Scheme for Clay Quarry Managers and Responsible Persons

This paper based form enables you to record your CPD activities. At the end of the term, you will be asked to email a copy to for auditing by the JAB. All the tables expand to accommodate additional entries. All successful CPD applications will receive a CPD certificate. Copies of this document will be made available to line managers

This document must be filled in using the CPD Guidelines for reference. This Guideline can be found on the IOM3 website

First name / Last name / Company / Line manager
Kevin / Barton / Kevin Barton Associates Ltd / N/A
Quarry responsibility (C, D or E) / Job role
E / H&S Advisor
Closed quarry? / Details: / Are you part time? / Details:
Yes/No / Yes/ No

CPD PRIORITIES IDENTIFIED FOR THIS TERM - you MUST complete CPD to these priorities although others can be included.

No / CPD Priority / Date
E>G (Relate to health and safety) / Improve my knowledge of health & safety legislation / End Oct 17
E.G (Relate to quarries regulations1999) / Improve the competence of all working at the quarry / End Oct 17
E.G (Relate to protecting individuals) / Ensure risks to health and safety of stakeholders at the quarry are reduced / End Oct 17
4 / Ensure Discharge consent is varied / End Oct 17


No / Reasons for change / New priority (if appropriate) / New No (if appropriate) / Date


Priority No / Activity / Learning
(What I learned from the activity) / Outcomes
(What the outcomes of the activity were) / Benefits
(What the benefits of the activity were, to myself & /or my colleagues at all levels & / or the organisation / CPD Type (see below) / Hours
Dec 16 / 1/2 / IOSH Managing Safely
4 day course covering h & s legislation and how to manage H & S in the workplace / I learned about managing H&S in the workplace and improved my knowledge of the Management of health and safety at work regulation / I was able to go back to the workplace and review the quarry risk assessments and put an action plan into place to improve them / The quarry risk assessment reviews are overdue but we now have a rolling programme to review and implement control measures which will reduce the risk of harm to employees / FE / 28
Jan 17 to Aug 17 / 2/3 / Review risk assessments with the employees in the quarry. / I learned the importance of regular reviews of risk assessments not only to ensure compliance but more importantly to ensure the health & safety of people / I got a group of quarry employee’s together and set aside time for us to review and update the risk assessments. The risk assessments were then reviewed over a period of 6 months. / We updated the risk assessments identifying a number of areas where additional control measures needed to be put into place. This benefited all at the quarry as the risk of harm was reduced. A further benefit was that employees are more engaged as a result of taking part in the reviews. A further benefit is that by involving employees their competence with regard to risk assessment was improved / WBL / 14
3 / Visited Hillhead exhibition. I wanted to network and catch up will people in the industry and to look at dust control techniques to reduce the risk of exposure / During the day I looked at a number of dust control measures and gained an understanding of how they work. I also learned that not all control measures are suitable for my quarry / I was able to make arrangements for on-site demonstrations of dust control techniques / I benefited by improving my understanding of different dust control techniques and being better able to select the most suitable ones to be demonstrated on site / CSW / 6
June 17 / 3 / Demonstration of mist cannon at the quarry. I had seen a mist cannon being used at Hillhead and wanted to see if the system would be suitable for use in a clay quarry / I gained an understanding of how the system could best be deployed in the quarry to reduce the dust levels when loading from a stockpile / The outcome of the demonstration was a mist cannon system was brought for the quarry and is now in operation / The benefits are that airborne dust is reduced during loading operations thus reducing exposure to people / WBL / 5
May to June 17 / 3 / Visit to a local school to discuss brick making with children. I was asked to put together a 30 minute presentation to a group of 10 year olds to inform them about the local brick making heritage and safety around the brickworks / I did not expect to learn a great deal from this as I expected to be passing information to the children. I did however learn how important the history and heritage of the local area is to younger people / The outcomes were the children’s knowledge of the local has been improved.
The school visits will now part of an annual event including school visits and the children visiting the brickworks and quarry / The benefits are improved community relations which could also help with future planning applications.
Children have benefited from improved knowledge.
Incidents of trespass during the summer have dropped following the events / O / 4
Sept 17 / 2 / Attended a meeting of the IOQ, the speaker gave a presentation on tyre maintenance / I learned how tyre maintenance cannot only improve the life of quarry plant tyres thus reducing
costs but that there are also health & safety benefits to be gained / The outcome of this event was we have now introduced a tyre inspection regime involving an outside contractor
A tool box talk was given to quarry drivers regarding tyre care and driving techniques / The benefits so have been that any damage to tyres is picked up earlier and repairs made, this reduces risk of harm resulting from tyre failure, tyre running costs have also been brought down / PA
WBL / 1
May 17 / Environment Agency to review discharge consent. We needed to increase our water discharge following an extension to the quarry
NOT H&S RELATED / This was my first ever meeting with someone from the EA. I learned a lot about the working of the EA and water discharge. / Outcome was that I now understand how the procedure to vary the discharge operates / I am able to follow the procedures and the consent will be varied / WBL / 5
41% WBL / Total / 66
Office use only
Review date: / Reviewed by:
Comments :

CPD V2016-2017