Preschool Press

Week of March 19

Hello Preschool Families!! We have been working on learning the letter I and also learning the letter O. We have also been finishing our learning unit about Dr. Seuss and we have recently began our new learning unit called “Spring”!! Be on the lookout for our weekly “Goodbye Rhyme” that has been coming home with students each week!! Here are a few reminders and dates to remember:

Scholastic Orders: April book orders are here!! This will be our last book order of the school year, so be sure to get your book orders in before summer break!! These book orders help us to earn free books for our classroom! You may order online or with the paper order forms. When ordering online please include our classroom code: MH7PZ. April book orders are due by April 27.

Kindergarten Information Night: There will be a parent only information night on April 18 at 7 pm for parents with students planning to attend Kindergarten next year.

Preschool Tuition: Our final due date for Preschool tuition will be April 9. Please see Laura in the office to make payments.

Last Day of Preschool: Our last day of Preschool for the 2017-2018 school year will be Friday, May 11.

Preschool Graduation: Our Preschool Graduation celebration will be Thursday, May 10 for our T, TH students and Friday, May 11 for our MWF students. Students should come to school at the normal scheduled time and then we will begin the graduation at 9 AM for our AM classes and 12:30 PM for our PM class. Parents and loved ones are invited to attend. We will have a short performance by our students to showcase some of the things they have been learning this year, followed by a time of refreshments.

•Spring Break: There will be no school March 30 through April 6. School will resume on Monday, April 9.

•Field Trip: Information will be sent home soon regarding our Spring field trip!

Preschool Registration: If you or someone you know is interested in signing a child up for Northview Community Preschool for next year, preschool registration began February 1, 2018 for residents and March 1, 2018 for non-residents. Please call West Oakview if you have any questions.

Building Security: This year we are asking that anyone coming into the building please stop in the office and sign in and get a visitor badge. This would include classroom parties or anytime that you would be spending time in the classroom. Thank you for your cooperation and help in keeping our building safe!! Please also be sure to have a volunteer form on file if you plan to spend time in the classroom.

•Popcorn Day: Our next school popcorn day will be Friday, April 13. If your child wishes to purchase popcorn on popcorn days, each bag is 25 cents.

•Letter Work: We will be learning letter U (Umber Umbrella Bird) during the week of March 26 and we will be learning letter Q (Queenie Quail) during the week of April 9.