Accessibility Standards for Customer Service
Compliance Checklist
This checklist was designed using the requirements listed under the Accessibility Standards for Customer Service, Ontario Regulation 429/07 to assist your business in becoming compliant. Ontario businesses with 1 or more employee must comply by January 1, 2012.
Requirement / Person Responsible / Date CompletedDevelop a policy that includes the following as it pertains to people with disabilties:
- Provision of goods and services to persons with disabilities
- The use of assistive devices
- The use of guide dogs, service animals and service dogs
- The use of support persons
- Any other measures you offer (assistive devices, services or methods) to enable people with disabilities to access your goods and use your services
- Notice of service disruptions
- Customer feedback
- Training
- Notice of availability and format of documents
Develop practices and procedures that follow policy guidelines (see above) and that are consistent with the core principles of independence, dignity, integration and equal opportunity
Develop communication plans and strategies that consider guests and take into account individual disabilities
Allow guests to use their own personal assistive devices when accessing your goods and services
Allow guests with disabilities to be accompanied by a guide dog, service dog and/or service animal unless prohibited by law (see policy)
If an animal is prohibited by law, consider other measures that could be taken to ensure the guest has access to your goods and services
Requirement / Person Responsible / Date Completed
Allow guests who are accompanied by a support person to bring that person with them while accessing your goods and services
If admission fees are charged, provide notice ahead of time on what a support person would be charged
Provide notice of service disruptions that include the reason, anticipated duration and alternative options to access your goods and services
Develop a process for accepting feedback, including how it will be recorded, responded to and handled
Make information about your feedback process readily available to guests
Train employees, volunteers, agents, contractors and others who deal with the public or act on your behalf along with those who are involved in the development and approval of customer service policies, practices and procedures on the following:
- The purpose of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005
- The requirements of the Accessibility Standards for Customer Service, Ontario Regulation 429/07
- Instructions on how to interact and communicate with guests with various types of disabilities
- Instructions on how to interact with people with disabilities who: use assistive devices; require the assistance of a guide dog, service animal or service dog; or require the use of a support person
- Instructions on how to use equipment or devices that are available on your premises or that may help guests with disabilities
- Instructions on what to do if a guest with a disability is having difficulty accessing your services
- Instructions on your policies, procedures and practices relating to the standard
Establish provisions for training new staff. Consider incorporating training into orientation handbooks and sessions
Businesses with 20 or more employees
Requirement / Person Responsible / Date Completed
Document in writing all your policies, practices and procedures for providing accessible customer service
Notify guests that the documents are available upon request
When requested, provide documents in a format that takes into consideration the guest's disability
Keep a record of training that includes the dates training was provided and the number of employees who attended
Complete the online reportthrough
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