Parish Council Meeting Minutes
April 9, 2013
Council attendees: Fr. Gaudy, Paul Battaglia, Karen Dunn, Herman Dennis, Laurie Steentofte, George Coker, Dick Jennings, Richard Serpe, Rick Paradiso, Terry McClaskey.
Guest present: Alfie Coyle, Glenn Rodriguez, Cindy Girard
The meeting was called to order at 7pm with Paul Battaglia presiding.
Father Gaudy led us in pray.
· Guest Ed Marroni from the environmental committee spoke about taking the church to a paper-less system and presented the council with a proposal. Discussion proceeded regarding paper and plastic as opposed to glassware. Glenn presented his findings comparing washing cost to plastic cost which showed washing to be a minor cost in comparison. Father Gaudy suggested educating the parish and establishing ministry of volunteers. Another idea was suggested to look into outsourcing the cleaning and laundering duties. Council voted to move forward with educating the parish and establishing a laundry ministry.
Old Business: Glenn provided an updates; Chapel HVAC is in holding pattern and is waiting for the diocese to give feedback on the churches proposal. Three bids are in on the carpet replacement. Looking to try and start installing the first part of June. Glenn is still waiting for bids to come back on the automatic door replacement.
The council was informed that the Wine and Cheese has received a increase to their budget and Doughnuts have also.
New Business: Carolyn Collings provided the council with different options for the Stations replacement project. Council voted to go with the 24 x 24 Cast Bronze stations.
Alfie Coyle reported to the council that a group is forming regarding the seniors dances and should be meeting soon.
Paul Battaglia gave thanks to all who helped out with the winter watch dinner with special thanks to Steve Winters and his family. Paul also praised Father Gaudy wonderful Easter season masses.
George Coker gave an update on the adult education programs going on in the church. He said the group would be surveying the parish to better meet their needs. The handing out of surveys at the masses was approved by father.
Karen Dunn presented a spread sheet for the suggestion box inputs. The spread sheet tracks follow ups and person responsible for action.
Father spoke about his vacation trip home.
Next council meeting date will be at 7pm on June 25th.
Father led us in a prayer to end the meeting.