd = ____ ohms
(c) Suppose the diode is forward biased at a current ID0. How much must one increase the forward voltage across this diode to increase the current ten-foldin magnitude (that is, ID1 = 10 ID0whereVD1 = VD0 + ΔVincrease)?
ΔVincrease = ______volt
Note: This is sometimes called the “___-millivolt rule” (you fill in the blank with the value).
(d) From the expression for diode current, ID = IS (e(qVD/kT) – 1), what does the minus one term physically represent in the equation for ID?
Problem 2(18 points)
Continuing with the diode in Problem 1, the saturation current IS = 1 10-15 ampere. Plot the diode’s forward current ID (on the ordinate) versus the diode’s forward voltage VD (on the abscissa). For the plot use four different forward voltage values (for example, you could use VD= 0.5 volt, 0.6 volt, 0.7 volt and 0.8 volt) on the semi-log graph provided below. Plot your four calculated data points on the graph and then fit a line to the data.
(a) Plot your four data points on the gridprovided below.
(b) What is the slope of the curve you plotted (remember this is a semi-log graph)?
(c) Does the “___-millivolt rule” calculated in Problem 1, part (c), also hold true in this plot? Indicate how this on the plot.
(d) How much does the current increase for a voltage increase of 100 mV?
(e) What is the physical reason for the exponential I-V behavior? (Hint: Think about the derivation of the diode ID-VD equation covered in ES 230 Electronics I. Remember when you apply forward bias the potential barrier of the pn junction is lowered. Therefore, what is the reason thisyields an exponential ID-VDcharacteristic?)
(f) We neglected any to include a parasitic series resistance in the diode (actually, all physically real fabricated diodes have some parasitic series resistance). How would you expect the inclusion of this series resistance to change the ID-VD curve on the plot above? (Note: If you want you can show this effect on the plot.)
Problem 3 (15 points)
In this problem we are presented with an NPN BJT transistor with a saturation current IS of IS = 810-15 ampere and its common-emitter current gain can varyover the range of 50 to 200. (Note: This is not uncommon for discrete transistors because manufacfturers want to sell all the devices they produce.) Suppose you bias the emitter-base junction at VBE = 0.700 volt, exactly; fiind the values ofiC, iBand iE for bothlow = 50 and high = 200. (Note: Assume kT/q = VT = 0.026 volt in all your calculations)
Parameter / = 50 / = 200iC
Problem 4 (15 points)
You are presented with an NMOS transistor with a threshold voltage of + 0.5 volt, a process transconductance parameter nCox = 400 A/V2 and a (W/L) ratio of (5 m/0.4 m). The DC power supplies are plus/minus 1 volt, respectively, and both drain and source resistors are included.
Design problem: Using the parametric values for the NMOS device given above, determine the resistance values for RD and RS which meet the criteria of a drain current ID = 0.1 mA and a drain node voltage VD = + 0.3 volt. (Please show your work.)
RD = _____ ohms
RS= _____ ohms
Problem 5 (15 points)
For the NPN BJT in the schematic you can assume infinite current gain (i.e., or hFE) . The two current sources are ideal current sources. If VB is set to zero volts, find the values of voltages VC and VE at the collector and emitter nodes of the circuit. Clearly state any assumption you make in doing this problem. (Please show your work.)
VC = ______volts
VE = ______volts
Assumption used in work: ______
The Challenge Problem on Homework #1 (forget Sedra & Smith for this problem):
Problem 6(20 points)
A sinusoidal signal generator is used to (a) excite a lumped circuit consisting of capacitor C shunted by a fifty ohm resistor (upper figure), and (b) excite a distributed circuit consisting of a three foot length of fifty ohm coaxial cable terminated into a fifty ohm resistor (lower figure). The coaxial cable is RG 58A/U with a characteristic impedance of 50 ohms and 32 pF of capacitance per foot length as measured with a 1 MHz capacitance meter. So three feet of RG 58A/U will total 96 pF (= 96 10-12 F).
In the lumped circuit C = 96 pF corresponding to the distributed circuit using three feet of coax cable. In other words, for both circuits the signal generator is loaded with a 96 pF of capacitor in parallel with 50 ohms. Now we want to compare the frequency response of the lumped and distributed circuits.
(a) For the lumped component circuit, calculate the ratio of output voltage VOUT to input voltage VS (i.e., VOUT/VS), in other words, calculate the voltage transfer function. What is the -3 dB response frequency (that is, the frequency for which the response function falls 3 dB below its low-frequency VOUT/VS magnitude)? Use C = 96 pF and both resistors are 50 ohms.
3 dB frequency = ______MHz
(b) Next, we now want to compare our result from part (a) with the distributed circuit with the coaxial transmission line. Ignoring any small resistive losses in the transmission line, we assume an ideal transmission line (of course, it does have 96 pF of total line capacitance because it is 3 feet long). If you were to measure the ratio VOUT/VSwith increasing frequency, you would find that VOUT/VSis flat out to extremely high frequencies (that is, very far beyond the -3 dB cutoff you calculated in part (a)). It turns out that there is a very important principle at work here. Why do you think the distributed case has a much higher cutoff frequency than the lumped case?