Neill Elementary Event Descriptions

Book Fair

Parents and students can purchase a variety of new books for pre-school through junior high age students at reasonable prices. Volunteers are needed to setup, take down and help with sale of books.

Event date: December 2-3

Planning should begin: At least 1 month in advance

# of volunteers: 20-30 to work preview/sale

Button Sales

Buttons are available for purchase from Neill’s PTO. Volunteers are needed to help design, make the button, and sell buttons at special events.

Event date: various

Planning begins: 1 month prior to an event

# of Volunteers: 2-3 per shift of an event

Carnival Planning

This is a fun-filled evening for the entire family and staff. There will be food, games, and activities for all ages. This is a large event and requires many volunteers to make it a success. Volunteer activities include: planning, set-up, working games, food, activities and clean up.

Event date: May

Planning should begin: Beginning of school

# of Volunteers: 10-15 committee members/ hundreds the day of event

Celebration Book Club

A program that allows families to donate books to the media center in honor of special occasions or people. Volunteers prepare forms, select books with students, maintain book selection, and deliver books to classroom (weekly).

Event date: Ongoing

Planning should begin: Beginning of school

# of Volunteers: 2 or more

Chuck E. Cheese Night

At various dates throughout the school year, the Chuck E. Cheese at Burnsville Mall will donate 15% of the sales from Neill families to the PTO.

Event date: Various

Planning should begin: Beginning of school

Cotton Candy Maker

A tasty way to raise money for Neill! Volunteers make and bag cotton candy for special events.

Event date: Day before and day of special events

Planning should begin: 1 week before event

# of Volunteers: 3 per shift

Early Intervention Readers

Readers meet weekly one on one with students.

Event date: Begins late fall

Planning should begin:

Volunteers needed: varies each year

Fall Fundraiser

A large selection of gift-wrap, food items, and gifts offered. Volunteers are needed to tabulate and distribute orders. This is Neill’s largest fundraiser.

Event date:

- Distribution

Planning should begin: Spring for upcoming school year

# of Volunteers: 5-8 to tabulate orders; 10 or more for distribution

Krafty Kids

An avenue where students can earn money by selling their homemade crafts

Event date: December 3

Planning should begin: 1 month before

# of volunteers: Each responsible for their own booth

Memory Book

Volunteers are needed for picture taking, layout, design, and order processing of the school’s memory book. If you take pictures of your child’s class during the year, please give any duplicates or digital copies you have to the teacher so they can be included in the memory book

Event date: School year

Planning should begin: Beginning of school

# of Volunteers: varies

Neill Clothing Sales

School Spirit clothing is available for purchase during school open house events. This event does not raise money. It is a break even program.

Event date: School year

Planning should begin: Summer before upcoming school year

# of Volunteers: 2 –3 to take shifts running sales booth

Plant and Flower Sale

This event allows families to purchase plants and flowers for their home during the spring season.

Volunteers assist with sorting of orders & distribution.

Event date: May

Planning should begin: 1 – 2 months before event

# of Volunteers: 3 - 4 to help with set-up, 2 - 3 per shift

Rain Gardens

Help maintain and beautify the rain gardens; weeding, edging, planting, picking up garbage, etc.

Event date: Fall and Spring

Planning should begin: 2 weeks prior to event

# of Volunteers: 5 - 10 or more

Winter Family Dance

Fun night filled with dancing, food, contests, and more. This is another large event that requires many volunteers to help plan, decorate, serve food, assist with crafts, etc.

Event date:

Planning should begin: Beginning of school year

# of Volunteers: 60-70

Site Beautification

Neill PTO is committed to setting an example of taking pride in our school by keeping plants and flowers looking nice. Volunteers needed to help in plant selection and maintenance of the planters outside and around the school.

Event date: Year round

Planning should begin: seasonally

# of volunteers: 1 or more

Student Directory

Need to get in touch with someone at Neill? At the beginning of the school year, families can sign up to be part of the directory. Directories are available for purchase and are distributed in October. Volunteers needed to assist with typing and collating.

Event date: Beginning of school

Planning should begin: Beginning of school

# of Volunteers: 2 - 4

Take Charge of Education

This is a fundraising program sponsored by Target stores. Our school will earn 1% of purchases made at a Target store when a Target Visa card is used. The card needs to have Edward Neill Elementary setup as the designated school

Event Date: School year

Planning should begin: Beginning of school

# of Volunteers: None. Only need Neill families to obtain card & assign Neill as their school

Take Home Books

Packets of books prepared according to reading level for Kindergarteners and First Graders to take home and practice reading.

Event date: late fall

Planning should begin: Beginning of school

# of Volunteers: 3 or more

Vendor Redemption Marketing

Volunteers promote the collection of various goods that earn money for our school by creating flyers, making copies, etc..

Event date: All school year

Planning should begin: Beginning of school

# of Volunteers: varies

Vendor Redemption Mailer/Processor

Neill families are encouraged to collect Box Tops (from General Mill/Betty Crocker products),

Campbell’s soup labels, Tyson labels, Milk Tops (Kemps and Milk Moola), Ink Cartridges, etc. and place them in the various collection boxes located in the front hallway. Volunteers are needed to sort, cut, count and bundle the labels that are turned in for cash for our school. Great for doing at home. Pick your own hours.

Event date: All year

Planning should begin: September

# of volunteers: All (collecting labels) - 5 counting/mailing