Welcome to the Texas Myotonic Show-Down

May 4 & 5, 2018

Washington County Festival Grounds

1305 E. Blue Bell Road

Brenham, Texas 77833-2426


Scott Horner (ADGA) Show A: Friday, May 4th at 6 P.M.

Cindy Lynn Huggins (MGR) Show B: Saturday, May 5th at 9 A.M.

Cameron DeBorde (MGR) Show C: Saturday, May 5th at 2 P.M.

Show Officials

Eve Williams, Webber’s Grove Myotonic Farm

Sue French, Ainslinn Meadows Farm

Janice Foster, Morning Star Farm


Herd Testing with a Demonstration of Blood Drawing

May 4th at 2:30 to 3:30 P.M.

Should I test? What should I test for? If I purchase from a tested herd, am I totally safe? What should I ask if buying goats about their testing program? If I decide to test, what tests should I perform? Cl, CAE, Johnes, others? There are several Johnes tests, which one should I pick? What are the efficacies of the tests? Are there false negatives? What if I get a false positive? What should I do if I get a possible false positive? How do I draw blood? How do I ship blood? What labs are available?

Instructor: Bob Glass of Pan American Veterinary Laboratories

A Showmanship Class

May 4th at 4:00 to 4:30 P.M.

This is offered to participants who have never been in the ring as well

as those who want to better their skills.

Instructor: Scott Horner

MGR rules to govern and take precedence over all others.

First of all, we encourage you to read the show information and articles on the MGR website ( particular attention to theMGR Score Card, theMGR Official Sanctioned Show Rules Bookandthe MGR Expectation for Judges, Show Officials, Exhibitors & Spectators.These are located on the MGR Show Results page. Thank you.

MGR Sanctioned Show Rules

  1. Goats must be registered by the Myotonic Goat Registry. The original registration certificate must accompany the goat during check-in. Kids under three (3) months of age must be registered for any sanctioned classes. No pending registrations will be accepted at check-in.
  2. Age eligibility for classes will be determined by date of birth on the registration certificate.
  3. The full correct registered name of the goat must be used on show entry forms.
  4. The goat’s permanent ID (USDA scrapie tag, tattoo or microchip) must be on the Health Certificate and MGR registration.
  5. The correct Breeder/Exhibitor name as on the Registration Certificate must be on the show entry form unless you have a signed transfer application that is dated 45 days or less to the show date.
  6. Substitutions will be allowed at Check-In with the same class at no charge.
  7. Goats will be released immediately after the show but all pens must be vacated by 12 noon on May 6th.
  8. All goats entering Texas must have a health certificate not dated before April 4, 2018 and the show address must be your destination. Scrapie rules apply. If you use microchips, you must furnish a reader. Tattoos must be legible. Scrapie tags will be acceptable. You must bring an extra copy of your goat’s health certificate that will be retained by the show secretary.
  9. All goats must be shown with a collar. Bucks must be secure at all times.
  10. Show secretary reserves the right to split large classes.
  11. Entry Fee: $8.00 per goat / per show including kids in sanctioned classes.
  12. Pens are $10.00 each for the duration of the weekend and will be cleaned by Facilities Crew at conclusion of the show.
  13. Wood chips are acceptable forms of bedding. Depending on the number of goats in a pen, ½ bag to 1 bag is sufficient. You are welcome to bring your own or you may pre-order your chips at $6.00/bag.
  14. Entry fees are due at time of entry, NO EXCEPTIONS!
  15. Entries must be received no later than April 18, 2018 to be in the show book, entries will be accepted up till the start of the show as long as they are listed on your health certificate. There will be a late charge on entries not received by April 18th of $2.00 additional per goat per class.
  16. MGR Rules to govern and to take precedence over all others.
  17. No refunds of entry fees under any circumstances.
  18. This is a ribbon and points show. Any available awards will be announced at the show.
  19. Goats may be sold by private treaty. Any goats sold must be entered in the show.
  20. Any item that comes up that is not specifically covered by these rules will be decided by the show committee and their decision will be final.
  21. All goats entering Texas for exhibition must meet all the requirements for entry into Texas. Goats may be examined on grounds by show personnel or state Veterinarian. Goats showing evidence of disease, particularly of foot rot, sore mouth, and/or abscesses will not be allowed to enter the barn or show and may be release by officials.
  22. No animal with an open wound shall be allowed to be unloaded on the show ground.
  23. The organizers of this show and the facility will not be liable for any loss, damages or accidents to animals, persons or property while at the show grounds.
  24. Youth exhibits are to be accompanied by a responsible adult.
  25. No open containers of alcoholic beverages or smoking in the barns or arena allowed.
  26. Good sportsmanship is expected at all times.

I have read the MGR rules and agree to abide by the rules




Printed Name

Texas Myotonic Show-Down Schedule

Washington County Festival Grounds, Livestock Barn 1

Show A starting @ 6:00 P.M. on May 4th, 2018

Show B starting @ 9:00 A.M. on May 5th, 2018

Show C starting @ 2 P.M. on May 5th, 2018

Schedule of Classes

  1. Pee-Wee Showmanship (Free to all children under 6 Years)
  2. Youth Junior Showmanship (Free to Jr. Breeders, 6 yrts to 9 yrs)
  3. Youth Jr. High Showmanship (Free to Jr. Breeders, 10 yrs – 14 yrs)
  4. Youth Senior Showmanship (Free to Jr. Breeders, 15 yrs – 18 yrs)

(Classes 2, 3, & 4 are open only to MGR Youth Breeders)

Doe Show – Junior Does

  1. Pee Wee Doe Kids: 0 through 2 months of age
  2. Doe Kids: 3 through 5 months of age
  3. Junior Doe Kids: 6 through 8 months of age
  4. Intermediate Doe Kids: 9 through 11 months of age
  5. Yearling Doe – Jr. Unfreshened: 12 through 17 months of age
  6. Yearling Doe – Jr. Unfreshened: 18 months through 24 months of age

Junior Champion & Reserve Junior Champion Doe

Selected from the 1st and 2nd place animals in Classes 5-10

Doe Show – Senior Does

  1. Yearling Doe – Sr. Freshened: 12 through 17 months of age
  2. Yearling Doe – Sr. Freshened: 18 through 23 months of age
  3. Junior Adult Does: 24 through 35 months of age
  4. Adult Does: 36 through 47 months of age
  5. Senior Does: 48 through 59 months of age
  6. Senior Does: 60 months of age or older
  7. Mini-Does: Does that have been certified as Mini and status documented on the MGR registration papers.

Senior Champion & Reserve Senior Champion Doe

(Selected from 1st and 2nd place animals in classes 11 – 20)

Grand Champion & Reserve Grand Champion Doe

(Selected from the Jr. Champion, Sr. Champion and Reserve Champion Does)

  1. Pee Wee Buck Kids: 0 through 2 months of age
  2. Junior Buck Kids: 3 through 5 months of age
  3. Intermediate Buck Kids: 6 through 8 months of age
  4. Senior Buck Kids: 9 through 11 months of age

Junior Champion & Reserve Junior Champion Buck

(Selected for the 1st and 2nd place animals in classes 18-21)

Buck Show – Senior Bucks

  1. Yearling Bucks: 12 through 17 months of age
  2. Yearling Bucks: 18 through 23 months of age
  3. Junior Adult Bucks: 24 through 35 months of age
  4. Adult Bucks: 36 through 47 months of age
  5. Senior Bucks: 48 through 59 months of age
  6. Senior Bucks: 60 months of age and older
  7. Mini-Bucks: Bucks that have been certified as Mini and status documented on their MGR registration papers.

Senior Champion & Reserve Senior Champion Buck

(Selected from the 1st & 2nd place animals in classes 22 – 28

Grand Champion & Reserve Grand Champion Buck

(Selected from the Jr. Champion, Sr. Champion and Reserve Champion Bucks)

Wether Show – Junior Wethers

  1. Pee Wee Wether Kids: 0 through 2 months of age
  2. Junior Wether Kids: 3 through 5 months of age
  3. Intermediate Wether Kids: 6 through 8 months of age
  4. Senior Wether Kids: 9 through 11 months of age

Junior Champion & Reserved Junior Champion Wether

(Selected from 1st & 2nd place animals in classes 29 -32)

Wether Show – Senior Wethers

  1. Intermediate Senior Wether: 12 through 17 months of age
  2. Intermediate Senior Wether: 18 through 23 months of age
  3. Adult Wether: 24 through 35 months of age
  4. Senior Wether: 36 months of age and over

Senior Champion & Reserve Senior Champion Wether

(Selected from the 1st and 2nd place animals in classes 33 – 36)

Grand Champion & Reserve Grand Champion Wether

(Selected from the Jr. Champion, Reserve Junior Champion, Sr. Champion $ Reserve Champion)

Entries for Showmanship

Check One or More

A / B / C / Youth’s Name / Age of
Breeder / Goat’s Name / MGR Reg.
# / Class


Print NameSignature


AddressCityStateZip Code


Phone NumberEmail

Any MGR registered doe or wether may be used for showmanship. The goat must have a health certificate.

Statement of Liability:

The Show Management will not be responsible for any loss or damage that may occur. Each exhibitor will be solely responsible for their own liabilities, if incurred, as well as damage or injury to any other person or property caused by the exhibitor or animals they exhibit.

Texas Myotonic Show-Down Schedule

Show A starting @ 6:00 P.M. on May 4th, 2018

Show B starting @ 9:00 A.M. on May 5th, 2018

Show C starting @ 2 P.M. on May 5th, 2018

Check One or More

A / B / C / Goats Registered Name
(Must be as on Reg. Certificate) / S
X / D.O.B. / MGR
# / Permanent Tattoo/Tag/Microchip / Class

Print Name (As on Reg. Certificate)Signature



E-Mail Address (to address Questions) Telephone (Required)

Have you ever participated in a MGR show? Please Circle - Yes No

# of MGR Registered Goats ______X $8.00 per Goat/per Class in Show A = $______

# of MGR Registered Goats ______X $8.00 per Goat/per Class in Show B = $______

# of MGR Registered Goats ______X $8.00 per Goat/per Class in Show C = $ ______

Number of Goat Pens ______X $10.00 per Pen = $ ______

Bedding: $6.00 per bale shavings & must be pre-ordered = $ ______

Please Note: All goats brought into the facility must be entered in at least 1 of the shows.

Grand Total for Show Participation:

Please make checks out to Janice Foster – Show Treasurer, 25843 Newland Road, Waller, Texas 77484.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Myotonics are national treasures. We are friends and family supporting a common cause in preserving this American heritage breed.

$100.00 for Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion Bucks & Does

What a sponsor receives:

Your name on back of our show t-shirt

Your contribution acknowledged in the Texas Show-Down Program Book

A full page ad of your farm in the Texas Show-Down Program Book

Your name on the Texas Myotonic Show-Down Facebook & website

And a heartfelt thank you!

$75.00 for Our Youth Showmanship Classes

What a sponsor receives:

Your contribution acknowledged in the Texas Show-Down Program Book

A half page ad of your farm in the Texas Show-Down Program Book

Your name on the Texas Myotonic Show-Down Facebook & website,

And a heartfelt thank you!

$50.00 for Junior Champion Bucks and Does

What a sponsor receives:

Your contribution acknowledged in the Texas Show-Down Program Book

A quarter page ad of your farm in the Texas Show-Down Program Book

Your name on the Texas Myotonic Show-Down Facebook & website,

And a heartfelt thank you!

$50.00 for Grand Champion Wether

What a sponsor receives:

Your contribution acknowledged in the Texas Show-Down Program Book

A quarter page ad of your farm in the Texas Show-Down Program Book

Your name on the Texas Myotonic Show-Down Facebook & website,

And a heartfelt thank you!

$25.00 Class Sponsorships

What a sponsor receives:

Your contribution acknowledged in the Texas Show-Down Program Book,

A business card ad of your farm in the Texas Show-Down Program Book,

Your name on the Texas Myotonic Show-Down Facebook page

And a heartfelt thank you!

Please contribute, support our show and promote your farm. To make it in our program book, send checks or money orders by April 5, 2018 to:

Janice Foster – Show Treasurer, 25843 Newland Road, Waller, Texas 77484.

Texas Myotonic Show-Down T-Shirts Order Form

Show shirts are $15.00 each. 2 XL and 3XL cost an additional $2.00 each

Can also get the shirts in youth sizes (XS, S, M, L)

QTY / Farm name as desired on shirt if a t-shirt sponsor / Sizes: Adult (S,M,L,XL,2XL,3XL)
Youth (XS, S,M,L) / Price / Total Due

If you are unable to pick up your order at the show, we can ship it to you for an additional charge of

$6.00 to cover postage and handling. If ordering 3 or more shirts, contact us for a shipping quote.

Please mail order form and payment to: Janice Foster: 25843 Newland Road, Waller, Texas 77484.

Shirt orders are due no later than April 5, 2018.

Any questions? Please email Sue French at or text/call 832-338-7117

Texas Myotonic Show–Down Silent Auction

Why are myotonic shows special? Just a short time ago, this American heritage breed was on the Livestock Conservancy’s Threatened List. Through the efforts of MGR, participation in shows and people like you, this breed is no longer on the brink of extinction. MGR breeders view themselves as stewards, conserving and protecting the genetic lines of an heirloom breed. Across America, farmers have come to realize their genetic contributions and their importance to agriculture.

We are grateful for your participation in our show and participation in the Silent Auction is not mandatory. To make it a continued success, your Silent Auction donation of a small item valued less than $20.00 will assist us in continuing to offer future Texas shows. Thank you.

Texas Myotonic Show-Down Schedule

Friday, May 4th

2-5 P.M. Check-In/Registration

2:30– 3:30 P.M. Herd Testing Workshop (arena area)

4:00 to 4:30 P.M. Showmanship Class (arena area)

5:45 P.M. Begin line-up

6:00 P.M. Show A Begins

Saturday, May 5th

7:30 to 8:30 A.M. Check-In / Registration

8:45 A.M. Begin line-up

9:00 A.M. Show B begins

12:00 P.M. Lunch Break – for those having pre-ordered box lunches by Bliss have your tickets ready.

1:00 P.M. Silent Auction/Raffle

1:45 P.M. Begin line-up

2:00 P.M. Show C begins

For Saturday, Bliss Candy Company will be catering a special box luncheon.

Croissant with Chicken Salad, chips and a Special Sweet - $8.00

For the Hearty Eaters: a Sub with two meats, chips and a Special Sweet - $10.00

Assorted Drinks - $1.50

Also available will be White Chocolate, Vanilla and Lavender Ice Cream - $5.00

If interested in being Blissed, please fill out the below form:

Item Cost No. Total

Croissant Box Lunch / $8.00
Sub Box Lunch / $10.00
Drinks / $1.50
Ice-Cream / $5.00

Total: ______

Box lunches must be pre-ordered by Monday, April 18th. Send checks to Janice Foster– Show Treasurer, 25843 Newland Road, Waller, Texas 77484.

We will have your lunch tickets in your show packet. Don’t lose them! They must be redeemed in order for you to receive your box lunches.

At the conclusion of the show, we will gather at Nathan’s, a local Texas barbeque place for a final celebration. Nathan’s is located on the northeast corner of HWY 290 E and 389.

Texas Myotonic Show-Down

Washington County Festival Grounds

1305 E. Blue Bell Road

Brenham, TX 77833

Livestock Barn 1

At this time, a Horse Cutting Show is the only other event scheduled for the festival grounds. They will be located in barns 22 and 29. We will try and keep you updated if there are any changes to the venue.

The festival grounds will be available by 10 A.M. on Friday, May 4th for unloading. Check-out time will be Sunday, May 6th by 12 noon.

RV sites are on a first come, first serve basis. Full hook up is $20.00/day. Only 15 sites are available adjacent to the rodeo area. Partial hook-ups – water, electricity - is adjacent to Livestock Barn 1 and are $10.00/day. Payment for sites will be at Registration Check-In and campers will be issued a PASS to be placed in windshield of trailer.

If folks want to rough it, camping is allowed at no charge and a shower is available in the restrooms.

If all RV sites are taken, the closest RV park is Artesian Park RV Campground 8601 Highway 290.

Where to Stay

Brenham is adjacent to College Station, Texas – home of Texas A & M University. The first weekend in May, graduation celebrations will be held and there already is a hotel bookings overflow in Brenham.

Never you fear! The Show Committee has arranged for two hotels, each with a 25-room hold until April 4th as well as a special rate – 15% off at the Best Western.

Best Western Inn of Brenham

1503 Highway 290 E
Brenham, Texas77833

Direct Phone Line is 979-251-7791

Mention: Texas Myotonic Show-Down and you will be 15% off rate.

Full Breakfast

Super 8

209 Hwy 290 E, Brenham, TX 77833

Direct Phone Line is 979-830-8885

Mention: Texas Myotonic Show-Down

Continental Breakfast

None of the hotels have accommodations for large trailers. It is advised to unhook your trailer and park in adjacent to Livestock Barn 1 on the Festival Grounds.

Bringing It to the Table with our Tastes of Texas Raffle

From the Sabine River to the Rio Grande, Texas is a state that stretches the imagination with its vast lands, people and foods. Texas cuisine is a confluence of cultures.

Our Tastes of Texas Raffle highlights the best of Texas. It’s a raffle where no one loses! One $15.00 ticket will win you something mighty tasty, guaranteed!

There are several Grand Prizes worth over $100.00 - gallons of Blue Bell Ice Cream shipped to anywhere in the United States to a spread of assorted Texas barbeque for a family of 8 to 10 – a combination of ribs, sausage, brisket and sauce. Most prizes will range from $8.00 to $25.00. There will be assorted local wines, mead, craft beers, liqueurs, honey, edible lavender, jellies, jams, pickles, candies, tamales, salsas, pecans, olive oils and much more. Everything from Texas, made by Texans. With your support, everyone may join in the celebration and remember the good times at our first Texas Myotonic Show-Down.