State Employees Association of North Carolina – District 3
Serving the interests of Avery, Mitchell, and Watauga Counties
6:00 pm November 25, 2014
Sagebrush Restaurant, Boone
Pat Reighard, Chairpersoncalled the meeting to order at 6 p.m.
Those in attendance were: Anne Castro, Libby Clawson, Reta Greene, Wayne Holliday, Kathy Howell, Pat Reighard, Amy Winebarger, Janice Smith, Mike Waters, Jonathan Husk and SEANC Member Action Coordinator Johnny Davison; Guest: Harvey King
Meeting dates were reviewed and changed to the following:
- December – No meeting
- January 27th - Meeting will be held at Sagebrush Restaurant in Boone
- February 24th – Meeting will be postponed until March 3rd due to the BOG meeting. The meeting will be held at Sagebrush Restaurant in Boone.
- March – No meeting
Pat Reighard introduced our guest speaker, Harvey King from AFLAC. Harvey explained that the AFLAC insurance is different from major medical insurance – it is insurance for daily living. AFLAC pays cash benefits for you to use as you see fit. AFLAC benefits can help with unexpected expenses and offers competitive rates. AFLAC offers Group Critical Illness, Group Accident, Group Hospital Indemnity, Group Disability and Group Whole Life.
The AFLAC group coverage through SEANC is a better comprehensive plan at a more affordable rate than you would be able to obtain through the State of North Carolina.
Harvey needs our help with getting the news out about the great plan and rates through SEANC and AFLAC would like to help build SEANC membership by offering the plan directly to the SEANC members. There will be an open enrollment in July, but he would like for our members to talk with their co-workers and State Employee friends about the insurance and refer them to call the call center for further information at 1-855-616-7302 or visit the AFLAC/SEANC enrollment site at .
The minutes from the October 21, 2014 meeting were reviewed by the board and approved as presented.
The Treasurer, Teresa Canton was not present. Pat Reighard gave a report of a balance of $20,260.72 in the SEANC District #3 bank account.
- Auditing - Rhonda Robinson – No report
- Awards–Reta Greene – No report
- Bylaws – Wayne Holliday – No report
- Communications - Pat Reighard – Newsletter will be coming out soon
- Community Service - Janice Smith – Will take the collection of canned goods to the Hunger/Health Coalition of Watauga County.
- EMPAC - Kathy Howell –Reported there was an EMPAC meeting in Raleigh on November 15th and it was noted that 73% of the candidates that SEANC endorsed won in the election. $100,008 has been collected in endorsement funds and only ½ has been spent. Jordan in Ashe County was very appreciative for SEANC’s endorsement.
Kathy will coordinate a meeting of Area 2 before the end of December to meet and discuss EMPAC and elect an Area Chair.
Kathy also informed the members that Tony Smith has indicated that the EMPAC meetings in Raleigh are open for members to come and sit in on the meetings.
- Fundraising –Mike Waters passed out a hole sponsor letter for the Annual Lois W. Forrester Memorial Golf Tournament and a list of the hole sponsor assignments. Members are encouraged to contact their assigned sponsors early. Door prize list will be distributed after the first of the year.
- Insurance - Janice Smith reported that it is the perfect time to encourage members to sign up for the identify theft insurance (InfoArmor)…with the purchasing of holiday gifts on line it is better to be proactive and safe.
- Member Discount - Bob Gibbard– No report
- Member Strength – We still need a Chair for this committee
- Membership - Amy Winebarger - No report
- Nominating - Janice Smith – No report
- Policy Platform - Anne Castro was not present and had no report.
- Retiree - Doris Greerwas not present and had no report.
- Scholarship–Wayne Holliday – No report
- Web Master: Mike Waters– No report.
- YouthCouncil –We need a Chair.
Old Business - None
New Business -
- Pat Reighard reviewed the information that was presented by Johnny Burnette (District #7 – Morganton) with the members for their input.
A)It was discussed about hiring an outside parliamentarian and the consensus was that we did not need one, unless the BOG felt that there would be something of controversy coming before the members at convention.
B)Giving our District Chairs the hand out convention bags was not well received and it was suggested that we go back to the process when the bags, along with the delegate information was given to the Secretaries.
C)It was agreed that we need some security visible in the lobby for the district tables.
D)Everyone agreed that they would like to see the winners posted on the large screens in the convention hall.
E)The Thursday evening buffet is nice that it has gone back to the former format and menu.
F)All members agreed that there needs some better coordination of the Saturday Night Banquet. The staff does not need to be seated up front and there needs to be a way that all the members of a district will be able to sit together and not have to “hunt” for a table to sit at.
G)It was agreed that the Western Regional needs an additional person to help with membership.
Announcements – None: Reminder that the next meeting will be on January 27th at Sagebrush Restaurant in Boone starting at 6 p.m.
Adjournment –at 7:20 p.m.