13th Meeting of the Advisory Group on Land Based Sources of Pollution
November 27-28, 2008, Istanbul, Turkey
The meeting was attended by the representatives of all Black Sea states except Russia and Bulgaria. Bulgaria sent in advance their contribution which was presented by Mrs. Velikova. Invited guest from BSEC was Ms. Marina Naumova.
Abbreviations: VV – Violeta Velikova.
A1: Opening and welcome, introduction of participants, approval of the Agenda and minutes of the previous meeting. Report on the Decisions of the previous meeting.
VV opened the meeting, welcomed all participants, who represented later themselves. The Agenda of the meeting was approved. VV briefed the group on the progress with the SoE report 2008, SAP Implementation Report 2008, LBSA Protocol (agreed by all states already), the SAP 2008 revision and forthcoming Ministerial Meeting (April 2009, tentative).
The Decisions of the previous meeting were discussed in terms of the group’s performance and together with the text of Minutes (12th meeting) approved. During the discussions Mrs. Oros provided information on R9: How exactly Green House Gases are estimated in Romania? – Using the EMEP methodology based on emissions inventory; and R13: RO methodology for inventory of diffuse agricultural sources of pollution? – MONERIS model used, special training provided by ICPDR for all Danube states.
A2: LBS Reporting
The presentations of all states are attached to the Meeting documents and will be uploaded onto the web page of the Commission as usual.
BG – VV presented the data provided by Bulgaria on behalf of Ms. S. Barova. The group discussed the increase in municipal BOD5 and TSS loads in 2007 mainly on behalf of the Varna WWTP. Interpretation of data will be requested from Ms. Barova. Note: it was provided as follow:
The increased municipal BOD5 and TSS loads in 2007 from the Varna WWTP were due to increase in city population, especially during the summer season, over-construction in the district, providing of sewerages to quarter “Vinitsa” and some neighborhoods and their connection to the Varna WWTP. Due to this the Varna station was overloaded. The concentrations from the summer months for BOD5 and TSS (mg/l) were very high and reflected on the loads for the whole year.
Construction of sewer collector from Asparuhovo WWTP to Varna WWTP under the bottom of VarnaLake is going on. The station of Asparuhovo will be reconstructed to canal pumping station for transferring of wastewaters to the Varna treatment station.
GE – Mr. V. Tsiklauri reported, presentation will be provided after the meeting. A document containing developed Strategy for Water Supply and Sanitation will be sent to the BSC PS and the GE Commissioner will be contacted for consideration.
RO – Mrs. A. Oros reported. There were questions in relation to high Cadmium emissions in 2001, and general decrease in all emissions after 2001. The latter was related to decrease in industrial activities and BAP applied.
TU – Mr. E. Cavus reported, mentioning the TUBITAK project designed to assess all hot spots in Turkey and help in finalizing the BSC draft Hot Spots methodology. There was a question from GE about plans in TU to decrease loads coming from mining (Ni, Cu). Mr. Cavus informed that there was a survey of copper mining from the GE border to the Sakarya river. A waste dam construction is almost completed, no waters will be discharged from the Murgul mining. In return TU asked GE whether they have recent data on trace metals pollution coming from TU to GE? Such data is not available but GE will undertake soon investigation on sediments pollution. VV reminded that Cu is naturally with high values in Eastern Black Sea TU waters, and they cannot be decreased by any measures to lower values than those observed under natural variability (based on report of Prof. H. Sur, IstanbulUniversity).
UA - Mr. E. Patlatiuk reported. No rivers were presented, however, the data will be provided after the meeting. There was a question why the flow of WWTPs decreases in 2005-2007, interpretation will be provided after the meeting.
The group discussed the purpose of giving presentations based on annually reported data. VV stressed that the presentations are used to elaborate the Annual Report of the group for the Commission. Discussions on the data are very important to verify the data, to check values submitted, to assure that interpretations of data are provided. The credibility of data is not questioned, but quality control is envisaged in the BSIMAP and appears obligation in the management of the BSIS.
The presentation of data in a long-term aspect was best provided by RO (2000-2007), BG and UA considered only the period 2005-2007 (in some graphs UA gave comparisons since 2004), TU reported only for 2007 comparing in between the different sources of pollution. RO delegation stressed that it was very important to follow the instructions of the BSC, and to present trends. TU will prepare figures showing long term trends after the meeting.
A3: Annual Report for the Commission. Discussions on the proposed template
The proposed template was discussed and agreed as follows:
Annual Report Template/Indicators based reporting
Overall objective: The report has to reflect activities of the LBS AG, AC and BSC PS in accordance with the Work Plan of the Black Sea Commission and BS SAP implementation process. It has to summarize and analyze LBS data provided by the BS states in the frames of their reporting obligations.
Introduction, General Information
1. Reporting Organization.
2. Focal Point, representative, Institutes providing data/info
3. Institutions Responsible for the Implementation of the BS LBS Protocol (optional - here the information can be provided according to the Articles of the revised LBSA Protocol, including monitoring Agencies for rivers, atm pollution, municipal and industrial discharges, etc.)
4. LBS Projects, Programs, Plans if any.
5. New agreements, legislation, policy development, procedures, changes in licensing (if any)
6. BAT and BAP introduced (if any)
I.Analysis of national data reported to the BSC, based on indicators
1. Municipal Pollution sources
2. Industrial Pollution Sources
3. Riverine Pollution Sources[1],[2]
II.LBS AG and AC Activities in the year …., Work Plan imlementation, Report on the Decisions taken during meetings
III. Enhancing cooperation
Y. GAPs in LBS Protocol and SAP implemetation
YI. Priorities for future
A6: Election of Chairman
All the members of the group proposed Mr. Cavat Yaman from Turkey and he was elected as the new chairman of the LBS AG. Mr. Yaman thanked the group for the trust and reflected nicely the main aim of the group – to help each other in achieving better knowledge on the land based sources of pollution to provide grounds for decision-making in the region to tackle this kind of pollution. Mr. Yaman overviewed the given presentations and concluded on the need of improvement and giving more details, better interpretations of data. There is also necessity too show explicitly where there are no WWTP, amount of untreated waters, the level of treatment if available, to show trends and to consider not only point sources but diffuse sources as well.
Mr. Cavus proposed also to include in presentations comparison between industrial and municipal sources to identify which of them should be the priority in management/investments.
VV reminded that diffuse sources have never been included in the reporting of the LBS AG and preliminary discussions only were undertaken on the approach they can be addressed. Mr. Yaman asked the members of the group whether in their states the diffuse sources were distinguished from point. The situation looked as follow:
GE – no methodology to distinguish;
RO – MONERIS is used for the Danube river.
UA – no methodology available.
TU -??
Mr. Yaman inquired whether we should include diffuse sources of pollution in the reporting of the LBS AG. GE and UA stated they were not ready to start reporting on diffuse sources, may be in 5 years the latter will be feasible.
Ms. Oros reminded that for the TDA2007 diffuse sources were roughly evaluated using data on cultivated land, number of farms, amount of fertilizers used, etc.
Mr. Cavus mentioned that it would be very important to use in all BS states the same methodology, to approach the diffuse sources in a harmonized way and to assure the comparability of data.
Mr. Yaman concluded that eutrophication remains the main problem of the Black Sea and definitely the diffuse sources (major contributor in nutrient loads) should be addressed as soon as possible. For the moment the reporting will stay with the point sources only until the states are ready to assess the diffuse sources as well.
A4: Amended Reporting Format. Discussions, agreement
The discussions on the amendments of the reporting format started with the list of determinands agreed for Black Searivers monitoring. In 2007 the list was revised in agreement with the ICPDR list of parameters observed along the Danube river in the frames of the TNMN. There was a hesitation to leave the agreed in 2007 dissolved forms of trace metals or to finally exclude them. It was agreed that in the frames of one week RO and UA would advise on the issue and the final list of determinands will be distributed to all states for approval. Note: RO expressed already opinion to keep them.
The amendment of the reporting format was agreed as follows:
Sheet 1 (Articles of Action Plan) – to be removed, a new Action Plan will be signed in 2009.
Sheet 2, Sheet 3, Sheet 6, Sheet 8 (Programs/Projects/Plans: River Basin; Nutrients and Other Pollutants Reduction; Reduction of Air Pollution, Hot Spots) – to be presented in Word Format in the Annual Report as follows:
1. Name of the Program/Project/Plan
2. Duration (start-end)
3. Donor (Funding organization), amount of funding
4. Objective – the ultimate aim, what you are going to achieve by this program/project/plan – (for instance, referring to legally binding document, such as Urban Waste Water Directive, and use a relevant objective – build a tertiary treatment and reduce nutrients by 50%).
Sheet 4 (River Discharges) – stays in Excel, the determinands replaced as agreed, added column for frequency of observations.
Sheet 5 (Green House Gases) - removed, use EMEP reports, Promote project.
Sheet 7 (Hot Spots) – to keep the list of determinands agreed for rivers, exclude only dissolved oxygen.
Sheet 9 (Portfolio) – remove.
Sheet 10 (Accidental pollution, amount of untreated waters)– Accidental pollution in relation to waste waters is a controversial issue, as release of untreated waters can happen on purpose during heavy rains.
- Total amount of waste waters discharged into the Black Sea
- Amount of insufficiently treated water
- Amount of untreated waters
- Number of accidental pollutions cases from land-based sources discharging into the Black Sea (optional) – number of accidents and volume.
Oil pollution accidents go to the ESAS AG reporting.
Sheet 11(Procedures…) and Sheet 12(Law/Regulations…) – removed from the Excel file, incorporated in Word Format, Annual report.
Sheet 13 (Standards) – there is a separate Excel file for standards, which needs to be checked. Som standards of RU, UA and GE are very different from those of BG, RO and TU. For water quality the standards for nutrients need to be revised by RU, GE and UA.
Sheet 14 (Efficiency of enforcement) – very important information, we shall keep it but needs to be better organized, based on SMART indicators. The Chairman proposed: Number of inspections followed by fines. R: The group will come with proposals to develop this part of the reporting.
Sheet 15 (Professional trainings) – remove.
Sheet 16 (Innovative technologies) – info on BAT and BAP goes to the Annual report, Word Format.
Sheet 17 (Projects/Publications…) – goes to the Annual report, Word Format.
Sheet 18 (Contracting parties to the POP’s Convention) – remove, check whether the information is available already in the SAP Implementation report. Table 35a.1. Strategies, plans, measures for reduction of POPs go to the Annual Report, Word Format. Table 35a.1. Objectives for reduction of POPs, goes to the Annual Report, Word Format, together with Sheets 2, 3, 6, 8.
D: The amended Reporting Format for data will be distributed for approval and use in 2009.
A5: Guidelines on EIA in Transboundary Aspect
The group discussed the draft Guidelines on EIA in Transboundary Aspect proposed by the ESPOO Secretariat for the Black Sea. TU expressed again reservations and insisted no reference to the ESPOO Convention to appear in the Guideline. All references to the ESPOO Convention can be easily avoided replacing them with Annexes to the Guideline. The commented document with the proposed changes is attached to the meeting documents and will be uploaded onto the web page of the BSC. The proposals for change will be sent to the ESPOO Secretariat for redrafting the document and finalizing it.
A7: Hot spots
- Methodology
- Checked standards
- Meta data base for industrial and municipal sources of pollution-agreed format, initial steps, coastal zone
The main text of the methodology was not discussed as TUBITAK will wok with it and comment to help the group to finalize the document. The Methodology will be distributed again to the members of the group and comments will be expected till the end of January. MED POL Methodology will be considered as an example. The term coastal zone will not be specified when new List of Hot Spots will be accumulated. The choice on hot spots influencing on the Black Sea will be based on national decision, no matter the source of pollution is right at the coast or far from it.
The Table of Standards was discussed. Harmonization for discharges is not possible for the moment because of different approaches in the states. For instance UA identifies permissible levels of discharges for each industrial source in separate (for authorization purposes), there are no common standards like in BG and RO, except for BOD5 and TSS. For water quality the standards could be harmonized but significant changes are needed for nutrients in UA, RU and GE. To change standards is a very expensive action. GE and UA requested the BSC PS to draft a letter to their Ministries of Environment and draw the attention to the need in revision of nutrient standards.
The Format for the Meta Data was amended and agreed. It will be distributed for final confirmation and used in 2009 for creation of Data Base for industrial and municipal sources of pollution, those which influence the Black Sea and appear potential Hot Spots. The data base will help to revise the List of Black Sea Hot Spots and identify the priorities in the region.
A8: Riverine monitoring strategies
GE- reported on a project dealing with River Monitoring Strategy, an electronic version of this strategy is attached to the documents of the meeting. The implementation of the strategy has not yet started, still no measurements of rivers flows are in place.
RO – reported on the National network and also obligations in the frames of the TNMN (presentation attached). The national network covers more parameters but with lower frequency of observations.
TU – monthly sampling, incl. flow measurements. Written document is expected with short description of Rivers monitoring strategy and responsible institutions – frequency of sampling, number of stations, parameters.
UA – no state program. There are projects for Dnipr, Danube (4 stations, TNMN sampling frequency and parameters measured) and North Donec. Short written description is expected - frequency of sampling, number of stations, parameters, responsible institutions.
A9: Discussions on priorities (for the work of the AG) for 2008/9. Work Plan for 2008/2009 – LBS component. Closure.
The group was again kindly asked to check the old reporting (quality control) and resubmit the files with data of mistakes are found. The files of TU will be sent to Mr. Cavus.
The plan for 2008/9 was outlined as follow:
Area of Work / Activity / Participants / Responsible Entities / Output / DeadlineLBS Pollution Control / “Hot Spots” criteria and methodology for including and excluding sources of pollution from the regional List of Hot Spots / TUBITAK / LBS AG and AC
Initiate regular updating the List of Hot Spots for the Black Sea based on agreed criteria. Meta data of industrial and municipal sources monitored in the region. Nomination of new Hot Spots. / LBS AG and AC
List of priority substances to be monitored for rivers: harmonization of monitoring strategies in the region. / BSC PS, LBS AG and AC
Harmonization of standards, monitoring of municipal and industrial sources / LBS AG and AC, BSC PS / Progress Report[YUN1]
Addressing diffuse sources of pollution in the Black Sea
(Ref. MONERIS) / ICPDR / LBS AG and AC, BSC PS / Project Concept
Guideline on EIA in Transboundary Aspect / ESPOO Secretariat / Guideline finalized
Indicator-based reporting on pressures / EEA / Indicators Data
Decisions of the 13th LBS AG Meeting, 27-28th of November 2008.
D13.1: Efficiency of enforcement) – very important information in the Reporting Format, needs to be better organized, based on SMART indicators. The group will come with proposals to develop this part of the reporting.
D13.2: The amended Reporting Format for data will be distributed for approval and use in 2009.
D13.3: The proposals for change of the Guidelines for EIA in Transboundary aspect will be sent to the ESPOO Secretariat for redrafting the document and finalizing it.
D13.4: The Format for the Meta Data was amended and agreed. It will be distributed for final confirmation and used in 2009 for creation of Data Base for industrial and municipal sources of pollution, those which influence the Black Sea and appear potential Hot Spots. The data base will help to revise the List of Black Sea Hot Spots and identify the priorities in the region.
D13.5: The Hot spots methodology will be again distributed, comments expected till the end of January.
1. A document containing developed Strategy for Water Supply and Sanitation for GE will be sent to the BSC PS and the GE Commissioner will be contacted for consideration.
2. GE and UA requested the BSC PS to draft a letter to their Ministries of Environment and draw the attention to the need in revision of nutrient standards.
3. From UA and TU - written document is expected with short description of Rivers monitoring strategy and responsible institutions – frequency of sampling, number of stations, parameters.
4. The data files of TU will be sent to Mr. Cavus for quality check.
[1]Provide Figures in long-term aspect not only for nutrients, TSS and BOD5, but where possible for trace metals and other pollutants (the ones which are mandatory in the BSIMAP)
[2] The data to be presented on the Figures in columns (cumulative for all the sources – municipal, industrial, riverine, as presented in the Annual report 2007.
[YUN1]Harmonization of standards for discharges not possible for the moment, different approach.
For Water quality –questionable????