Bristol Branch News

Extracted from 2015 Newsletter

This Report is written against a backdrop of two pressures on the Branch: a reluctance of younger GLOSTERS & RGBW Old Comrades to become members in spite of the Secretary’s continual efforts to trace them; and with less income, the increasing Hire costs for use of our Meeting Room. Nevertheless, the Secretary has persuaded some new members and a reasonable attendance is seen at times. New and energetic blood is needed so Readers are encouraged to recruit ….

During the year, the Branch enjoyed its annual coach outing to Dartmouth as organised again by Ken Bartlett and Ron Coleman – our Thanks to both of them; supported the local WW1 commemoration weekend with a photographic exhibition about the GLOSTERS at the RBL Branch at Staple Hill; and laid wreaths at various Memorials on Remembrance Sunday with some members joining a March Past from Staple Hill to Page Park for a Memorial Service. The Secretary attended the city Memorial Service at the Bristol Cenotaph where there was a huge crowd of contingents from all three Services, the Cadets and auxiliary Services. It was disappointing though to note there was no Regimental wreath: a shame considering the number of Bristolians who had served in the GLOSTERS (or RIFLES) in previous wars/ conflicts. (Ed. Noted and passed to RHQ)

One significant event occurred this year - Ken Bartlett’s long serving support to the Branch, the Association and, particularly, the annual outing was recognised with the award of the “President of the Regimental Association Certificate”. Many congratulations Ken.

The Secretary reports that his visits to Old Comrades John Holland in Leicester, Stan Evans in Birmingham and Dave Binding in Derby (a Korean Vet) have added new photographs to the website (www. – A Photographic Memory)

Lawrence Whittle