Breathitt High School

2307 Bobcat Lane

Jackson, KY 41339

Phone: (606) 666-7511

Fax: (606) 666-7765

Course Syllabus 2013-2014

World History

Course Description: World History is a course that explores the physical, political, economical, and social changes the nations of the earth have experienced from the Ancient Civilizations to today.

Course Goals/Objectives: By the end of this course you will be knowledgeable of the people, places, ideals, wars, concepts, and social views of the world from the ancient civilizations to today. You will connect how these changes have impacted today’s society. You will successfully complete tasks that reflect your knowledge of this material as they are outlined in the Core Content and Program of Studies. You will also be prepared for U.S. History.

Instructor Information:JoDean Howard

(606) 666-7511 Ext. 262

Room 208 at Breathitt High School

Course Calendar*:

From August 2013 through May 2014, we will cover the following topics: the world before modern times prehistory-A.D. 1500; the early modern world, 1400-1800; an era of European Imperialism, 1800-1914; and moving toward a global civilization, 1945-present.

Introduction to Course: Week 1

Unit 1 The World Before Modern Times: Weeks 1-3

Unit 2 The Early Modern World: Weeks 4-10

Unit 3 An Era of European Imperialism: Weeks 11-14

Unit 4 The 20th Century Crisis: Weeks 15-18

Unit 5 Toward a Global Civilization: Weeks 19-24

Text/Other Required Materials/Resources:

World History: Modern Times—In class only





Jump Drive

Outside reference resources

Instructional Procedures:

Throughout this course a variety of activities and teaching strategies will be used to meet the auditory, visual, and hands-on learning styles of students. Paper and pencil are required every day.

Classroom Rules:

  1. It is essential that you be here and be on time for class.
  2. Have all items you need for class with you upon entering the classroom door every day school is in session.
  3. Be respectful to me, each other, and all items in the classroom at all times.
  4. Correctly complete all assigned work by following the directions.
  5. Do not touch anyone with anything at anytime ever.
  6. Have correctly completed assignments by due dates and be ready to interact using the material.
  7. Stay in assigned seats.
  8. Textbooks remain in the classroom. A copy will be available online on my teacher website.

Attendance/Administrative Procedures:

  1. Please refer to the attendance policy in the student handbook.
  2. You must sign out each time you leave the classroom and provide your name, time left, reason, and time returned. There will be a form on my desk. You must also have a hall pass at any time you leave the room. Hall passes are provided by me.
  3. If you are not feeling well, please inform me at the beginning of class so I can help you.
  4. If you are absent, it is also your responsibility to obtain your assignment from me upon your return to school.
  5. If I am absent from school for any reason, I will leave an assignment for you to complete. It does not matter who the sub is or what the sub says or does, you ARE responsible for the assignment I leave for you to complete. No exceptions.

Grading System:

The grading scale is as follows: 100-90 A; 89-80 B; 79-70 C; 69-60 D; 59-0 F with semester exams accounting for 20% of your final grade. You will want to pass the final.

If you want to earn an A for this class, you will need to meet the following criteria:

  • Earn 90% or better on all quizzes, tests, and assignments, Read 4 accelerated reader novels (one per 9 weeks) and complete 4 book reports( one novel per 9 weeks)—one on each novel. You will need to choose 4 novels pertaining to World History and have them approved by me prior to completing any book reports.
  • Complete 100% of the Quality Core/Study Island assignments.
  • Limit absences – missing class means you miss out on the day’s material and assignment.
  • Do below the minimum class work required to earn an A.

If you want to earn a B for this class, you will need to meet the following criteria:

  • Earn 80% or better on all quizzes, tests, and assignments, including projects.
  • Read 3 accelerated reader novels and complete 3 book reports.
  • Complete 80% of the Quality Core/Study Island assignments.
  • Limit absences – missing class means you miss out on the day’s material and assignment.
  • Do below the minimum class work required to earn a B.

If you want to earn a C for this class, you will need to meet the following criteria:

  • Earn 70% or better on all quizzes, tests, assignments, projects
  • Read 3accelerated reader novel and complete 3 book reports.
  • Complete 700% of the Quality Core/Study Island assignments.
  • Limit absences – missing class means you miss out on the day’s material and assignment.
  • Do below the minimum class work required to earn a C.

If you want to earn a D for this class, you will need to meet the following criteria:

  • Earn 60% or better on all quizzes, tests, assignments, projects
  • Read 1 accelerated reader novel and complete 1 book report.
  • Complete 100% of the Quality Core/Study Island assignments.
  • Do below the minimum class work required to earn a D.

If you want to earn an F for this class, you will need to meet the following criteria:

  • Earn 59% or less on all quizzes, tests, assignments, projects
  • Don’t read any accelerated reader books or complete any book reports.
  • Complete 50% of the Quality Core/Study Island assignments.
  • Don’t limit absences
  • Don’t attempt to do make-up work

You will earn the grade you choose to earn.

Opportunities for Extra Help/Assistance:

  1. Ask questions of me when you have the opportunity.
  2. Extra credit may be given occasionally, but is not promised or guaranteed.


This course schedule is tentative and subject to change as needed throughout the course except for article reviews. I am glad to have you enrolled in my course and have your presence in my classroom. It will take each of us working together with cooperation, understanding, and compassion to achieve the objectives and goals of this course to provide you with a premium World History education. Let’s get started.