Date: <Insert Date>
From: <Insert School Name>, Dept. of Product Honesty (pH)
To: Students of <Insert Class or Teachers name>
Subject: Heartburn, Antacids, and Truth-in-Advertising
/ Recently, an increase in the number of our students and faculty suffering from acid indigestion and heartburn has been observed. Many of these individuals may turn to an over-the-counter antacid to relieve their symptoms. (Antacids are products that are taken to neutralize stomach acid and reduce discomfort.)In our community, two antacid products are on the market and each product claims to be the best at neutralizing stomach acid. Obviously, both products cannot be the best!
You have been asked by the schools’s Dept. of Product Honesty (aka pH) to determine which antacid is really the most effective at neutralizing acid, and which company is making false claims for their product.
The purpose of this experiement is to determine which of two antacids is most effective at neutralizing acid.
Steps 1-4: As a Team
Step 1: Plan the Experiment
- Each group of 3 or 4 students will use the available materials to develop a procedure that will allow you to determine the effectiveness of the two antacids.
- You will be limited to only the materials provided; therefore you should develop a clear plan for your procedures before you begin.
- You may conduct some small trial experiments to familiarize yourself with the materials and test and optimize your experimental design.
- Prepare a data table before you begin so you are prepared to record your data as you perform the experiment.
- Safety Alert: You must have your plan approved by your teacher before beginning the experiment.
- 5 mL Vinegar (acetic acid)
- 5 mLAntacid Product A (TumEEZE)
- 5 mL Antacid Product B (I82MUCH)
- 3 eye droppers
- pH indicator paper strips
- 3 small plastic cups
- Toothpicks
Step 2: Perform the Experiment
- Perform the experiment according to your procedure
- Record data
Step 3: Analyze the Results
- Review and discuss your data
- Prepare any additional tables and/or graphs that help you and others visualize the data
- If possible, draw a conclusion from your results
- Based on your data, can you state which antacid is most effective?
Step 4: Present the Results
- Prepare a brief PowerPoint presentation (5 minutes or less) of your team’s results
- Select one or two individuals to present your slides (5 slides maximum) to the class
- Your team’s presentation must include:
- Procedure
- Results
- Conclusions
Step 5: As an Individual
Step 5: Write a Lab Report
- Each individual must write a lab report
- Your lab report must include
- Introduction
- Materials
- Procedure
- Results
- Conclusion
- Discussion questions
- All members of a team may use the same Materials, Procedure, and Results information
- You must write your own Introduction and Conclusion
- Within your Conclusion, answer the following questions.
- Identify all acids and bases used in this experiment.
- What is the definition of an acid?
- What is the definition of a base?
- Using the pH values observed during this experiment, provide an explanation of neutralization.
- Provide a possible explanation as to why one antacid may be more effective than another.
- Identify sources of uncertainty in this experiment.
- What procedures and/or materials might you change to improve the experiment?