EBPO Meeting Minutes – May 13, 2013
Sue Berry, Megan Brooks, Travis Brooks, Alicia Chan, Bob Ellington, Karen Ellington, Karen Ehrlich, Noela Francis, Corbin Fauntleroy, Jen Goeglein, Diane Howard, Karen Maline, Karen Miller, Mae Pattison, Dave Kolo, Sarah Kolo, and Kate Reeves
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Travis Brooks.
Copies of minutes were distributed for reading.
Travis called for questions.
Karen Maline made a motion to approve the minutes as revised, motion was seconded.
Minutes were approved.
Travis thanked the senior parents and last year’s officers for their work, and said they would be missed.
Noela Francis said that there was no update to last month’s report.
Mrs. Reeves gave her budget request to the administration to either approve or revise. Their response will include the money they expect from student fees and transportation funding from the county. Any gap in funding would be left to the EBPO.
Travis said we needs to wait for the administration budget before we can create and approve the EBPO budget. He did ask for approval, though, for funding the following for the coming year: the website, a post office box, director’s insurance (to insure the organization and board) and finance software. Sue asked if the $300 that families pay to marching band goes to the school (yes), and how the EBPO will be funded. The answer is from tag day and other fundraisers.
Travis asked for approval for the above named expenses. Bob moved to fund those expenses, the motion was seconded it and it passed.
Chaperone/Volunteers: Corbin had nothing to report; Sue will take over next year.
First Aid: Karen had nothing to report; looking for a co-chair.
Fundraising: Megan is looking for a new chair. Alicia added that it’s time to start organizing the cheese cake and citrus sale for next year.
Spirit Night—Megan said that it is supposed to be at Red Hot and Blue on Thursday, but because of a glitch, it may not be. She’s looking for a parent to take over Spirit Night, which is very easy to do.
eScrip—Corbin is looking for a new chair to take over eScrip. We may make $200 this year.
There was a suggestion that there be a “Fundraising” tab on the website, and Karen Erlich said she would create one and start populating the tabs.
The Tupperware sale organized by Sue Berry and Kat Cook earned $114. They also are donating hostess gifts from a Tupperware party they had last month, which they will raffle off at the spring band concert. Other donations to the raffle are a Tupperware picnic set (Karen Maline), Caribou Coffee (Travis Brooks), and a Vera Bradley bag (Jen Goeglein). Travis suggested listing these items under the band website, and Karen suggested putting a blurb on the school website.
Car Wash—decided not to hold one so late in the school year.
Hospitality: There was no report, but we need a new co-chair before the start of marching season.
Publicity: Steve was the co-chair, but since he was elected vice president, we’ll need a co-chair for next year. Megan said she will co-chair but definitely wants a partner.
Scholarship: Travis said he wants to meet with Kate to see assess the kind of shortages we have as far as kids who have trouble paying for band. It’s more difficult to determine now that the administration has the student accounts.
Spirit Wear: Jen said she and Karen Miller need to get the inventory from Sharon. She asked when she could get the design for next year. Kate said the student leadership designs the shirt; they can start working on the design as soon as they’re chosen. The chairs want to get a wicking shirt instead of cotton, but they may be too expensive. Karen Erlich asked if we can bring the old spirit wear to the concert next week to sell. Kate said she would make sure there’s an intermission in the program so that people could look at the raffle items and buy tickets and spirit wear.
Uniforms: Karen Ellington said everything would be cleaned after the spring concert. Band members who play at graduation will wear their “Sunday best.”
Tag Day: we need a chair for next fall. It’s our largest fundraiser and it has a lot of components. According to tradition, it should be the weekend of September 7th - 8th, but the final date will be determined after the fine arts department is has their calendar meeting next week. Karen Maline asked if the band might do Tag Day in conjunction with the choir again. She also asked if the guard will have to do a second tag day again. Both issues will be discussed next month.
Sue Berry asked if we are still targeting some fundraisers for the EBPO and others for the student accounts. The answer is yes. Even though it isn’t as easy as it used to be because the school is in charge of student accounts, we have to give students an opportunity to raise funds. The money will have to be tracked very closely and reported to the school.
Travis proposed we move the meeting to the last Wednesday of the month next year to make it easier for the treasurers, who both work in finance, to do their reports. Corbin said that the “Theory of Knowledge” (TOK) classes are on Wednesday evenings, which could be problematic for some families. We decided to move the meetings to Wednesdays and see how it goes.
Sue reminded the group that the Twain band concert is Thursday night and invited parents to meeting with 8th grade parents at 5:30 to answer any questions they may have about marching band. Fourteen Edison band kids are going to meet and have pizza with 8th graders at 4:30. Kate said that she gave the handbook to the administration for approval several weeks ago and has yet to hear from them. She cannot hand it out until it’s approved. However, she would allow “this” year’s to be posted on the website in the meantime so that the language and rules are available for new families to see.
The date for the June meeting was set for June 3 at 7. An announcement can be sent to the membership at .
Meeting adjourned at 7:43
Respectfully Submitted,
Karen Maline
EBPO Secretary