AACE Board of Director’s Meeting Phoenix, AZ. 8/5/09

Call to Order President Greg Stanley at 12:21 PM

Roll Call

  • Apache – Ferrin Crosby
  • Cochise – Benny Young
  • Coconino – Dale Wegner
  • Gila – Steve Sanders
  • Graham – Michael Bryce
  • Greenlee – Phil Ronnerud
  • La Paz – Mike Speedie, Tom Simmons
  • Maricopa – Mike Sabatini, John Hauskins
  • Mohave – Nick Hont via conference call
  • Navajo – Homero Vela
  • Pima – Rick Harrington, Ali Fermawi, Albert Letzkus
  • Pinal – Greg Stanley
  • Santa Cruz – Scott Altherr
  • Yavapai – Tim Stotler
  • Yuma – Frank Sanchez
  • Associate – Natalya Hyland URS, Linda Walsh RBF
  • ACIP – Tom Hendrix, Doug Muell

Secretary Report

Minutes from the April 9, 2009 meeting in Tucson were reviewed and approved.Dale Wegner made a motion to approve and 2nd was made by Rick Harrington. The motion was carried.

NACE Update-Please try getting the NACE dues in earlier next year. GID should follow NACE instructions for follow-up. Notices did go out November 08, January 09 and April of 09, plus personal follow-up by GID. With all of this we did not accomplish 100% of county dues until approximately mid June. Dale Wegner passed out a NACE Matters report which includes the 2008 AACE Needs Study. National is looking for people to attend some of the national events: Best Practices, Local Road Owners and a Train the Trainer Workshop. Dale Wegner and his Supervisor are involved in a Rural Roads Safety project through NACE and NACE is involved in the passing of the Waters of the US Bill. In other legislative matters the senate has asked the President to put $7billion into the RE Trust Fund, this should cause the fund to be solvent by October.

Ferrin Crosby asked that everyone refer to the e-mail he sent about the Environmental Design Guide on Gravel Roads. Please request only one per county on or you can download the copy from the link he included in the e-mail. Also, Dale and Ferrin attended the NACE conference in Peoria, IL and brought back quite a bit of information. All counties should make sure to have an inventory of their gravel roads on file. Please let Ferrin know if you are already receiving the e-mails from Tony at NACE so he won’t send duplicate copies. The next NACE conference will be held in Fort Worth, TX in April.

Treasurer’s Report. The Treasurer’s report was reviewed and reports showing the breakout of all LTAP funds were provided. Michael Bryce had a question about the breakout of LTAP funds in the checking account; this can be pulled from the checking account statement and the AACE balance sheet. The account balance in the savings account is to remain at $500.00 but showed $875. 75. This was clarified by Melissa at GID as it relates to the July reconciliation as it relates to the QB report which had not yet taken place as the statements had only just been received. Melissa has since done an updated report and forwarded to Michael. Steve Sanders made a motion to accept the Treasurers report and Dale Wegner made a Second to the motion. Motion carried.

Old Business

ACIP request that all counties have a written policy/process for road inspections. Doug Muell handed out a draft of the Memo to all county public works departments along with copies of the Road Safety programs that have been put in place by Mohave and Yavapai Counties(s). All were reminded that this request has been pending for approximately one year. There was a discussion that the counties participated in and then the following motion was proposed by Ferrin Crosby: All Arizona Counties to adopt a policy/program using Mohave and/or Yavapai counties(s) (or a combination of both), tailored to your particular county. This would include the written document by November 15th, 2009 and to be audited by January of the following year. The motion had a second from Dale Wegner, there was a vote and the motion was carried.

NACE Western Region Symposium Harrah’s Laughlin, NV November 4-6, 2009. Linda Walsh gave a brief overview of the progress thus far. The conference will begin Wed afternoon with registration, set-up for vendors and an evening reception to follow. Thurs will begin with the board of directors meeting and a full day of presentations. We currently have a call for speakers out and will continue to accept abstracts through August 31, 2009. John Hauskins has a presentation “Maintaining Gravel Roads” and will submit that shortly. There will be dinner and boat ride Thursday night and a half day of meetings on Friday. Dale Wegner will put together a golf outing for Friday afternoon after the meetings adjourn, watch for details.

2010 Esterbrooks awards and possible dates for annual meeting. Jenny has verified Rancho de los Caballeros will be available January 28-29, 2010. These dates will avoid any conflicts with other groups such as APWA. All counties should submit their candidates for the awards by October 2nd, 2009 at 5pm. Previous Honorable Mention recipients are eligible.

New Business

Board Nominations and Voting for all positions will be held at the Laughlin meeting in November.

There was a motion to adjourn by Mike Sabatini and there was a 2nd by Michael Bryce, motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 1:31 PM.